2020-04-01 Trending Monthly
- All Languages
- c
- c++
- css
- html
- python
- typescript
- unknown
- 1c-enterprise
- abap
- abnf
- actionscript
- ada
- adobe-font-metrics
- agda
- ags-script
- alloy
- alpine-abuild
- altium-designer
- ampl
- angelscript
- ant-build-system
- antlr
- apacheconf
- apex
- api-blueprint
- apl
- apollo-guidance-computer
- applescript
- arc
- asciidoc
- asn.1
- asp
- aspectj
- assembly
- asymptote
- ats
- augeas
- autohotkey
- autoit
- awk
- ballerina
- batchfile
- befunge
- bison
- bitbake
- blade
- blitzbasic
- blitzmax
- bluespec
- boo
- brainfuck
- brightscript
- zeek
- c
- c%23
- c++
- c-objdump
- c2hs-haskell
- cabal-config
- cap'n-proto
- cartocss
- ceylon
- chapel
- charity
- chuck
- cirru
- clarion
- clean
- click
- clips
- clojure
- closure-templates
- cloud-firestore-security-rules
- cmake
- cobol
- coffeescript
- coldfusion
- coldfusion-cfc
- collada
- common-lisp
- common-workflow-language
- component-pascal
- conll-u
- cool
- coq
- cpp-objdump
- creole
- crystal
- cson
- csound
- csound-document
- csound-score
- css
- csv
- cuda
- cweb
- cycript
- cython
- d
- d-objdump
- darcs-patch
- dart
- dataweave
- desktop
- dhall
- diff
- digital-command-language
- dm
- dns-zone
- dockerfile
- dogescript
- dtrace
- dylan
- e
- eagle
- easybuild
- ebnf
- ec
- ecere-projects
- ecl
- eclipse
- edje-data-collection
- edn
- eiffel
- ejs
- elixir
- elm
- emacs-lisp
- emberscript
- eml
- eq
- erlang
- f%23
- f*
- factor
- fancy
- fantom
- figlet-font
- filebench-wml
- filterscript
- fish
- flux
- formatted
- forth
- fortran
- freemarker
- frege
- g-code
- game-maker-language
- gams
- gap
- gcc-machine-description
- gdb
- gdscript
- genie
- genshi
- gentoo-ebuild
- gentoo-eclass
- gerber-image
- gettext-catalog
- gherkin
- git-attributes
- git-config
- glsl
- glyph
- glyph-bitmap-distribution-format
- gn
- gnuplot
- go
- golo
- gosu
- grace
- gradle
- grammatical-framework
- graph-modeling-language
- graphql
- graphviz-(dot)
- groovy
- groovy-server-pages
- hack
- haml
- handlebars
- haproxy
- harbour
- haskell
- haxe
- hcl
- hiveql
- hlsl
- holyc
- html
- html+django
- html+ecr
- html+eex
- html+erb
- html+php
- html+razor
- http
- hxml
- hy
- hyphy
- idl
- idris
- igor-pro
- inform-7
- ini
- inno-setup
- io
- ioke
- irc-log
- isabelle
- isabelle-root
- j
- jasmin
- java
- java-properties
- java-server-pages
- javascript
- javascript+erb
- jflex
- jison
- jison-lex
- jolie
- json
- json-with-comments
- json5
- jsoniq
- jsonld
- jsonnet
- jsx
- julia
- jupyter-notebook
- kicad-layout
- kicad-legacy-layout
- kicad-schematic
- kit
- kotlin
- krl
- labview
- lasso
- latte
- lean
- less
- lex
- lfe
- lilypond
- limbo
- linker-script
- linux-kernel-module
- liquid
- literate-agda
- literate-coffeescript
- literate-haskell
- livescript
- llvm
- logos
- logtalk
- lolcode
- lookml
- loomscript
- lsl
- lua
- m
- m4
- m4sugar
- makefile
- mako
- markdown
- marko
- mask
- mathematica
- matlab
- maven-pom
- max
- maxscript
- mcfunction
- mediawiki
- mercury
- meson
- metal
- minid
- mirah
- modelica
- modula-2
- modula-3
- module-management-system
- monkey
- moocode
- moonscript
- motorola-68k-assembly
- mql4
- mql5
- mtml
- muf
- mupad
- myghty
- nanorc
- ncl
- nearley
- nemerle
- nesc
- netlinx
- netlinx+erb
- netlogo
- newlisp
- nextflow
- nginx
- nim
- ninja
- nit
- nix
- nl
- nsis
- nu
- numpy
- objdump
- objective-c
- objective-c++
- objective-j
- objectscript
- ocaml
- omgrofl
- ooc
- opa
- opal
- opencl
- openedge-abl
- openrc-runscript
- openscad
- opentype-feature-file
- org
- ox
- oxygene
- oz
- p4
- pan
- papyrus
- parrot
- parrot-assembly
- parrot-internal-representation
- pascal
- pawn
- pep8
- perl
- perl-6
- php
- pic
- pickle
- picolisp
- piglatin
- pike
- plpgsql
- plsql
- pod
- pod-6
- pogoscript
- pony
- postcss
- postscript
- pov-ray-sdl
- powerbuilder
- powershell
- processing
- prolog
- propeller-spin
- protocol-buffer
- public-key
- pug
- puppet
- pure-data
- purebasic
- purescript
- python
- python-console
- python-traceback
- q
- qmake
- qml
- quake
- r
- racket
- ragel
- raml
- rascal
- raw-token-data
- rdoc
- realbasic
- reason
- rebol
- red
- redcode
- regular-expression
- ren'py
- renderscript
- restructuredtext
- rexx
- rhtml
- rich-text-format
- ring
- rmarkdown
- robotframework
- roff
- roff-manpage
- rouge
- rpc
- rpm-spec
- ruby
- runoff
- rust
- sage
- saltstack
- sas
- sass
- scala
- scaml
- scheme
- scilab
- scss
- sed
- self
- shaderlab
- shell
- shellsession
- shen
- slash
- slice
- slim
- smali
- smalltalk
- smarty
- smt
- solidity
- sourcepawn
- sparql
- spline-font-database
- sqf
- sql
- sqlpl
- squirrel
- srecode-template
- ssh-config
- stan
- standard-ml
- stata
- ston
- stylus
- subrip-text
- sugarss
- supercollider
- svg
- swift
- systemverilog
- tcl
- tcsh
- tea
- terra
- tex
- text
- textile
- thrift
- ti-program
- tla
- toml
- tsql
- tsx
- turing
- turtle
- twig
- txl
- type-language
- typescript
- unified-parallel-c
- unity3d-asset
- unix-assembly
- uno
- unrealscript
- urweb
- vala
- vcl
- verilog
- vhdl
- vim-script
- visual-basic
- volt
- vue
- wavefront-material
- wavefront-object
- wdl
- web-ontology-language
- webassembly
- webidl
- webvtt
- windows-registry-entries
- wisp
- wollok
- world-of-warcraft-addon-data
- x-bitmap
- x-font-directory-index
- x-pixmap
- x10
- xbase
- xc
- xcompose
- xml
- xojo
- xpages
- xproc
- xquery
- xs
- xslt
- xtend
- yacc
- yaml
- yang
- yara
- yasnippet
- zap
- zeek
- zenscript
- zephir
- zig
- zil
- zimpl
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
COVID-19 | 18,112 | 8,954 | Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases, provided by JHU CSSE | |
fucking-algorithm | 15,996 | 2,452 | 手把手撕LeetCode题目,扒各种算法套路的裤子。English version supported! Crack LeetCode, not only how, but also why. | |
JavaGuide | 73,553 | Java | 25,241 | 【Java学习+面试指南】 一份涵盖大部分Java程序员所需要掌握的核心知识。 |
manim | 19,399 | Python | 2,337 | Animation engine for explanatory math videos |
JavaFamily | 9,653 | 1,826 | 【互联网一线大厂面试+学习指南】 | |
PRML | 8,175 | Jupyter Notebook | 2,471 | PRML algorithms implemented in Python |
OnJava8 | 6,976 | 1,940 | 《On Java 8》中文版,又名《Java编程思想》 第5版 | |
7days-golang | 3,283 | Go | 325 | 7 days golang apps from scratch (web framework Gee, distributed cache GeeCache, object relational mapping ORM framework GeeORM etc) 7天用Go动手写/从零实现系列 |
advanced-java | 41,249 | Java | 11,380 | 😮 互联网 Java 工程师进阶知识完全扫盲:涵盖高并发、分布式、高可用、微服务、海量数据处理等领域知识,后端同学必看,前端同学也可学习 |
vue | 160,506 | JavaScript | 24,245 | 🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web. |
fanqiang | 15,920 | Rich Text Format | 3,776 | 翻墙-科学上网 |
papers-we-love | 39,413 | Shell | 3,569 | Papers from the computer science community to read and discuss. |
vue-element-admin | 51,612 | Vue | 17,770 | 🎉 A magical vue admin https://panjiachen.github.io/vue-element-admin |
litemall | 12,058 | Java | 4,816 | 又一个小商城。litemall = Spring Boot后端 + Vue管理员前端 + 微信小程序用户前端 + Vue用户移动端 |
