A strongly typed Target
alternative for FAKE
open BlackFox.Fake
// A task with no dependencies
let paketRestore = BuildTask.create "PaketRestore" [] {
// ...
// A task that need the restore to be done and should run after Clean
// if it is in the build chain
let build = BuildTask.create "Build" [clean.IfNeeded; paketRestore] {
// ...
// A task without any action, only dependencies here specifying what should
// run in CI
let _ci = BuildTask.createEmpty "CI" [clean; build]
BuildTask.runOrDefault build
You can find a more explanatory blog here
module BlackFox.Fake.BuildTask
/// What FAKE name a target
type TaskMetadata = {
Name: string
Dependencies: TaskInfo list
/// Dependency (Soft or Hard) to a target (That can be a null object)
type TaskInfo = {
Metadata: TaskMetadata option
IsSoft: bool
static member NoTask
member this.Always with get()
member this.IfNeeded with get()
member this.If(condition: bool)
/// Define a Task with it's dependencies
let createFn (name: string) (dependencies: TaskInfo list) (body: TargetParameter -> unit): TaskInfo
/// Define a Task with it's dependencies
let create (name: string) (dependencies: TaskInfo list): TaskBuilder
/// Define a Task without any body, only dependencies
let createEmpty (name: string) (dependencies: TaskInfo list): TaskInfo
/// Run the task specified on the command line if there was one or the
/// default one otherwise.
let runOrDefault (defaultTask: TaskInfo): unit
/// Run the task specified on the command line if there was one or the
/// default one otherwise.
let runOrDefaultWithArguments (defaultTask: TaskInfo): unit
/// Runs the task given by the target parameter or lists the available targets
let runOrList (): unit
/// List all tasks available.
let listAvailable (): unit
/// Writes a dependency graph.
let printDependencyGraph (verbose: bool) (taskInfo: TaskInfo): unit
/// Setup the FAKE context from a program argument
/// Arguments are the same as the ones comming after "run" when running via FAKE.
/// The only difference is that "--target" is apended if the first argument doesn't start with "-".
/// Examples:
/// * `foo` -> `run --target foo`
/// * `--target bar --baz` -> `run --target bar --baz`
let setupContextFromArgv (argv: string []): unit
/// Run the task specified on the command line if there was one or the
/// default one otherwise. Return 0 on success and 1 on error, printing
/// the exception on the console.
let runOrDefaultApp (defaultTask: TaskInfo): int
/// Runs the task given by the target parameter or lists the available targets.
/// Return 0 on success and 1 on error, printing the exception on the console.
let runOrListApp (): int