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Main Program:
All the required features have been implemented. The code for the lighting has been mainly taken from
The textures have been either created by me or taken from
. The images on the hands on the wall can be found
Some additional features added:
- Anti-aliasing
- Different View matrix for skybox
- Normal map for wall with the window.
Some important packages...
The core classes for generating Computer Graphics are found in here. The classes are extended or used in combination to create the actual scene.
The core code for the animation engine is here. The code is very generic and allows any animation to be created with an object that is "Interpolatable" e.g A hand configuration or simply a number.
This package contains a lot the classes that tie the whole application together. Mainly Scene and Model, these classes abstract a lot of the opengl code to allow for further models and scenes to be more easily implemented.
Maths library created by Dr Steve Maddock similar to glm. Some slight modifications have been made by me. (Changed Near Plane distance, MatrixVector multplication and added a view matrix for sky box)
Contains simple geometry that can be combined to create models. ShaderPrograms can be attached to these models alter their appearance. These have been taken from the labsheets but adapted to be less coupled to perticular shaders.
Contains classes to create 3D objects which are a combination of meshes which have been transformed and textured.
Files specific to the scene we are creating for this project.
Contains glsl files for the vertex and fragment shaders.