mall | 32,133 | Java | 13,579 | mall项目是一套电商系统,包括前台商城系统及后台管理系统,基于SpringBoot+MyBatis实现,采用Docker容器化部署。 前台商城系统包含首页门户、商品推荐、商品搜索、商品展示、购物车、订单流程、会员中心、客户服务、帮助中心等模块。 后台管理系统包含商品管理、订单管理、会员管理、促销管理、运营管理、内容管理、统计报表、财务管理、权限管理、设置等模块。 |
obs-studio | 17,552 | C | 3,510 | OBS Studio - Free and open source software for live streaming and screen recording |
CS-Notes | 96,075 | Java | 31,232 | 📚 技术面试必备基础知识、Leetcode、计算机操作系统、计算机网络、系统设计、Java、Python、C++ |
miaosha | 14,689 | Java | 3,439 | ⭐⭐⭐⭐秒杀系统设计与实现.互联网工程师进阶与分析🙋🐓 |
dubbo | 31,628 | Java | 20,676 | Apache Dubbo is a high-performance, java based, open source RPC framework. |
google-research | 8,979 | Jupyter Notebook | 1,607 | Google Research |
spring-cloud-alibaba | 12,332 | Java | 3,590 | Spring Cloud Alibaba provides a one-stop solution for application development for the distributed solutions of Alibaba middleware. |
zju-icicles | 16,763 | C | 5,163 | 浙江大学课程攻略共享计划 |
newbee-mall | 3,460 | Java | 879 | newbee-mall 项目(新蜂商城)是一套电商系统,包括 newbee-mall 商城系统及 newbee-mall-admin 商城后台管理系统,基于 Spring Boot 2.X 及相关技术栈开发。 前台商城系统包含首页门户、商品分类、新品上线、首页轮播、商品推荐、商品搜索、商品展示、购物车、订单结算、订单流程、个人订单管理、会员中心、帮助中心等模块。 后台管理系统包含数据面板、轮播图管... |
laravel | 58,390 | PHP | 18,214 | A PHP framework for web artisans |
lx-music-desktop | 4,490 | JavaScript | 766 | 一个基于 electron 的音乐软件 |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
obs-studio | 17,552 | C | 3,510 | OBS Studio - Free and open source software for live streaming and screen recording |
zju-icicles | 16,763 | C | 5,163 | 浙江大学课程攻略共享计划 |
OpenCorePkg | 1,650 | C | 279 | OpenCore front end |
lede | 9,202 | C | 8,565 | Lean's OpenWrt source |
ish | 5,654 | C | 321 | Linux shell for iOS |
coturn | 4,131 | C | 954 | coturn TURN server project |
scrcpy | 27,504 | C | 2,721 | Display and control your Android device |
DOOM | 5,167 | C | 963 | DOOM Open Source Release |
janus-gateway | 3,510 | C | 1,296 | Janus WebRTC Server |
nginx-rtmp-module | 9,173 | C | 2,693 | NGINX-based Media Streaming Server |
ijkplayer | 26,089 | C | 6,810 | Android/iOS video player based on FFmpeg n3.4, with MediaCodec, VideoToolbox support. |
xLua | 5,457 | C | 1,718 | xLua is a lua programming solution for C# ( Unity, .Net, Mono) , it supports android, ios, windows, linux, osx, etc. |
FFmpeg | 18,858 | C | 6,665 | Mirror of git://source.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.git |
st | 764 | C | 541 | Luke's fork of the suckless simple terminal (st) with vim bindings and Xresource compatibility. |
ncnn | 8,430 | C | 2,212 | ncnn is a high-performance neural network inference framework optimized for the mobile platform |
blender | 284 | C | 73 | Official mirror of Blender |
Trojan-Qt5 | 954 | C | 105 | A cross-platform trojan GUI client based on Shadowsocks-qt. See you guys soon... |
openwrt | 585 | C | 523 | Lienol's Modified OpenWrt source |
CloverBootloader | 1,505 | C | 185 | Bootloader for macOS, Windows and Linux in UEFI and in legacy mode |
matrix | 6,887 | C | 918 | Matrix is a plugin style, non-invasive APM system developed by WeChat. |
domoticz | 2,595 | C | 970 | Open source Home Automation System |
linux | 88,798 | C | 30,988 | Linux kernel source tree |
Atmosphere | 4,164 | C | 473 | Atmosphère is a work-in-progress customized firmware for the Nintendo Switch. |
lvgl | 3,290 | C | 734 | Powerful and easy-to-use embedded GUI with many widgets, advanced visual effects (opacity, antialiasing, animations) and low memory requirements (16K RAM, 64K Flash). |
luci | 2,488 | JavaScript | 1,267 | LuCI - OpenWrt Configuration Interface |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
mediapipe | 6,068 | C++ | 1,080 | MediaPipe is a cross-platform framework for building multimodal applied machine learning pipelines |
libfacedetection | 9,183 | C++ | 2,547 | An open source library for face detection in images. The face detection speed can reach 1000FPS. |
srs | 7,853 | C++ | 2,816 | SRS is a RTMP/HLS/WebRTC/SRT/GB28181 streaming cluster, high efficiency, stable and simple. |
tensorflow | 142,629 | C++ | 80,562 | An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone |
incubator-brpc | 9,820 | C++ | 2,387 | Industrial-grade RPC framework used throughout Baidu, with 1,000,000+ instances and thousands kinds of services, called "baidu-rpc" inside Baidu. |
opencv | 43,227 | C++ | 34,094 | Open Source Computer Vision Library |
subconverter | 1,288 | C++ | 302 | Utility to convert between various subscription format |
pytorch | 37,347 | C++ | 9,489 | Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration |
Magisk | 10,280 | C++ | 1,697 | The Magic Mask for Android |
RedisDesktopManager | 15,301 | C++ | 2,577 | 🔧 Cross-platform GUI management tool for Redis |
rapidjson | 9,065 | C++ | 2,476 | A fast JSON parser/generator for C++ with both SAX/DOM style API |
MMKV | 9,557 | C++ | 1,040 | An efficient, small mobile key-value storage framework developed by WeChat. Works on Android, iOS, macOS, Windows and POSIX. |
googletest | 14,841 | C++ | 5,950 | Googletest - Google Testing and Mocking Framework |
mars | 14,230 | C++ | 2,951 | Mars is a cross-platform network component developed by WeChat. |
or-tools | 5,430 | C++ | 1,163 | Google's Operations Research tools: |
PowerToys | 16,624 | C++ | 833 | Windows system utilities to maximize productivity |
MultiMC5 | 1,272 | C++ | 317 | A custom launcher for Minecraft that allows you to easily manage multiple installations of Minecraft at once |
interview | 10,209 | C++ | 3,199 | 📚 C/C++ 技术面试基础知识总结,包括语言、程序库、数据结构、算法、系统、网络、链接装载库等知识及面试经验、招聘、内推等信息。 |
xournalpp | 1,413 | C++ | 216 | Xournal++ is a handwriting notetaking software with PDF annotation support. Written in C++ with GTK3, supporting Linux (e.g. Ubuntu, Debian, Arch, SUSE), macOS and Windows 10. Supports pen input from ... |
TensorRT | 2,075 | C++ | 436 | TensorRT is a C++ library for high performance inference on NVIDIA GPUs and deep learning accelerators. |
dolphin | 6,090 | C++ | 1,397 | Dolphin is a GameCube / Wii emulator, allowing you to play games for these two platforms on PC with improvements. |
yuzu | 9,844 | C++ | 701 | Nintendo Switch Emulator |
TrafficMonitor | 7,067 | C++ | 918 | 这是一个用于显示当前网速、CPU及内存利用率的桌面悬浮窗软件,并支持任务栏显示,支持更换皮肤。 |
navicat-keygen | 350 | C++ | 189 | |
mumble | 3,019 | C++ | 693 | Mumble is an open source, low-latency, high quality voice chat software primarily intended for use while gaming. |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
weui-wxss | 12,296 | CSS | 4,283 | A UI library by WeChat official design team, includes the most useful widgets/modules. |
my-mac-os | 16,559 | CSS | 730 | List of applications and tools that make my macOS experience even more amazing |
InternetArchitect | 220 | CSS | 325 | 年薪百万互联网架构师课程文档及源码(公开部分) |
iview-weapp | 5,459 | CSS | 1,046 | 一套高质量的微信小程序 UI 组件库 |
css.gg | 3,172 | CSS | 120 | 500+ CSS Icons. Customizable, Retina Ready with API & NPM |
