Use not
passing it the spec you'd like to negate:
import s from "./speco";
const notNumberSpec = s.not(s.NUM);
s.isValid(notNumberSpec, "2");
// => true
s.isValid(notNumberSpec, 3);
// => false
s.isValid(notNumberSpec, {});
// => true
s.isValid(s.not(notNumberSpec), 3);
// => true
returns a spec so it can be composed using any other function for composing specs.
Use and
passing it all the specs that a value should satisfy:
Example specifying a value that is an even number:
import s from "./speco";
const isEven = (n) => n%2 === 0;
const numberAndEvenSpec = s.and(
s.isValid(numberAndEvenSpec, "2");
// => false
s.isValid(numberAndEvenSpec, 2);
// => true
returns a spec so it can be composed using any other function for composing specs.
Example using not
and the precious spec to specify a value that is not even or not a number:
import s from "./speco";
const isEven = (n) => n%2 === 0;
const numberAndEvenSpec = s.and(
const notNumberOrNotEvenSpec = s.not(numberAndEvenSpec);
s.isValid(notNumberOrNotEvenSpec, "2");
// => true
s.isValid(notNumberOrNotEvenSpec, 2);
// => false
s.isValid(notNumberOrNotEvenSpec, 3);
// => true
Another example using and
several times:
import s from "./speco";
const usingSeveralAndsSpec = s.and(
s.pred((n) => n%10 === 0),
s.and(s.NUM,s.pred((n) => `${n}`.indexOf("2") >= 0))
s.isValid(usingSeveralAndsSpec, 20);
// => true
s.isValid(usingSeveralAndsSpec, 30);
// => false
Use or
passing it all the specs that a value may satisfy:
Example specifying a value that may be an even number or 5:
import s from "./speco";
const isEven = (n) => n%2 === 0;
const isFive = (n) => n === 5;
const evenOrFiveSpec = s.or(
s.and(s.NUM, s.pred(isEven)),
s.and(s.NUM, s.pred(isFive))
s.isValid(evenOrFiveSpec, "2");
// => false
s.isValid(evenOrFiveSpec, 2);
// => true
s.isValid(evenOrFiveSpec, 3);
// => false
s.isValid(evenOrFiveSpec, 5);
// => true
returns a spec so it can be composed using any other function for composing specs.
import s from "./speco";
const isEven = (n) => n%2 === 0;
const stringOrEvenSpec = s.or(s.STRING, s.pred(isEven));
s.isValid(stringOrEvenSpec, 3);
// => false
s.isValid(stringOrEvenSpec, 2);
// => true
s.isValid(stringOrEvenSpec, "5");
// => true
const noStringAndOddSpec = s.not(stringOrEvenSpec);
s.isValid(noStringAndOddSpec, 3);
// => true
s.isValid(noStringAndOddSpec, 2);
// => false
s.isValid(noStringAndOddSpec, "5");
// => false