A simple code generator, small and pretty. Used to create front&back end code, assist project development, improve software development efficiency. The code generator write by C#, using the mono t4 template engine, built-in multiple code templates, can generate the Asp.Net Mvc, EasyUI, LayUI, Entity Framework, etc.
OS: Windows XP +, Windows Server 2003 +
Environment: .NET 4.0 +
Sql Server
- Download from project's website get the latest version;
- Unzip the file and run: AutoCode.exe;
- Open Setting windows, set English language environment;
- Set database connection source and choose data table;
- Run, code will be generated;
- Copy the source code from the Output folder to your project solution.
Folder purpose: Config folder used for save config, Templates folder used for save template, Output folder used for save generated code.
The generated code depend on class libraries: https://github.com/yuanrui/Examples
The T4 template files stored in the Templates folder. When execute Run, each template file will generate the corresponding source code in Templates sub named folder. Different templates can be classified using folders. The template needs to follow T4 template syntax. The file name ends with .tt or .ttinclude, and a simple template configuration is shown below.
<#@ template language="C#" hostSpecific="true" debug="false" #>
<#@ output encoding="utf-8" extension=".cs" #>
<#@ include file="../TemplateFileManager.ttinclude" #>
CustomHost host = (CustomHost)(Host);
Table table = host.Table;
var manager = Manager.Create(host, GenerationEnvironment);
manager.StartNewFile(table.DisplayName + "Entity.generated.cs", host.GetValue("OutputPath").ToString() + "\\Samples\\Generated");
// <copyright file="<#= table.DisplayName #>Entity.cs">
// Copyright (c) <#= DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy") #>, All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// <author><#= Environment.UserName #></author>
// <date><#= DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") #></date>
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace Banana.Data
/// <summary>
/// <#= string.IsNullOrEmpty(table.Comment) ? string.Format("Table/View [{0}] map to [{1}] entity class", table.Name, table.DisplayName) : table.Comment #>
/// </summary>
public partial class <#= table.DisplayName #>Entity : ICloneable
foreach(var column in table.Columns)
/// <summary>
/// get or set <#= column.Comment #>
/// </summary>
public virtual <#= column.TypeName #> <#= column.Name #> { get; set; }
public virtual <#= table.DisplayName #>Entity CloneFrom(<#= table.DisplayName #>Entity thatObj)
if (thatObj == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("thatObj");
foreach(var column in table.Columns)
this.<#= column.Name #> = thatObj.<#= column.Name #>;
return this;
public virtual <#= table.DisplayName #>Entity CloneTo(<#= table.DisplayName #>Entity thatObj)
if (thatObj == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("thatObj");
foreach(var column in table.Columns)
thatObj.<#= column.Name #> = this.<#= column.Name #>;
return thatObj;
public virtual <#= table.DisplayName #>Entity Clone()
var thatObj = new <#= table.DisplayName #>Entity();
return this.CloneTo(thatObj);
object ICloneable.Clone()
return this.Clone();
host.Table object type is: Table,The include property fields:
Id | Name | Type | Description |
1 | Id | String | database table Id in schema |
2 | Name | String | table name |
3 | Comment | String | table comment |
4 | DisplayName | String | display name, eg: UserEntity, UserManager |
5 | Owner | String | database |
6 | PrimaryKeyIsNumber | Boolean | |
7 | Columns | IList | |
8 | PrimaryKeyColumns | IList | |
9 | NonPrimaryKeyColumns | IList |
Column type include property fields:
Id | Name | Type | Description |
1 | Id | String | column Id |
2 | Name | String | column field name |
3 | RawType | String | column field raw type |
4 | DataType | DbType | .NET DbType |
5 | Type | Type | .NET Type |
6 | TypeName | String | field show type, language base type |
7 | Comment | String | |
8 | IsPrimaryKey | Boolean | |
9 | IsForeignKey | Boolean | |
10 | IsUnique | Boolean | |
11 | IsNullable | Boolean | |
12 | Length | Int32 | |
13 | Precision | Int16 | |
14 | Scale | Int16 | |
15 | Index | Int32 | |
16 | Table | Table | Table object |