hexo-theme-next | 15,123 | CSS | 3,827 | Elegant theme for Hexo. |
LoveIt | 215 | CSS | 109 | 🚀A clean, elegant but advanced blog theme for Hugo |
material-dashboard | 8,912 | CSS | 1,135 | Material Dashboard - Open Source Bootstrap 4 Material Design Admin |
tailwind-starter-kit | 1,082 | CSS | 116 | Tailwind Starter Kit a beautiful extension for TailwindCSS, Free and Open Source |
whatsapp-desktop-dark | 530 | CSS | 67 | Dark mode for WhatsApp desktop official version (Windows & macOS) |
hexo-theme-next | 5,318 | CSS | 1,638 | Elegant and powerful theme for Hexo. |
shadowrocket | 1,036 | CSS | 189 | Shadowrocket 小火箭在线安装, 共享Shadowrocket 小火箭账号,苹果手机ss、ssr V2ray 客户端,支持正版,谢谢! |
weui | 24,324 | CSS | 6,178 | A UI library by WeChat official design team, includes the most useful widgets/modules in mobile web applications. |
normalize.css | 38,240 | CSS | 8,158 | A modern alternative to CSS resets |
Basic-Video-Call | 214 | CSS | 344 | Sample app to join/leave a channel, mute/unmute, enable/disable the video, and switch between front/rear cameras. |
hexo-theme-butterfly | 707 | CSS | 180 | A Hexo Theme: Butterfly |
hacker101 | 11,160 | CSS | 1,562 | Hacker101 |
huxpro.github.io | 5,140 | CSS | 3,633 | My Blog / Jekyll Themes / PWA |
hexo-theme-sakura | 377 | CSS | 138 | |
transmission-web-control | 2,098 | CSS | 390 | 一个 Transmission 浏览器管理界面。Transmission Web Control is a custom web UI. |
Opencore-Vanilla-Desktop-Guide | 236 | CSS | 61 | Host for files for the OpenCore Vanilla Desktop Guide |
hexo-theme-ayer | 361 | CSS | 109 | a clean and elegant theme for Hexo. |
bulma | 39,085 | CSS | 3,307 | Modern CSS framework based on Flexbox |
vscode-docs | 2,872 | CSS | 2,316 | Public documentation for Visual Studio Code |
ChineseBQB | 6,804 | CSS | 728 | Chinese sticker pack,More joy / 表情包的博物馆, Github最有毒的仓库, 中国表情包大集合, 聚欢乐~ |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
REKCARC-TSC-UHT | 13,143 | HTML | 3,783 | 清华大学计算机系课程攻略 Guidance for courses in Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University |
nndl.github.io | 11,370 | HTML | 2,571 | 《神经网络与深度学习》 邱锡鹏著 Neural Network and Deep Learning |
Awesome-CS-Books | 648 | HTML | 409 | 📚 Awesome CS Books/Series(.pdf by git lfs) Warehouse for Geeks, ProgrammingLanguage, SoftwareEngineering, Web, AI, ServerSideApplication, Infrastructure, FE etc. 💫 优秀计算机科学与技术领域相关的书籍归档。 |
Coursera-ML-AndrewNg-Notes | 15,574 | HTML | 6,129 | 吴恩达老师的机器学习课程个人笔记 |
Markdown-Resume | 839 | HTML | 551 | ⭐️ Markdown 简历模版 |
fluxion | 2,272 | HTML | 811 | Fluxion is a remake of linset by vk496 with less bugs and enhanced functionality. |
OpenClash | 1,000 | HTML | 227 | A Clash Client For OpenWrt |
luci-app-clash | 480 | HTML | 115 | Luci interface for Clash Openwrt |
Java-Interview-Advanced | 1,631 | HTML | 745 | 中华石杉--互联网Java进阶面试训练营 |
DetectionLab | 1,940 | HTML | 402 | Vagrant & Packer scripts to build a lab environment complete with security tooling and logging best practices |
hexo-theme-matery | 1,843 | HTML | 480 | A beautiful hexo blog theme with material design and responsive design.一个基于材料设计和响应式设计而成的全面、美观的Hexo主题。 |
tools | 1,253 | HTML | 400 | Codelabs management & hosting tools |
ACL4SSR | 4,458 | HTML | 864 | SSR 去广告ACL规则/SS完整GFWList规则/Clash规则碎片,Telegram频道订阅地址 |
speedtest | 3,482 | HTML | 900 | Self-hosted Speedtest for HTML5 and more. Easy setup, examples, configurable, mobile friendly. Supports PHP, Node, Multiple servers, and more |
blackeye | 1,504 | HTML | 588 | The most complete Phishing Tool, with 32 templates +1 customizable |
examples | 358 | HTML | 166 | Example projects that demonstrate how to use Expo APIs and integrate Expo with other popular tools |
flag-icon-css | 6,630 | HTML | 947 | 🎏 A collection of all country flags in SVG — plus the CSS for easier integration |
fastclick | 17,993 | HTML | 3,216 | Polyfill to remove click delays on browsers with touch UIs |
geektime-ELK | 494 | HTML | 1,247 | ELK Training |
mxgraph | 4,949 | HTML | 1,312 | mxGraph is a fully client side JavaScript diagramming library |
wechat_web_devtools | 2,286 | HTML | 387 | 微信开发者工具(微信小程序)linux完美支持 |
mkdocs-material | 3,248 | HTML | 885 | A Material Design theme for MkDocs |
calico | 1,660 | HTML | 459 | Cloud native networking and network security |
portainer | 14,271 | HTML | 1,349 | Making Docker management easy. |
qiubaiying.github.io | 2,160 | HTML | 6,337 | BY Blog -> |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
manim | 19,399 | Python | 2,337 | Animation engine for explanatory math videos |
HanLP | 18,663 | Python | 5,167 | Natural Language Processing for the next decade. Tokenization, Part-of-Speech Tagging, Named Entity Recognition, Syntactic & Semantic Dependency Parsing, Document Classification |
GitHub-Chinese-Top-Charts | 17,093 | Python | 2,225 | 🇨🇳 GitHub中文排行榜,帮助你发现高分优秀中文项目、更高效地吸收国人的优秀经验成果;榜单每周更新一次,敬请关注!(武汉加油!中国加油!世界加油!) |
stanza | 3,741 | Python | 477 | Official Stanford NLP Python Library for Many Human Languages |
funNLP | 18,459 | Python | 5,520 | 中英文敏感词、语言检测、中外手机/电话归属地/运营商查询、名字推断性别、手机号抽取、身份证抽取、邮箱抽取、中日文人名库、中文缩写库、拆字词典、词汇情感值、停用词、反动词表、暴恐词表、繁简体转换、英文模拟中文发音、汪峰歌词生成器、职业名称词库、同义词库、反义词库、否定词库、汽车品牌词库、汽车零件词库、连续英文切割、各种中文词向量、公司名字大全、古诗词库、IT词库、财经词库、成语词库、地名词库、历史名... |
python-cheatsheet | 12,227 | Python | 2,446 | Comprehensive Python Cheatsheet |
dispatch | 1,907 | Python | 117 | All of the ad-hoc things you're doing to manage incidents today, done for you, and much more! |
interview_internal_reference | 24,904 | Python | 6,895 | 2019年最新总结,阿里,腾讯,百度,美团,头条等技术面试题目,以及答案,专家出题人分析汇总。 |
detectron2 | 8,946 | Python | 1,791 | Detectron2 is FAIR's next-generation platform for object detection and segmentation. |
AiLearning | 23,976 | Python | 8,310 | AiLearning: 机器学习 - MachineLearning - ML、深度学习 - DeepLearning - DL、自然语言处理 NLP |
public-apis | 73,105 | Python | 8,384 | A collective list of free APIs for use in software and web development. |
yfinance | 1,299 | Python | 323 | Yahoo! Finance market data downloader (+faster Pandas Datareader) |
synapse | 5,701 | Python | 985 | Synapse: Matrix reference homeserver |
ansible-for-devops | 2,639 | Python | 1,035 | Ansible examples from Ansible for DevOps. |
transformers | 24,370 | Python | 5,668 | 🤗 Transformers: State-of-the-art Natural Language Processing for TensorFlow 2.0 and PyTorch. |
fastapi | 11,861 | Python | 733 | FastAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production |
EfficientDet | 613 | Python | 155 | EfficientDet (Scalable and Efficient Object Detection) implementation in Keras and Tensorflow |
PyTorch-YOLOv3 | 4,025 | Python | 1,539 | Minimal PyTorch implementation of YOLOv3 |
demucs | 1,393 | Python | 187 | Code for the paper Music Source Separation in the Waveform Domain |
zulip | 11,419 | Python | 3,681 | Zulip server - powerful open source team chat |
DjangoBlog | 2,654 | Python | 1,339 | 🍺基于Django的博客系统 |
PayloadsAllTheThings | 13,531 | Python | 4,236 | A list of useful payloads and bypass for Web Application Security and Pentest/CTF |
