ai-digest action
(2)GitHib Action to run ai-digest CLI. Aggregate multiple files into a single Markdown
file and add it your AI tool of choice.
By adding context to an AI tool you enable it to generate more accurate chat responses and code completions for any subject domain.
Optional The input directory to aggregate content from (default: current directory).
Optional Specify output file (default:
Optional Specify digest log file (default:
Optional Flags passed to ai-digest
(default: '--whitespace-removal --show-output-files').
Total number of files parsed from the input_path
Total number of files included in the output file.
Total number of files ignored.
Total number of binary files in the output file.
Estimated number of tokens in the output file.
uses: kevinobee/ai-digest
input_path: './docs'
output_file: ''
digest_log: ''
ai-digest action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.