A standalone java application to invest in P2P Lending websites. The framework has been setup multiple P2P originators including Lending Club and Prosper. The Lending Club implementation is actively used, while the Prosper implementation is beta.
###Project Setup This project leverages various external libraries including:
- Spring Framework
- codesnippets4all
- hibernate
The deployment (and dependancies) are maintained via [Maven](https://maven.apache.org/).
Build the project using the mvn command:
mvn clean compile assembly:single
This builds a single jar named *p2p-java-client-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar*
###Deployment The only external setup that is required is:
- Java 1.7 (or greater)
- p2p.properties - All the properties for the project. The location of the file can be overriden with the JVM property -Dproperties
It should be noted, this project code can easily be deployed using AWS.
When new loans are issued, the jar is executed via crontab (with the parameters true) and loans are purchased. For lending club, I use the following crontab schedule.
1 10,14,18,22 * * *
*NOTE:* Servers are in UTC time.
###Framework Major application components:
- LoansSelector - The interface to filter loans. Use this interface to add additional filters for your P2P model.
- OriginatorApi - The interface for the P2P originators. I have integrated with Lending Club and Prosper. When producing this document, Lending Club was heavy tested (and actively used). Use this interface to integrate with other P2P originators.
- com.rp.p2p.model.* - A sloppy data model. This is common data that is used for all originators. This data model is heavly based upon Lending Club's data model.