Games | 1,489 | Python | 899 | Some games created by python code. |
pytorch-lightning | 4,583 | Python | 492 | The lightweight PyTorch wrapper for ML researchers. Scale your models. Write less boilerplate |
DeepCTR | 3,047 | Python | 945 | Easy-to-use,Modular and Extendible package of deep-learning based CTR models. |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
desktop | 8,959 | TypeScript | 4,588 | Simple collaboration from your desktop |
umi | 7,536 | TypeScript | 1,008 | 🌋 Pluggable enterprise-level react application framework. |
ant-design | 58,183 | TypeScript | 21,132 | 🌈 A UI Design Language and React UI library |
qiankun | 3,688 | TypeScript | 323 | 📦🚀Blazing fast, simple and completed solution for micro frontends. |
ant-design-pro | 24,384 | TypeScript | 5,613 | 👨🏻💻👩🏻💻 Use Ant Design like a Pro! |
weui-miniprogram | 510 | TypeScript | 108 | 小程序WeUI组件库 |
excalidraw | 4,522 | TypeScript | 290 | Virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams |
streamlabs-obs | 1,357 | TypeScript | 268 | Free and open source streaming software built on OBS and Electron. |
code-server | 29,226 | TypeScript | 2,087 | Run VS Code on a remote server. |
vue-next | 9,994 | TypeScript | 1,808 | The next major version of Vue (WIP) |
vscode | 93,721 | TypeScript | 14,465 | Visual Studio Code |
lens | 2,187 | TypeScript | 114 | Lens - The Kubernetes IDE |
Mailspring | 8,144 | TypeScript | 553 | 💌 A beautiful, fast and maintained fork of @nylas Mail by one of the original authors. |
PoE-Overlay | 451 | TypeScript | 56 | An Overlay for Path of Exile. Built with Electron and Angular. |
hospitalrun-frontend | 5,134 | TypeScript | 1,591 | Frontend for HospitalRun |
G2 | 9,356 | TypeScript | 825 | 📊 A highly interactive data-driven visualization grammar for statistical charts. |
tfjs-models | 5,455 | TypeScript | 1,586 | Pretrained models for TensorFlow.js |
rap2-delos | 5,609 | TypeScript | 981 | 阿里妈妈前端团队出品的开源接口管理工具RAP第二代 |
CopyTranslator | 6,827 | TypeScript | 956 | Foreign language reading and translation assistant based on copy and translate. |
ext-saladict | 4,429 | TypeScript | 299 | Feature-rich inline translator. |
flipper | 6,531 | TypeScript | 395 | A desktop debugging platform for mobile developers. |
frontend | 772 | TypeScript | 783 | 🍭 Frontend for Home Assistant |
typeorm | 18,243 | TypeScript | 2,846 | ORM for TypeScript and JavaScript (ES7, ES6, ES5). Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MS SQL Server, Oracle, SAP Hana, WebSQL databases. Works in NodeJS, Browser, Ionic, Cordova and Electron... |
vuetify | 24,483 | TypeScript | 3,942 | 🐉 Material Component Framework for Vue |
ant-design-mobile | 8,093 | TypeScript | 1,295 | A configurable Mobile UI |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
COVID-19 | 18,112 | 8,954 | Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases, provided by JHU CSSE | |
fucking-algorithm | 15,996 | 2,452 | 手把手撕LeetCode题目,扒各种算法套路的裤子。English version supported! Crack LeetCode, not only how, but also why. | |
JavaFamily | 9,653 | 1,826 | 【互联网一线大厂面试+学习指南】 | |
OnJava8 | 6,976 | 1,940 | 《On Java 8》中文版,又名《Java编程思想》 第5版 | |
coding-interview-university | 104,276 | 30,712 | A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer. | |
browser-2020 | 6,845 | 155 | Things you can do with a browser in 2020 ☕️ | |
Blog | 16,956 | 2,765 | 冴羽写博客的地方,预计写四个系列:JavaScript深入系列、JavaScript专题系列、ES6系列、React系列。 | |
technology-talk | 9,650 | 2,880 | 汇总java生态圈常用技术框架、开源中间件,系统架构、数据库、大公司架构案例、常用三方类库、项目管理、线上问题排查、个人成长、思考等知识 | |
QuantumultX | 593 | 403 | QuantumultX | |
awesome | 130,130 | 17,336 | 😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics | |
free-programming-books-zh_CN | 64,854 | 20,068 | 📚 免费的计算机编程类中文书籍,欢迎投稿 | |
computer-science | 57,794 | 8,533 | 🎓 Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science! | |
3y | 6,314 | 1,482 | 📓从Java基础、JavaWeb基础到常用的框架再到面试题都有完整的教程,几乎涵盖了Java后端必备的知识点 | |
awesome-wechat-weapp | 30,529 | 6,601 | 微信小程序开发资源汇总 💯 | |
PENTESTING-BIBLE | 4,371 | 885 | This repository was created and developed by Ammar Amer @cry__pto Only. Updates to this repository will continue to arrive until the number of links reaches 10000 links & 10000 pdf files .Learn Ethica... | |
Profiles | 863 | 545 | ||
weekly | 11,809 | 873 | 科技爱好者周刊,每周五发布 | |
DeepLearning-500-questions | 37,227 | 11,592 | 深度学习500问,以问答形式对常用的概率知识、线性代数、机器学习、深度学习、计算机视觉等热点问题进行阐述,以帮助自己及有需要的读者。 全书分为18个章节,50余万字。由于水平有限,书中不妥之处恳请广大读者批评指正。 未完待续............ 如有意合作,联系scutjy2015@163.com 版权所有,违权必究 Tan 2018.06 | |
awesome-remote-job | 17,812 | 1,729 | A curated list of awesome remote jobs and resources. Inspired by https://github.com/vinta/awesome-python | |
awesome-spider | 12,504 | 3,349 | 爬虫集合 | |
awesome-vue | 53,063 | 7,478 | 🎉 A curated list of awesome things related to Vue.js | |
weekly | 8,624 | 944 | 前端精读周刊 | |
TeachYourselfCS-CN | 1,979 | 341 | TeachYourselfCS 的中文翻译 | |
CVPR2020-Paper-Code-Interpretation | 4,596 | 1,147 | cvpr2020/cvpr2019/cvpr2018/cvpr2017 papers,极市团队整理 | |
trackerslist | 22,550 | 3,816 | Updated list of public BitTorrent trackers |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Tennis-Refactoring-Kata | 303 | ABAP | 536 | Starting code for a Refactoring Code Kata on the Tennis rules |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
grammars-v4 | 4,802 | ANTLR | 2,042 | Grammars written for ANTLR v4; expectation that the grammars are free of actions. |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
dreamhouse-sfdx | 139 | Apex | 335 | Salesforce Sample App part of the sample gallery. Real estate use case. Get inspired and learn best practices. |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
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Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
rogsoft | 672 | ASP | 214 | software center for hndrouters: RT-AC86U, RT-AX88U, GT-AC5300, GT-AX11000 |
Koolshare-Clash | 742 | ASP | 138 | 🐱 Run Clash Tunnel on Koolshare OpenWrt |
ledesoft | 1,063 | ASP | 689 | |
koolshare.github.io | 4,305 | ASP | 1,973 | For koolshare.cn |
fancyss | 6,065 | ASP | 1,771 | fancyss is a project providing tools to across the GFW on asuswrt/merlin based router. |
armsoft | 285 | ASP | 77 | 梅林384软件中心 for armv7l架构机型 |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
collapseos | 3,571 | Assembly | 236 | Bootstrap post-collapse technology |
smashremix | 104 | Assembly | 4 |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Microsoft-Activation-Scripts | 233 | Batchfile | 49 | A collection of scripts for activating Microsoft products using HWID / KMS38 / Online KMS activation methods with a focus on open-source code, less antivirus detection and user-friendliness. |
SSTap-Rule | 3,570 | Batchfile | 891 | 支持更多游戏规则,让SSTap成为真正的“网游加速器” |
LTSC-Add-MicrosoftStore | 488 | Batchfile | 71 | Add Windows Store for LTSC |
