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37 lines (24 loc) · 1.25 KB

File metadata and controls

37 lines (24 loc) · 1.25 KB


At the moment, hubi can only be used via command line, and thus you can script upon it using the API presented on this document.


Show the commands bellow

$ hubi help


Logs the ubiquitous language entities to the console, in order to allow you to read it before saving it (useful for contributors)

$ hubi log --pattern src/*.yml --translator site
  • --pattern | -p is a glob pattern to your domain files, defaults to src/**/*.yml
  • --translator | -t which translator will be use to put the domain files into the console, defaults to log
  • --verbose | -v which allows debugging

⚠️ At the moment we partially support two real translators, site or joi. But you can also play with ubi and log which served as proof of concept to hubi.


$ hubi save --pattern src/*.yml --translator site --same-folder

Saves the ubiquitous language entities into source files

  • the same arguments as log, plus
  • --output | -o is the folder to which files will be saved, defaults to domain
  • --same-folder | -s overides the output flag, by geneating the source file on the same folder as the token's domain file.