There is plenty of information about these functional libraries from the web. I would like to share some interesting thing I came across from this project.
One thing I like http4s is I don't need to startup the service to test the REST api routes. I can do the unit-tests with the corresponding mocks behind the routes. Please refer to and WebApiSpec.scala
for details.
The http4s middleware is just a wrapper around a route that provides a means of manipulating the request, and/or the response returned by the route.
I use the built in authentication middleware to wrapper a route for GET /links/:linkId
The request is checked for an Authorization
header of a Bearer
token before calling the service. Absence of the authorization information will get an 401
response. Please refer to and WebApi
for details. explains what is mtl and the problem it solves. It is a Haskell project but the concept is more easily understood in Haskell 🙂
The LinkService
unit test only only need to test its logic w/o requiring a real database. Using a mock db that entertains the LinkService
logic will do the job. Depending on the requirement, sometimes the mock db should be able to change the state. I once used var
in the mock db and accidentally discovered the unit test fails to be RT. Although it is unit test code, I don't want to remember which part is not RT and pay special care for it. To solve the problem gracefully, I decided to use state monad. MonadState
comes to the rescue because it is type class, any MonadState
instance is a state monad.
class MockDbForRemoveLink[F[_]: Monad]
(implicit MS: MonadState[F, Int]) // require a MonadState
extends DummyPersistence[F] {
override def remove(id: LinkId): F[Int] =
MS.get <* MS.modify(_ - 1) // state changed after call
To instantiate MockDbForRemoveLink
, I should choose an F
that fulfills both Monad
and MonadState
The following example is valid because there is MonadState[StateT[F, S, ?], S]
new MockDbForRemoveLink[StateT[IO, Int, ?]]
Sometimes the mock db does not only update the state but also raise error in some conditions. It requires both MonadState
and MonadError
class MockDbViolateUniqueKey[F[_]]
(sampleLinkId: LinkId)
(implicit MS: MonadState[F, Set[String]], ME: MonadError[F, Throwable])
extends DummyPersistence[F] {
override def add(link: LinkTypes.Link): F[LinkId] = {
val uniqueKey = linkKey(link.initiatorId, link.targetId)
MS.get.flatMap { set =>
if (set contains uniqueKey)
ME.raiseError(new RuntimeException("""violates unique constraint "unique_unique_key""""))
MS.set(set + uniqueKey) *> ME.pure(sampleLinkId)
To instantiate MockDbViolateUniqueKey
, I should choose an F
that fulfills both MonadState
and MonadError
Both of the following examples are valid.
new MockDbViolateUniqueKey[EitherT[StateT[IO, Set[String], ?], Throwable, ?]]
new MockDbViolateUniqueKey[StateT[EitherT[IO, Throwable, ?], Set[String], ?]]
- First example is valid because
- There is
MonadError[EitherT[F, E, ?], E]
instance and - There is
MonadState[EitherT[F, E, ?], S]
instance whose implementation requires aMonadState[F, S]
instance andMonadState[StateT[M, S, ?], S]
is available here. ThereforeF
isStateT[M, S, ?]
. In this example,M
. Therefore the concrete answer isEitherT[StateT[IO, Set[String], ?], Throwable, ?]
- There is
- Second example is also valid because
- There is
MonadState[StateT[F, S, ?], S]
instance and - There is
MonadError[StateT[F, S, ?], E]
instance whose implementation requires aMonadError[F, E]
instance andMonadError[EitherT[M, E, ?], E]
is available here. ThereforeF
isEitherT[M, E, ?]
. Again,M
. Therefore the concrete answer isStateT[EitherT[IO, Throwable, ?], Set[String], ?]
- There is
I don't know exactly where are these instances located 😅 To make it compile, import the following packages that contain all cats and mtl implicit instances.
import{EitherT, StateT}
import cats.implicits._
import cats.mtl.implicits._
Now we can see the advantages of mtl over monad transfomers. They are type classes only and therefore do not restrict the order of stacking the monads. In the above example, either EitherT[StateT[IO, Set[String], ?], Throwable, ?]
or StateT[EitherT[IO, Throwable, ?], Set[String], ?]
fulfills the requirement of both MonadState
and MonadError
It's pretty straight forward. The main features used in this project:
- Doobie
for custom mapping between application type and types compatible with the database. Details can be referred toDoobie.scala
interpolation for creating sql statements and statement fragments respectively. It only allows to pass column values as variables to these interpolation. Column names must be hardcoded inside the statements. Details can be referred toLinkPersistence.scala
It's quite easy to use.
- Built in encoders and decoders for common primitive types are provided. Custom encoder/decoder is simply made by using encoder
and decodermap
. - Encoder/decoder of case class is easily derived by using
io.circe.generic.semiauto.{deriveEncoder, deriveDecoder}
Details can be referred toLinkTypes.scala
- Http4s provides
that support circe.