Data extractors are modules that are integrated within a scanner. They drive the required information from the scanned blocks and store them in their own database. The address extractor is the simplest data extractor that tracks a specific address and stores all boxes belonging to that address. Furthermore, this extractor also can track a list of specific assets within the required address boxes. Currently, the address extractor can only be used to track the ergo addresses.
This module is used within the Scanner project. The address scanner is currently used in the Watcher service to drive the watcher fee boxes and WID box (The watcher box with a specific WID token that is used for watcher authentication).
This project is written in node-js using Esnext module and typeorm database. Extractors are not standalone projects and should be used as scanner modules. You can easily install it using npm with the command:
npm install @rosen-bridge/address-extractor
Alternatively, you can build and use it manually by cloning the project and running:
npm install
npm run build
At the first step, you need to create a scanner instance; follow the steps here to create a running instance of scanner. Then you need to instantiate your address extractor and register it to your scanner:
const addressExtractor = new ErgoUTXOExtractor(