This is a template for creating new blog posts. Copy this file to the _posts
directory and rename it following the format:
layout: post title: "Your Post Title Here" date: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS -0600 category: category-name image: "/seo/YYYY-MM-DD.png" tags:
- tag1
- tag2
published: true
Your post content here. Some guidelines:
Use proper markdown formatting
Include code blocks with language specification:
def example(): return "Hello, World!"
Use proper heading hierarchy (H2 -> H3 -> H4, as H1 is reserved for the post title)
Include alt text for images:
- Always include a relevant image in the front matter
- Keep titles under 60 characters
- Use descriptive categories and tags
- Ensure the post has a clear description
- Break up long paragraphs
- Use lists and headings for better readability
- Include code examples where relevant
- Link to related posts when possible