This repository contains the hackathon python project by skill academy, which demonstrate a variety of concepts, including:
- Pattern generation.
- Number analysis using user input.
- Inventory management using object-oriented programming (OOP).
- Prime number validation and series generation. These programs provide examples of Python's versatility in solving mathematical problems, working with loops and conditions, and implementing object-oriented concepts.
- Programming Language:
- Python 3
- Key Concepts:
- Loops: for and while loops are used for iterating over sequences and conditions.
- Conditionals: if-else statements determine logical branches.
- Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): a) Encapsulation via classes (Item, Inventory). b) Modular and reusable design.
- Mathematical Operations:
- Sum, product, and absolute difference computations.
- Prime number validation using modulus and iteration.
- User Interaction:
- Use of input() for collecting user data.
- Input validation for odd/even numbers and positive integers. 5.Formatting:
- f-strings: Used for neatly formatting output.
- Tabular Display: Inventory details are formatted for better readability.