Table of Contents
This project aims to develop a secure and user-controlled platform for accessing healthcare details, empowering patients to control their healthcare information while ensuring privacy, security, and seamless interaction with healthcare providers. The platform leverages blockchain technology, smart contracts, and decentralized storage to facilitate secure data exchange and streamline healthcare processes.
A video demonstration of our project : G-Drive for video
The following technologies/libraries/dependencies are used.
- Vite
- Tailwind Css
- autoprefixer
- postcss
- cors
- dotenv
- @pinata/sdk
- classnames
- ethers
- ipfs-http-client
- react
- react-calendar
- react-cookie
- react-dom
- react-router-dom
- react-toastify
- react-tsparticles
- react-typed
- recoil
- tsparticles-slim
- web-vitals
- web3
This is an example of how to set up your project locally. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
Follow the below steps for installing and setting up the app locally
Get a pinata API Key and a secret key at Pinata link
Clone the repo git clone
Install NPM packages npm install
Enter your API details in .env : VITE_PINATA_API_KEY = 'enter api key here' and VITE_PINATA_API_SECRET = 'enter secret key here'