ssh lxplus
scramv1 project CMSSW CMSSW_5_3_22
cd CMSSW_5_3_22/src/
wget -q -O - --no-check-certificate | sh
git clone UserCode/TopMassSecVtx
scram b -j 9
Note: the ntuplizer is running without pileup jet id and IVF-related b-tagging variables
sh test/topss2014/ [sample=presel,syst,mass,control,pdf]
Will create the base ntuple summary
./scripts/ --rereadXsecWeights /store/cmst3/group/top/summer2015/bbbcb36/ -j test/topss2014/samples.json,test/topss2014/syst_samples.json,test/topss2014/mass_scan_samples.json,test/topss2014/qcd_samples.json,test/topss2014/z_samples.json,test/topss2014/z_syst_samples.json,test/topss2014/photon_samples.json
Will create a pickle file summarizing all the cross section-based normalization to be used
./scripts/ -o treedir -j 8 /store/cmst3/group/top/summer2015/bbbcb36/
./scripts/ -o treedir/syst/ -j 8 /store/cmst3/group/top/summer2015/bbbcb36/syst/
./scripts/ -o treedir/mass_scan/ -j 8 /store/cmst3/group/top/summer2015/bbbcb36/mass_scan/
./scripts/ -o treedir/qcd_control/ -j 8 /store/cmst3/group/top/summer2015/bbbcb36/qcd_control/
./scripts/ -o treedir/z_control/ -j 8 /store/cmst3/group/top/summer2015/bbbcb36/z_control/
./scripts/ -o treedir/photon_control/ -j 8 /store/cmst3/group/top/summer2015/bbbcb36/photon_control/
Creates the SVLInfo/CharmInfo trees with the condensed summary info for the final analysis
./scripts/ treedir/
./scripts/ treedir/syst/
./scripts/ treedir/mass_scan/
./scripts/ treedir/qcd_control/
./scripts/ treedir/z_control/
./scripts/ treedir/photon_control/
Will merge all the chunks and then move them into treedir/Chunks/ There is a version of the trees from Feb10 that is still current in:
You can draw the plots with -l 19701 -j test/topss2014/samples.json -o treedir/plots treedir
./scripts/ treedir/ -j 8 -o outDir/
./scripts/ treedir/ -j 8 -o outDir/
Will run the plots and put them in svlplots/ by default. Also saves the histograms in a cachefile. To rerun only the plotting part, run with -c option. (makeSVLMassHistos takes about 25 min to run with -j 8, makeSVLSystPlots takes about 50 min. Run both with -c to just produce the plots from pre-cached files.)
In order to have correct xsection weights and number of generated events, one needs to run on the eos/ directory first to produce a cache file with the weights, like so:
./scripts/ --rereadXsecWeights /store/cmst3/group/top/summer2015/bbbcb36/ -j test/topss2014/samples.json,test/topss2014/syst_samples.json,test/topss2014/mass_scan_samples.json
Then use
to produce data/MC comparison plots:
./scripts/ treedir/ -j test/topss2014/samples.json -o outDir/
This produces a number of data/MC comparison plots (both from the SVLInfo trees, and from the histograms produced in the LxyTreeAnalysis). Default output directory is plots/. This is based on the script.
The script also produces the DY scale factors and applies them directly. It puts the control plots in a sub-directory called dy_control
. Note that they are read from the cachefile (.svldyscalefactors.pck) by default. To reproduced them from scratch, delete the cachfile first. To produce only the scale factors, use the
script, e.g.
./scripts/ outDir/plotter.root --verbose 5
Notice it is not needed to run it explicitely after has been run.
To print event yields, run
on the output of the script above:
./scripts/ outDir/plotter.root
To extract the parametrization to reweight the number of tracks in the SVtx to data
python scripts/ outDir/plotter.root -v 5
produces MET and m(l,SV) distributions from the non-isolated data control region and stores them in qcd_templates.root. (Takes about 5 min to run. Run with --cached to run from cached files.)
fits the MET distribution in the l+jets signal region, using the shapes from the non-isolated region produced by
and produces m(l,SV) templates scaled according to the outcome of the fit.
It takes as input a runPlotter output file produced by
called scaled_met_inputs.root
with properly scaled MET distributions in the signal region, and a file with the final qcd templates, also produced by
called qcd_templates.root
./scripts/ treedir/ -o svlplots/qcd/
./scripts/ svlplots/qcd/scaled_met_inputs.root svlplots/qcd/qcd_templates.root -s
Prepare the pseudoexperiment inputs, which also prepares the background templates for the fitting model.
./scripts/ treedir -o svlplots/ -v 5
Reads the mass scans, systematics histos, and qcd templates from the corresponding cache files, and produces a pe_inputs.root
file with the input histograms for running pseudo experiments. Also produces the correctly scaled and added background template shapes and writes them to a cache file to be used in the fitting.
Produce summary plots of the pseudoexperiment inputs:
./scripts/ --pe svlplots/pe_inputs.root --rebin 2
By default the plots are put in the input directory, under plots/
./scripts/ -o svlfits/
Prepares the workspace for the fits and put the RooFit workspace and plots in svlfits/ by default. By default, takes .svlmasshistos.pck
and .svlbgtemplates.pck
as input for the shapes. (Takes about 45 min to run.)
./scripts/ svlfits/SVLWorkspace.root svlplots/pe_inputs.root nominal_172v5
Will run the pseudoexperiments for a single variation (e.g. nominal_172v5). Verbose level above 5 prints the result of each channel for each single experiment.
./scripts/ svlfits/SVLWorkspace.root svlplots/pe_inputs.root -s optmrank
Will run all the pseudoexperiments for all variation on batch. The output (and individual scripts) will be stored under svlPEJobs/
. Use -f --filter
option to process only selected variations.
./scripts/ --calib svlPEJobs/optmrank/Apr25/
Will parse the summaries of the pseudo-experiments and produce a calibration file.
./scripts/ svlfits/SVLWorkspace.root svlplots/pe_inputs.root -c svlPEJobs/optmrank/Apr25/.svlcalib.pck -s optmrank
Will run the calibrated pseudo-experiments
./scripts/ --syst svlPEJobs_calib/optmrank/Apr25/.svlcalib.pck
Will printout the "final" systematics table
Run the fits on the data to produce the fitting plots and print the final mass results. This also produces a data_results.root
file that contains the numbers in PE format for the other scripts to read.
./scripts/ svlfits/Oct13/SVLWorkspace.root svlplots/Oct13/pe_inputs.root -v 5 -o svlplots/Feb18/ -c svlPEJobs/inclusive/Oct13/.svlcalib.pck
Add the --dataresults
option to
to make the final summary plot. Note that this also includes the correct statistical uncertainty from the data.
./scripts/ --syst svlPEJobs_calib/inclusive/Oct13/.svlcalib.pck -o svlplots/Feb18/ --dataresults svlplots/Feb18/
./scripts/ -i treedir/z_control -o outDir/z_control/plots/ --doScales --weightPt --vetoCentral --filter 23
./scripts/ -i treedir/ -o outDir/control/plots/ --filter -143,-121,-169
After creating the workspace you can use it directly by using -w workspace.root instead of -i ntuple_dir
deprecated (not sensitive enough)
./scripts/ -i treedir/photon_control -o outDir/photon_control/plots/ --weightPt --rebin 2
./scripts/ -i treedir/qcd_control -o outDir/qcd_control/plots/ --weightPt --onlyCentral --minLxySig 10
Uses to steer the steps of the analysis (from ntuple creation to unfolding and plotting)