If you received a message that was encrypted by one of my AES CBC 256 string encryption-programs here is the decryption only solution for one of the other platforms.
The program follows the usual sequence but starting with decryption:
- enter the random encryption key in Base64 encoding
- enter the complete ciphertext (iv:ciphertext) in Base64 encoding
- start the decryption process
- split the complete ciphertext-string into iv and ciphertext
- Base64 decoding of the encryption key and the ciphertext
- set the decryption parameters (same as used for encryption)
- decrypt the ciphertext and show the resulting plaintext
If you like to see the encryption part see my separate article AES CBC mode 256 string encryption.
Serious notice: although the program looks like simple there is NO CHANCE for recovering the original plaintext without the key used for encryption!
This is a serious warning regarding the security of the programs shown in these article series. Always keep in mind my disclaimer regarding my programs: All programs are for educational purposes and are not intended to use in production or any other programs where a secure solution is needed. The programs do not have proper exceptional/error handling and in some cases they use insecure key lengths or other methods that are insecure. Never ever use the programs in real life unless checked by a qualified professional cryptographer.
The following links provide the solutions in code and an online compiler that runs the code.
Language | available | Online-compiler |
Java | ✅ | repl.it CpcJavaAesCbc256StringDecryptionOnly |
PHP | ✅ | repl.it CpcPhpAesCbc256StringDecryptionOnly |
C# | ✅ | repl.it CpcCsharpAesCbc256StringDecryptionOnly |
Javascript CryptoJs | ✅ | repl.it AesCbc256StringDecryptionOnly |
NodeJS Crypto | ✅ | repl.it CpcNodeJsCryptoAesCbc256StringDecryptionOnly |
NodeJS node-forge | ✅ | repl.it CpcNodeJsAesCbc256StringDecryptionOnly |
Python *1) | ❌ | see the full version |
Dart *2) | ✅ | no online compiler available |
*1) you need the external library pycryptodome, version 3.9.9
*2) you need the external library pointycastle version 3.1.1
This is an output (as there are random elements your output will differ):
AES CBC 256 String Decryption only
* * * Decryption * * *
decryptionKey (Base64): d3+KZq3lsdy5Hgd1VRVQFUhA9jU0PaBHTG2LG2PazQM=
ciphertext (Base64): 8GhkycnbzDo5WbRol5zfCQ==:gQrTOJdobbI4fuCHCfu5eqKFYCaw/AM6xMK2o+xCXB0MeAQ7rFbXAbAE3Ex+bD8c
input is (Base64) iv : (Base64) ciphertext
plaintext: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Last update: Aug. 18th 2021
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