BurpSuite-collections | 112 | Batchfile | 41 | 有关burpsuite的插件(非商店),文章以及使用技巧的收集(此项目不再提供burpsuite破解文件)---Collection of burpsuite plugins (non-stores), articles and tips for using Burpsuite, no crack version file |
Re-Releases | 11 | Batchfile | 4 | Overhauls of famous Realm667 projects powered by "Ed the Bat" |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
IntruderPayloads | 2,166 | BitBake | 839 | A collection of Burpsuite Intruder payloads, BurpBounty payloads, fuzz lists, malicious file uploads and web pentesting methodologies and checklists. |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
obs-studio | 17,552 | C | 3,510 | OBS Studio - Free and open source software for live streaming and screen recording |
zju-icicles | 16,763 | C | 5,163 | 浙江大学课程攻略共享计划 |
OpenCorePkg | 1,650 | C | 279 | OpenCore front end |
lede | 9,202 | C | 8,565 | Lean's OpenWrt source |
ish | 5,654 | C | 321 | Linux shell for iOS |
coturn | 4,131 | C | 954 | coturn TURN server project |
scrcpy | 27,504 | C | 2,721 | Display and control your Android device |
DOOM | 5,167 | C | 963 | DOOM Open Source Release |
janus-gateway | 3,510 | C | 1,296 | Janus WebRTC Server |
nginx-rtmp-module | 9,173 | C | 2,693 | NGINX-based Media Streaming Server |
ijkplayer | 26,089 | C | 6,810 | Android/iOS video player based on FFmpeg n3.4, with MediaCodec, VideoToolbox support. |
xLua | 5,457 | C | 1,718 | xLua is a lua programming solution for C# ( Unity, .Net, Mono) , it supports android, ios, windows, linux, osx, etc. |
FFmpeg | 18,858 | C | 6,665 | Mirror of git://source.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.git |
st | 764 | C | 541 | Luke's fork of the suckless simple terminal (st) with vim bindings and Xresource compatibility. |
ncnn | 8,430 | C | 2,212 | ncnn is a high-performance neural network inference framework optimized for the mobile platform |
blender | 284 | C | 73 | Official mirror of Blender |
Trojan-Qt5 | 954 | C | 105 | A cross-platform trojan GUI client based on Shadowsocks-qt. See you guys soon... |
openwrt | 585 | C | 523 | Lienol's Modified OpenWrt source |
CloverBootloader | 1,505 | C | 185 | Bootloader for macOS, Windows and Linux in UEFI and in legacy mode |
matrix | 6,887 | C | 918 | Matrix is a plugin style, non-invasive APM system developed by WeChat. |
domoticz | 2,595 | C | 970 | Open source Home Automation System |
linux | 88,799 | C | 30,988 | Linux kernel source tree |
Atmosphere | 4,164 | C | 474 | Atmosphère is a work-in-progress customized firmware for the Nintendo Switch. |
lvgl | 3,290 | C | 734 | Powerful and easy-to-use embedded GUI with many widgets, advanced visual effects (opacity, antialiasing, animations) and low memory requirements (16K RAM, 64K Flash). |
luci | 2,488 | JavaScript | 1,267 | LuCI - OpenWrt Configuration Interface |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
v2rayN | 8,544 | C# | 1,807 | |
PowerShell | 18,485 | C# | 3,038 | PowerShell for every system! |
abp | 3,390 | C# | 1,054 | Open Source Web Application Framework for ASP.NET Core |
privilege-escalation-awesome-scripts-suite | 907 | C# | 185 | PEASS - Privilege Escalation Awesome Scripts SUITE (with colors) |
aspnetcore | 16,720 | C# | 4,491 | ASP.NET Core is a cross-platform .NET framework for building modern cloud-based web applications on Windows, Mac, or Linux. |
Blog.Core | 1,749 | C# | 551 | 🌈🌟🦉ASP.NET Core 3.1 全家桶教程,前后端分离后端接口,vue教程姊妹篇,官方文档 |
ET | 3,217 | C# | 1,280 | Unity3D Client And C# Server Framework |
sdk | 636 | C# | 251 | Core functionality needed to create .NET Core projects, that is shared between Visual Studio and CLI |
ShadowsocksR-Windows | 2,860 | C# | 602 | 【自用】Bug-Oriented Programming |
Netch | 3,615 | C# | 676 | Game accelerator. Support Socks5, Shadowsocks, ShadowsocksR, V2Ray protocol. UDP NAT FullCone |
powerapps-tools | 286 | C# | 107 | Unsupported PowerApps Tools |
QuickLook | 5,396 | C# | 442 | Bring macOS “Quick Look” feature to Windows |
Wox | 16,415 | C# | 1,692 | Launcher for Windows, an alternative to Alfred and Launchy. |
dnSpy | 13,795 | C# | 2,163 | .NET debugger and assembly editor |
cms | 2,097 | C# | 875 | SiteServer CMS 基于 .NET Core,能够以最低的成本、最少的人力投入在最短的时间内架设一个功能齐全、性能优异、规模庞大并易于维护的网站平台。 |
Ryujinx | 1,724 | C# | 265 | Experimental Nintendo Switch Emulator written in C# |
runtime | 2,011 | C# | 653 | .NET is a cross-platform runtime for cloud, IoT, and desktop apps. |
ArchiSteamFarm | 4,982 | C# | 632 | C# application with primary purpose of idling Steam cards from multiple accounts simultaneously. |
ShareX | 12,163 | C# | 1,776 | ShareX is a free and open source program that lets you capture or record any area of your screen and share it with a single press of a key. It also allows uploading images, text or other types of file... |
ScreenToGif | 10,375 | C# | 1,201 | 🎬 ScreenToGif allows you to record a selected area of your screen, edit and save it as a gif or video. |
Captura | 3,045 | C# | 461 | Capture Screen, Audio, Cursor, Mouse Clicks and Keystrokes |
azure-sdk-for-net | 1,660 | C# | 1,810 | This repository is for active development of the Azure SDK for .NET. For consumers of the SDK we recommend visiting our public developer docs at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/azure/ or our v... |
BotBuilder-Samples | 2,381 | C# | 3,414 | Welcome to the Bot Framework samples repository. Here you will find task-focused samples in C#, JavaScript and TypeScript to help you get started with the Bot Framework SDK! |
Notepads | 1,695 | C# | 117 | A modern, lightweight text editor with a minimalist design. |
nopCommerce | 4,585 | C# | 2,681 | The most popular open source ecommerce shopping cart solution based on ASP.NET Core |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
mediapipe | 6,068 | C++ | 1,080 | MediaPipe is a cross-platform framework for building multimodal applied machine learning pipelines |
libfacedetection | 9,183 | C++ | 2,547 | An open source library for face detection in images. The face detection speed can reach 1000FPS. |
srs | 7,853 | C++ | 2,816 | SRS is a RTMP/HLS/WebRTC/SRT/GB28181 streaming cluster, high efficiency, stable and simple. |
tensorflow | 142,629 | C++ | 80,562 | An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone |
incubator-brpc | 9,820 | C++ | 2,387 | Industrial-grade RPC framework used throughout Baidu, with 1,000,000+ instances and thousands kinds of services, called "baidu-rpc" inside Baidu. |
opencv | 43,227 | C++ | 34,094 | Open Source Computer Vision Library |
subconverter | 1,288 | C++ | 302 | Utility to convert between various subscription format |
pytorch | 37,347 | C++ | 9,489 | Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration |
Magisk | 10,280 | C++ | 1,697 | The Magic Mask for Android |
RedisDesktopManager | 15,301 | C++ | 2,577 | 🔧 Cross-platform GUI management tool for Redis |
rapidjson | 9,065 | C++ | 2,476 | A fast JSON parser/generator for C++ with both SAX/DOM style API |
