All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog,
- Correctly checking for unauthorised requests & missing workspaces
- No longer truncating error messages
- Simplified Tailwind by moving repeated classes into @apply blocks
- Added a fallback when the avatar image cannot be resolved (either its URL is missing, or it is a 404)
- Fixed issue with widget not showing when a member’s org had no associated website
- Fixed issue with null contribution count showing on some GitHub profiles
- Brand new support for Twitter profile pages, LinkedIn profile pages, and Gmail
- Surfacing additional member information from Orbit: Last Active, Identities, Organization and more
- Redesigned the Options page
- We revamped the Extension codebase to make it easier to add new features—and more websites
- Added support for OAuth sign-in through Orbit (#39)
- Run continuous tests through CircleCI (#40)
- Fixed issue with widget not showing when the user is not authenticated (#38)
- Authorization error message now redirects to the options page (#38)
- Removed ability to “Add as content” (#38)
- Fixed issue with widget not showing when navigating to it from the repository homepage (#35)
- Enable hot-reloading for development environments (#33)
- Opening options page on initial install, & making it accessible by clicking the extension icon (#37)
- Fixed an issue with the repository contribution count being incorrect in some cases (#25)
- Fixed an issue with large numbers of GitHub repositories in Orbit failing to save in Chrome storage (#26)
- Upgraded out-of-date dependencies to latest versions (#30)
- Added support for GitHub Discussions (#24)
- Fixed an issue with the widget not displaying on page transitions(4e040d5)
- Better display of Orbit metrics (d5d6c45)
- Fixed an issue with the widget not displaying (ea78b8)
- Fixed an issue where a merged Orbit user would have a different URL slug to their GitHub username
- Fixed API requests for adding content to a member profile
- Changed the format of requests to update some endpoints
0.3.2 - 2020-02-17
- Fixed an issue where multiple Orbit button would sometimes appear.
0.3.1 - 2020-12-07
- We now show the tags of the member inside the GitHub popover, if any
0.3.0 - 2020-11-09
- Move to the new /identities/github API endpoint to get GitHub-related information
- Fixed multiple issues with the new API response
0.2.3 - 2020-08-27
- Following the release of Orbit Model 2.0 (orbit-love/orbit-model#29), Love is now displayed instead of points
- Fixed a Not a Number error with displaying Contributions