XMind 8 is a free and open source mind mapping program.
The source code and license for XMind 8 can be found here.
Note that XMind 8 is also available as a flatpak from Flathub. If you're on a compatible platform, installing that flatpak will probably be preferrable to the method described here. The requisite JRE 8 is bundled in the flatpak, as well as all the files and configuration needed to install it as a desktop application.
This repo contains the extra files (not the XMind 8 binaries) needed to do a local install of XMind 8 (not XMind Zen) for a Linux desktop.
Thanks to Scott Lowe for his blog post, Installing XMind 8 on Fedora 27.
Note: XMind 8 requires JRE 8, it will not work with earlier or later versions. Either the OpenJDK 8 or Oracle Java 8 releases will work. The path for JAVA_HOME provided in xmind.sh
assumes the standard install path in most Linux distributions. I advise using Oracle Java 8.
I have changed this recipe to assume the application is being installed to the user's home directory.
- First get the XMind 8 Download for Linux.
- Make a ~/.local/xmind8 directory.
- Extract the xmind-8-update9-linux.zip file into this directory.
- Download xmind.sh, xmind.desktop and xmind.xpm from this repo into that directory.
- Install OpenJDK 8 and extra fonts as root.
- Make a ~/.local/share/fonts/truetype/xmind directory.
- Copy the fonts from ~/.local/xmind8/fonts to that new fonts directory.
- Run fc-cache -f as user.
- Make xmind.sh executable. Create a symlink from ~/.local/xmind8/xmind.sh to ~/.local/bin/xmind.
ln -s ~/.local/xmind8/xmind.sh ~/.local/bin/xmind
- Copy xmind.xpm to ~/.local/share/icons.
- Create ~/.config/xmind/workspace.
- Recursive copy (
cp -r
) ~/.local/xmind8/XMind_amd64/configuration to ~/.config/xmind.cp -r ~/.local/xmind8/XMind_amd64/configuration ~/.config/xmind
- Recursive copy (
cp -r
) /.local/xmind8/XMind_amd64/p2 to ~/.config/xmind.cp -r ~/.local/xmind8/XMind_amd64/p2 ~/.config/xmind
- Edit ~/.local/xmind8/XMind_64/XMind.ini to change paths in lines 2 and 4 as follows:
./configuration to @user.home/.config/xmind/configuration ../workspace to @user.home/.config/xmind/workspace
- Run xmind from a terminal to confirm it works.
- Copy xmind.desktop to ~/.local/share/applications. If on Gnome Shell, verify you can now find it.
- Run XMind 8 by clicking on its icon.