MMKV | 9,557 | C++ | 1,040 | An efficient, small mobile key-value storage framework developed by WeChat. Works on Android, iOS, macOS, Windows and POSIX. |
googletest | 14,841 | C++ | 5,950 | Googletest - Google Testing and Mocking Framework |
mars | 14,230 | C++ | 2,951 | Mars is a cross-platform network component developed by WeChat. |
or-tools | 5,430 | C++ | 1,163 | Google's Operations Research tools: |
PowerToys | 16,624 | C++ | 833 | Windows system utilities to maximize productivity |
MultiMC5 | 1,272 | C++ | 317 | A custom launcher for Minecraft that allows you to easily manage multiple installations of Minecraft at once |
interview | 10,209 | C++ | 3,199 | 📚 C/C++ 技术面试基础知识总结,包括语言、程序库、数据结构、算法、系统、网络、链接装载库等知识及面试经验、招聘、内推等信息。 |
xournalpp | 1,413 | C++ | 216 | Xournal++ is a handwriting notetaking software with PDF annotation support. Written in C++ with GTK3, supporting Linux (e.g. Ubuntu, Debian, Arch, SUSE), macOS and Windows 10. Supports pen input from ... |
TensorRT | 2,075 | C++ | 436 | TensorRT is a C++ library for high performance inference on NVIDIA GPUs and deep learning accelerators. |
dolphin | 6,090 | C++ | 1,397 | Dolphin is a GameCube / Wii emulator, allowing you to play games for these two platforms on PC with improvements. |
yuzu | 9,844 | C++ | 701 | Nintendo Switch Emulator |
TrafficMonitor | 7,067 | C++ | 918 | 这是一个用于显示当前网速、CPU及内存利用率的桌面悬浮窗软件,并支持任务栏显示,支持更换皮肤。 |
navicat-keygen | 350 | C++ | 189 | |
mumble | 3,019 | C++ | 693 | Mumble is an open source, low-latency, high quality voice chat software primarily intended for use while gaming. |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
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Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
clojure-koans | 3,288 | Clojure | 1,899 | A set of exercises for learning Clojure |
metabase | 19,983 | Clojure | 2,658 | The simplest, fastest way to get business intelligence and analytics to everyone in your company 😋 |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
cpp_starter_project | 333 | CMake | 137 | |
cmake-examples | 2,173 | CMake | 431 | Useful CMake Examples |
vcpkg | 8,432 | CMake | 2,280 | C++ Library Manager for Windows, Linux, and MacOS |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
vimium | 12,874 | CoffeeScript | 1,540 | The hacker's browser. |
chinese-copywriting-guidelines | 7,505 | CoffeeScript | 1,175 | Chinese copywriting guidelines for better written communication/中文文案排版指北 |
SwitchyOmega | 14,945 | CoffeeScript | 2,479 | Manage and switch between multiple proxies quickly & easily. |
codecombat | 7,075 | CoffeeScript | 3,709 | Game for learning how to code. |
overleaf | 6,514 | CoffeeScript | 767 | A web-based collaborative LaTeX editor |
intro-curriculum-3006 | 1,341 | CoffeeScript | 0 | 入門コースの3章6節の練習 (ISC License) |
intro-curriculum-3008 | 1 | CoffeeScript | 1,014 | 入門コースの3章8節の練習 (ISC License) |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
next | 4,181 | Common Lisp | 183 | Next browser - Be productive. |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
invidious | 2,809 | Crystal | 193 | Invidious is an alternative front-end to YouTube |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
weui-wxss | 12,296 | CSS | 4,283 | A UI library by WeChat official design team, includes the most useful widgets/modules. |
my-mac-os | 16,559 | CSS | 730 | List of applications and tools that make my macOS experience even more amazing |
InternetArchitect | 220 | CSS | 325 | 年薪百万互联网架构师课程文档及源码(公开部分) |
iview-weapp | 5,459 | CSS | 1,046 | 一套高质量的微信小程序 UI 组件库 |
css.gg | 3,172 | CSS | 120 | 500+ CSS Icons. Customizable, Retina Ready with API & NPM |
hexo-theme-next | 15,123 | CSS | 3,827 | Elegant theme for Hexo. |
LoveIt | 215 | CSS | 109 | 🚀A clean, elegant but advanced blog theme for Hugo |
material-dashboard | 8,912 | CSS | 1,135 | Material Dashboard - Open Source Bootstrap 4 Material Design Admin |
tailwind-starter-kit | 1,082 | CSS | 116 | Tailwind Starter Kit a beautiful extension for TailwindCSS, Free and Open Source |
whatsapp-desktop-dark | 530 | CSS | 67 | Dark mode for WhatsApp desktop official version (Windows & macOS) |
hexo-theme-next | 5,318 | CSS | 1,638 | Elegant and powerful theme for Hexo. |
shadowrocket | 1,036 | CSS | 189 | Shadowrocket 小火箭在线安装, 共享Shadowrocket 小火箭账号,苹果手机ss、ssr V2ray 客户端,支持正版,谢谢! |
weui | 24,324 | CSS | 6,178 | A UI library by WeChat official design team, includes the most useful widgets/modules in mobile web applications. |
normalize.css | 38,240 | CSS | 8,158 | A modern alternative to CSS resets |
Basic-Video-Call | 214 | CSS | 344 | Sample app to join/leave a channel, mute/unmute, enable/disable the video, and switch between front/rear cameras. |
hexo-theme-butterfly | 707 | CSS | 180 | A Hexo Theme: Butterfly |
hacker101 | 11,160 | CSS | 1,562 | Hacker101 |
huxpro.github.io | 5,140 | CSS | 3,633 | My Blog / Jekyll Themes / PWA |
hexo-theme-sakura | 377 | CSS | 138 | |
transmission-web-control | 2,098 | CSS | 390 | 一个 Transmission 浏览器管理界面。Transmission Web Control is a custom web UI. |
Opencore-Vanilla-Desktop-Guide | 236 | CSS | 61 | Host for files for the OpenCore Vanilla Desktop Guide |
hexo-theme-ayer | 361 | CSS | 109 | a clean and elegant theme for Hexo. |
bulma | 39,085 | CSS | 3,307 | Modern CSS framework based on Flexbox |
vscode-docs | 2,872 | CSS | 2,316 | Public documentation for Visual Studio Code |
ChineseBQB | 6,804 | CSS | 728 | Chinese sticker pack,More joy / 表情包的博物馆, Github最有毒的仓库, 中国表情包大集合, 聚欢乐~ |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
deep-high-resolution-net.pytorch | 2,338 | Cuda | 533 | The project is an official implementation of our CVPR2019 paper "Deep High-Resolution Representation Learning for Human Pose Estimation" |
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flutter_pulltorefresh | 1,225 | Dart | 209 | a widget provided to the flutter scroll component drop-down refresh and pull up load. |
weiman_app | 487 | Dart | 76 | 微漫app的脱敏代码 |
flutter-go | 20,267 | Dart | 2,997 | flutter 开发者帮助 APP,包含 flutter 常用 140+ 组件的demo 演示与中文文档 |
flutter_particle_clock | 477 | Dart | 71 | The Grand Prize-winning entry of the #FlutterClock challenge. |
flutter | 89,315 | Dart | 11,875 | Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful mobile apps. |
flutter-ui-nice | 2,200 | Dart | 397 | More than 130+ pages in this beautiful app and more than 45 developers has contributed to it. |
Flutter-Notebook | 5,382 | Dart | 871 | FlutterDemo合集,今天你fu了吗 |
fish-redux | 6,167 | Dart | 671 | An assembled flutter application framework. |
fl_chart | 1,473 | Dart | 226 | A powerful Flutter chart library, currently supporting Line Chart, Bar Chart, Pie Chart and Scatter Chart. |
flutter_deer | 2,898 | Dart | 657 | 🦌 Flutter 练习项目(包括集成测试、可访问性测试)。内含完整UI设计图,更贴近真实项目的练习。Flutter practice project. Includes a complete UI design and exercises that are closer to real projects. |
chewie | 834 | Dart | 304 | The video player for Flutter with a heart of gold |
