Thank you for considering contributing to our project! To make the process smoother for everyone, please follow these guidelines when contributing.
If you find a bug, please search the issues to see if someone has already reported it. If not, please create a new issue with the following:
- A description of the problem.
- Steps to reproduce the bug.
- Screenshots or logs if applicable.
If you have an idea for a new feature, please open an issue with:
- A clear description of the feature.
- How it would benefit the project.
If you would like to submit code, please ensure that:
- Your code follows the project's coding style.
- You have tested your code thoroughly.
- You provide clear, descriptive commit messages.
- You include documentation if necessary.
- You make sure your PR is based on the latest main branch.
Please ensure your code follows ESLint rules set for this project.
Please follow the Code of Conduct while interacting with the community.
Thank you for helping to make iGotha better!