Releasing new versions of fabric-ledger-protos for Golang, Node.js and Rust is currently a manual process, although the artifacts required are generated automatically and published for each build.
Download the GoLib
artifact from the build
Use the contents to update the fabric-ledger-protos-go repository with the latest generated code
Create a new fabric-ledger-protos-go release
Download the NodeLib
artifact from the build
Use the contents to publish a new version of the fabric-ledger-protos node module by following the instructions for Creating and publishing scoped public packages, e.g.
npm publish --access public
Download the RustLib
artifact from the build
Use the contents to publish a new version of the fabric_ledger_protos crate by following the instructions for Publishing on, e.g.
cargo publish
Prepare for the next release by updating the version, e.g. Bump version to 0.8.0