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Nick nickthesing
I like to code! I live in Amsterdam and work as a Freelance Front-End Developer & Consultant


Dev By Ray devbyray
Lead Fullstack JavaScript Developer & AI Lead - JavaScript - TypeScript - Angular - Vue - CSS - Git - Nuxt - Netlify - Vercel - Supabase - NodeJS


Bart van der Braak bartvdbraak
DevOps and Platform engineering enthusiast that enjoys the realm of free and open source software and helping others. Currently at Blender.

@blender The Netherlands

Stijn van de Sande svdsande
Software engineer living in the south of The Netherlands. I love to code and play the guitar.

@Alliander Goirle, The Netherlands

Martijn de Heer aptoptout
🧽 Molle & pliante. Developer at @bitsoffreedom, tutor at @kabk.

Bits of Freedom Amsterdam