Status: Pre/Alpha / Exploratory
Sample REST gateway implemented using python and NATS.
The service will be implemented in three forms (basic, basic-distributed and gateway)
Basic functionality:
- Receive REST requests.
- Validate the request (using the schematic library).
- If valid perform a calculation and return the result.
- If invalid return invalid json message to caller.
Basic-distributed functionality:
As 'basic' but with Docker Compose / Swarm containerization.
Gateway functionality:
- Receive REST requests.
- Validate the request (using the schematic library).
- If valid submit the request onto a work queue.
- If invalid return invalid json message to caller.
- One or more workers will consume the requests and perform the calculation.
- The workers then submit the results to an output queue.
- The gateway service listens to the output queue and returns the response.
- Explore the implementation patterns.
- Consider the performance, failure and scalability characteristics of the basic REST implementation compared to the gateway 'competing consumer' pattern.
- Generate some rough data for analysis.
- What are the reliability and performance characterists of the basic REST service?
- Is the service scalable, if so how can it be scaled?
- What are the reliability and performance characteristics of the Gateway service?
- What are the pro's / con's of each and When would you choose one over the other?
A scalable service to produce market 100% probabilities for a football game based on expected goals for both teams. The model will be a 'naive' poisson based statistical one with prices being derived from SciPy calculated correct score grid.
Input POST /football
"game_id": UID,
"home_expected": Float,
"away_expected": Float
Return (Valid)
"game_id": UID,
"home_towin": Float,
"away_towin": Float,
"draw": Float
Code: 200 - OK
Return (Invalid)
"game_id": UID,
"error": String
Code: 400 - Bad Request
- aiohttp will be used as the async http library.
- schematics will be used to define models and validate incoming messages.
- json will be used as the message format.
- SciPy / Numpy will be used to 'do the math'.
python3 -m venv ./venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install aiohttp
pip install cchardet
pip install aiodns
pip install numpy
pip install scipy
pip install schematics
pip freeze > requirements.txt
# Start NATS
docker run -p 4222:4222 -p 8222:8222 -p 6222:6222 --name gnatsd -ti nats:latest
# Valid sample post
curl --data '{"game_id": "qwertyui", "home_expected": 0.1, "away_expected": 1}' http://localhost:8080/football
# InValid sample post
curl --data '{"game_id": "qwertyui", "home_expected": "0.1", "away_expected": -1}' http://localhost:8080/football
# Benchmarking with apache bench (~1000 requests per second with single process as basic REST service)
cd test
ab -c 8 -n 10000 -k -p ./post_data.json http://localhost:8080/football