awesome-flutter | 26,567 | Dart | 3,768 | An awesome list that curates the best Flutter libraries, tools, tutorials, articles and more. |
FlutterExampleApps | 9,236 | Dart | 1,838 | [Example APPS] Basic Flutter apps, for flutter devs. |
FlutterDouBan | 4,683 | Dart | 888 | 🔥🔥🔥Flutter豆瓣客户端,Awesome Flutter Project,全网最100%还原豆瓣客户端。首页、书影音、小组、市集及个人中心,一个不拉。( https://img.xuvip.top/douyademo.mp4) |
flutter_local_notifications | 868 | Dart | 349 | A Flutter plugin for displaying local notifications on Android and iOS |
dio | 7,134 | Dart | 724 | A powerful Http client for Dart, which supports Interceptors, FormData, Request Cancellation, File Downloading, Timeout etc. |
plugins | 10,233 | Dart | 4,603 | Plugins for Flutter maintained by the Flutter team |
flutter-webrtc-demo | 303 | Dart | 112 | Demo for flutter-webrtc |
flutter_shuqi | 1,770 | Dart | 428 | 高仿书旗小说 Flutter版,支持iOS、Android |
flutter_ecommerce_app | 329 | Dart | 139 | E-Commerce App built in flutter |
flutterbookapp | 123 | Dart | 49 | Speed Coded on Youtube |
doctor_booking_app | 182 | Dart | 78 | Flutter Ui Challenge Speed Code |
flutterfire | 1,554 | Dart | 706 | 🔥 Firebase plugins for Flutter apps |
Clima-Flutter | 34 | Dart | 164 | Starter code for the Clima Project from the Complete Flutter Development Bootcamp |
flutter-samples | 681 | Dart | 191 | Flutter Samples |
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tgstation | 980 | DM | 2,599 | the /tg/station branch of SS13 |
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docker-compose-laravel | 218 | Dockerfile | 102 | A docker-compose workflow for local Laravel development |
nocode | 40,505 | Dockerfile | 3,695 | The best way to write secure and reliable applications. Write nothing; deploy nowhere. |
laradock | 9,181 | Dockerfile | 3,209 | The (most popular) full PHP development environment for Docker. |
docker-selenium | 3,898 | Dockerfile | 1,303 | Docker images for Selenium Grid Server (Standalone, Hub, and Nodes). |
netshoot | 1,615 | Dockerfile | 245 | a Docker + Kubernetes network trouble-shooting swiss-army container |
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phoenix | 14,933 | Elixir | 1,930 | Productive. Reliable. Fast. |
credo | 3,309 | Elixir | 254 | A static code analysis tool for the Elixir language with a focus on code consistency and teaching. |
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elm-spa-example | 2,831 | Elm | 444 | A Single Page Application written in Elm |
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org-roam | 623 | Emacs Lisp | 60 | Rudimentary Roam replica with Org-mode |
emacs | 2,317 | Emacs Lisp | 693 | Mirror of GNU Emacs |
use-package | 3,028 | Emacs Lisp | 190 | A use-package declaration for simplifying your .emacs |
doom-emacs | 5,674 | Emacs Lisp | 927 | An Emacs configuration for the stubborn martian vimmer |
swiper | 1,486 | Emacs Lisp | 284 | Ivy - a generic completion frontend for Emacs, Swiper - isearch with an overview, and more. Oh, man! |
emacs.d | 5,413 | Emacs Lisp | 1,845 | An Emacs configuration bundle with batteries included |
melpa | 1,961 | Emacs Lisp | 1,814 | Recipes and build machinery for the biggest Emacs package repo |
evil-lion | 72 | Emacs Lisp | 5 | Evil align operator |
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rabbitmq-server | 6,946 | Erlang | 2,339 | Open source multi-protocol messaging broker |
emqx | 5,824 | Erlang | 1,081 | EMQ X Broker - Scalable Distributed MQTT Message Broker for IoT in 5G Era |
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Anime4K | 11,104 | GLSL | 1,036 | A High-Quality Real Time Upscaler for Anime Video |
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7days-golang | 3,283 | Go | 325 | 7 days golang apps from scratch (web framework Gee, distributed cache GeeCache, object relational mapping ORM framework GeeORM etc) 7天用Go动手写/从零实现系列 |
BaiduPCS-Go | 21,956 | Go | 3,457 | 百度网盘客户端 - Go语言编写 |
night | 6,875 | Go | 664 | Weekly Go Online Meetup via Zoom and Bilibili|Go 夜读|由 SIG 成员维护|通过 zoom 在线直播的方式分享 Go 相关的技术话题,每天大家在微信/telegram/Slack 上及时沟通交流编程技术话题。 |
v2ray-core | 29,729 | Go | 6,783 | A platform for building proxies to bypass network restrictions. |
clash | 7,376 | Go | 1,032 | A rule-based tunnel in Go. |
go | 70,672 | Go | 10,061 | The Go programming language |
lantern | 2,565 | Go | 10,469 | Lantern官方版本下载 蓝灯 翻墙 代理 科学上网 外网 加速器 梯子 路由 lantern proxy vpn censorship-circumvention censorship gfw accelerator |
gin | 36,564 | Go | 4,208 | Gin is a HTTP web framework written in Go (Golang). It features a Martini-like API with much better performance -- up to 40 times faster. If you need smashing performance, get yourself some Gin. |
tidb | 23,021 | Go | 3,481 | TiDB is an open source distributed HTAP database compatible with the MySQL protocol |
go-gin-example | 2,610 | Go | 634 | An example of gin |
webrtc | 3,420 | Go | 408 | Pure Go implementation of the WebRTC API |
goxygen | 1,514 | Go | 92 | Generate a modern Web project with Go, Angular/React/Vue, and MongoDB in seconds🚀 |
chat | 3,070 | Go | 597 | Instant messaging server; backend in Go; iOS, Android, web, command line clients; chatbots |
gost | 5,370 | Go | 1,014 | GO Simple Tunnel - a simple tunnel written in golang |
frp | 34,403 | Go | 6,486 | A fast reverse proxy to help you expose a local server behind a NAT or firewall to the internet. |
gorush | 4,419 | Go | 496 | A push notification server written in Go (Golang). |
the-way-to-go_ZH_CN | 20,787 | Go | 5,704 | 《The Way to Go》中文译本,中文正式名《Go 入门指南》 |
Cloudreve | 3,866 | Go | 738 | 🌈支持多家云存储的云盘系统 (A project helps you build your own cloud in minutes) |
kubernetes | 64,594 | Go | 22,997 | Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management |
golang-design-pattern | 2,649 | Go | 657 | 设计模式 Golang实现-《研磨设计模式》读书笔记 |
lazygit | 15,858 | Go | 552 | simple terminal UI for git commands |
gin-vue-admin | 777 | Go | 149 | 基于gin+gorm+vue搭建的快速后台管理系统模板,包含jwt鉴权,权限管理,动态路由,分页封装,多点登录拦截,资源权限,上传下载,代码生成器,表单生成器等基础功能,更多功能正在开发中,欢迎iss,欢迎pr |
slack-term | 5,296 | Go | 179 | Slack client for your terminal |
tutorials | 1,271 | Go | 231 | Micro 中文示例、教程、资料,源码解读 |
AdGuardHome | 3,481 | Go | 371 | Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server |
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gradle | 10,310 | Groovy | 3,041 | Adaptable, fast automation for all |
react-native-unimodules | 358 | Groovy | 37 | Core Unimodule infrastructure and a collection of Unimodules and interfaces that are commonly depended on by other Unimodules |
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semantic | 7,311 | Haskell | 336 | Parsing, analyzing, and comparing source code across many languages |
pandoc | 18,553 | Haskell | 2,206 | Universal markup converter |
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Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
terraform-course | 664 | HCL | 1,527 | Course files for my Udemy course about Terraform |
