flowchart TD
subgraph Game
startGame([Start Game]) --> loadLevel[Load Level]
loadLevel --> startRound[[Start Round]]
startRound --> roundWon{RoundWon?}
roundWon --> |no| decreaseLife[Decrease Life]
decreaseLife --> lifeLeft{Any Lifes Left?}
lifeLeft --> |yes| startRound
lifeLeft --> |no| gameOver([Game Over!])
roundWon --> |yes| levelLeft{Any Level Left?}
levelLeft --> |no| gameWon([Game Won!])
levelLeft --> |yes| increaseLevel[Increase Level]
increaseLevel --> |yes| loadLevel
flowchart TD
subgraph Round
startRound(["Start Round"]) --> startSequence[["Start Sequence"]]
startSequence --> move[Move]
move --> collides{Collides?}
collides --> |no| move
collides --> |Wall| roundLost
collides --> |Worm| roundLost
roundLost[RoundLost] --> endRound([End Round])
collides --> |Target| incTargetCount[Increase Target Count]
incTargetCount --> targetsLeft{Any more targets?}
targetsLeft --> |no| openExit
openExit["Open Exit"] --> move
collides ---> |Exit| roundWon[Round Won!]
targetsLeft --> |yes| showNextTarget[Show Next Target]
showNextTarget --> |yes| move
roundWon --> endRound
- Segments should have a constant distance (half segment size)
- The Worm (head) moves an arbritrary amount of px in a step
- All segments move exactly the same amount of px in a step as the head
- All segments move along exactly the same path
flowchart TD
subgraph WormMovement
startStep(["Start Step"]) --> endStep(["End Step"])