A Swift port of the lovely Siilinkari. Examples of @dynamicMemberLookup
and @dynamicCallable
cd Repl && swift run && cd -
docker-compose run --rm repl
var a = stringArrayOfSize(3, "")
var done = false
var i = 0
while (!done) { stringArraySet(a, i, "item" + i); i = i + 1; if (i==stringArrayLength(a)) done=true }
stringArrayGet(a, 2)
fun pow(a: Int, n: Int): Int = unless (n == 0 ) a * pow(a, n-1) else 1
pow(2, 8)
More in the Prelude.
swift test
docker-compose run --rm tests
Juha Komulainen and others listed in the LICENSE.