attack_range | 298 | HCL | 53 | A tool that allows you to create vulnerable instrumented local or cloud environments to simulate attacks against and collect the data into Splunk |
terraform-ecs-fargate | 118 | HCL | 81 | Source code for a tutorial on Medium I published - "Deploying Containers on Amazon’s ECS using Fargate and Terraform: Part 2" |
terragrunt-infrastructure-live-example | 124 | HCL | 102 | A repo used to show examples file/folder structures you can use with Terragrunt and Terraform |
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ray-mmd | 832 | HLSL | 400 | 🎨 The project is designed to create a physically-based rendering at mikumikudance. |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
source-han-sans | 7,759 | HolyC | 810 | Source Han Sans |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
REKCARC-TSC-UHT | 13,143 | HTML | 3,783 | 清华大学计算机系课程攻略 Guidance for courses in Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University |
nndl.github.io | 11,370 | HTML | 2,571 | 《神经网络与深度学习》 邱锡鹏著 Neural Network and Deep Learning |
Awesome-CS-Books | 648 | HTML | 409 | 📚 Awesome CS Books/Series(.pdf by git lfs) Warehouse for Geeks, ProgrammingLanguage, SoftwareEngineering, Web, AI, ServerSideApplication, Infrastructure, FE etc. 💫 优秀计算机科学与技术领域相关的书籍归档。 |
Coursera-ML-AndrewNg-Notes | 15,574 | HTML | 6,129 | 吴恩达老师的机器学习课程个人笔记 |
Markdown-Resume | 839 | HTML | 551 | ⭐️ Markdown 简历模版 |
fluxion | 2,272 | HTML | 811 | Fluxion is a remake of linset by vk496 with less bugs and enhanced functionality. |
OpenClash | 1,000 | HTML | 227 | A Clash Client For OpenWrt |
luci-app-clash | 480 | HTML | 115 | Luci interface for Clash Openwrt |
Java-Interview-Advanced | 1,631 | HTML | 745 | 中华石杉--互联网Java进阶面试训练营 |
DetectionLab | 1,940 | HTML | 402 | Vagrant & Packer scripts to build a lab environment complete with security tooling and logging best practices |
hexo-theme-matery | 1,843 | HTML | 480 | A beautiful hexo blog theme with material design and responsive design.一个基于材料设计和响应式设计而成的全面、美观的Hexo主题。 |
tools | 1,253 | HTML | 400 | Codelabs management & hosting tools |
ACL4SSR | 4,458 | HTML | 864 | SSR 去广告ACL规则/SS完整GFWList规则/Clash规则碎片,Telegram频道订阅地址 |
speedtest | 3,482 | HTML | 900 | Self-hosted Speedtest for HTML5 and more. Easy setup, examples, configurable, mobile friendly. Supports PHP, Node, Multiple servers, and more |
blackeye | 1,504 | HTML | 588 | The most complete Phishing Tool, with 32 templates +1 customizable |
examples | 358 | HTML | 166 | Example projects that demonstrate how to use Expo APIs and integrate Expo with other popular tools |
flag-icon-css | 6,630 | HTML | 947 | 🎏 A collection of all country flags in SVG — plus the CSS for easier integration |
fastclick | 17,993 | HTML | 3,216 | Polyfill to remove click delays on browsers with touch UIs |
geektime-ELK | 494 | HTML | 1,247 | ELK Training |
mxgraph | 4,949 | HTML | 1,312 | mxGraph is a fully client side JavaScript diagramming library |
wechat_web_devtools | 2,286 | HTML | 387 | 微信开发者工具(微信小程序)linux完美支持 |
mkdocs-material | 3,248 | HTML | 885 | A Material Design theme for MkDocs |
calico | 1,660 | HTML | 459 | Cloud native networking and network security |
portainer | 14,271 | HTML | 1,349 | Making Docker management easy. |
qiubaiying.github.io | 2,160 | HTML | 6,337 | BY Blog -> |
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toolbox | 2,573 | Inno Setup | 893 | The Docker Toolbox |
AI-HF_Patch | 15 | Inno Setup | 2 | Automatically translate, uncensor and update AI-Shoujo! |
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JavaGuide | 73,553 | Java | 25,241 | 【Java学习+面试指南】 一份涵盖大部分Java程序员所需要掌握的核心知识。 |
advanced-java | 41,249 | Java | 11,380 | 😮 互联网 Java 工程师进阶知识完全扫盲:涵盖高并发、分布式、高可用、微服务、海量数据处理等领域知识,后端同学必看,前端同学也可学习 |
litemall | 12,058 | Java | 4,816 | 又一个小商城。litemall = Spring Boot后端 + Vue管理员前端 + 微信小程序用户前端 + Vue用户移动端 |
mall | 32,133 | Java | 13,579 | mall项目是一套电商系统,包括前台商城系统及后台管理系统,基于SpringBoot+MyBatis实现,采用Docker容器化部署。 前台商城系统包含首页门户、商品推荐、商品搜索、商品展示、购物车、订单流程、会员中心、客户服务、帮助中心等模块。 后台管理系统包含商品管理、订单管理、会员管理、促销管理、运营管理、内容管理、统计报表、财务管理、权限管理、设置等模块。 |
CS-Notes | 96,075 | Java | 31,232 | 📚 技术面试必备基础知识、Leetcode、计算机操作系统、计算机网络、系统设计、Java、Python、C++ |
miaosha | 14,689 | Java | 3,439 | ⭐⭐⭐⭐秒杀系统设计与实现.互联网工程师进阶与分析🙋🐓 |
dubbo | 31,628 | Java | 20,676 | Apache Dubbo is a high-performance, java based, open source RPC framework. |
spring-cloud-alibaba | 12,332 | Java | 3,590 | Spring Cloud Alibaba provides a one-stop solution for application development for the distributed solutions of Alibaba middleware. |
newbee-mall | 3,460 | Java | 879 | newbee-mall 项目(新蜂商城)是一套电商系统,包括 newbee-mall 商城系统及 newbee-mall-admin 商城后台管理系统,基于 Spring Boot 2.X 及相关技术栈开发。 前台商城系统包含首页门户、商品分类、新品上线、首页轮播、商品推荐、商品搜索、商品展示、购物车、订单结算、订单流程、个人订单管理、会员中心、帮助中心等模块。 后台管理系统包含数据面板、轮播图管... |
vhr | 15,110 | Java | 6,325 | 微人事是一个前后端分离的人力资源管理系统,项目采用SpringBoot+Vue开发。 |
toBeTopJavaer | 11,698 | Java | 2,787 | To Be Top Javaer - Java工程师成神之路 |
nacos | 11,099 | Java | 3,290 | an easy-to-use dynamic service discovery, configuration and service management platform for building cloud native applications. |
spring-boot-examples | 21,409 | Java | 9,691 | about learning Spring Boot via examples. Spring Boot 教程、技术栈示例代码,快速简单上手教程。 |
jeecg-boot | 10,638 | Java | 3,994 | 一款基于代码生成器的JAVA快速开发平台,开源界“小普元”超越传统商业企业级开发平台!采用前后端分离架构:SpringBoot 2.x,Ant Design&Vue,Mybatis-plus,Shiro,JWT。强大的代码生成器让前后端代码一键生成,无需写任何代码! 引领新的开发模式(OnlineCoding模式-> 代码生成器模式-> 手工MERGE智能开发),帮助Java项目解决70%的重复工... |
bigbluebutton | 3,645 | Java | 4,106 | Complete open source web conferencing system. |
spring-boot-api-project-seed | 6,628 | Java | 2,822 | 🌱🚀一个基于Spring Boot & MyBatis的种子项目,用于快速构建中小型API、RESTful API项目~ |
hutool | 11,035 | Java | 3,550 | A set of tools that keep Java sweet. |
skywalking | 12,795 | Java | 3,705 | APM, Application Performance Monitoring System |
Sentinel | 11,462 | Java | 3,585 | A powerful flow control component enabling reliability, resilience and monitoring for microservices. (面向云原生微服务的高可用流控防护组件) |
DataX | 5,378 | Java | 2,001 | |
DoraemonKit | 13,759 | Java | 1,815 | A full-featured App (iOS & Android) development assistant. You deserve it. 简称 "DoKit" 。一款功能齐全的客户端( iOS 、Android、微信小程序 )研发助手,你值得拥有。https://www.dokit.cn/ |
eladmin | 7,221 | Java | 2,720 | 项目基于 Spring Boot 2.1.0 、 Jpa、 Spring Security、redis、Vue的前后端分离的后台管理系统,项目采用分模块开发方式, 权限控制采用 RBAC,支持数据字典与数据权限管理,支持一键生成前后端代码,支持动态路由 |
canal | 13,093 | Java | 4,309 | 阿里巴巴 MySQL binlog 增量订阅&消费组件 |
VBlog | 4,626 | Java | 2,084 | V部落,Vue+SpringBoot实现的多用户博客管理平台! |
mall-swarm | 2,044 | Java | 829 | mall-swarm是一套微服务商城系统,采用了 Spring Cloud Greenwich、Spring Boot 2、MyBatis、Docker、Elasticsearch等核心技术,同时提供了基于Vue的管理后台方便快速搭建系统。mall-swarm在电商业务的基础集成了注册中心、配置中心、监控中心、网关等系统功能。文档齐全,附带全套Spring Cloud教程。 |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
vue | 160,507 | JavaScript | 24,245 | 🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web. |
lx-music-desktop | 4,490 | JavaScript | 766 | 一个基于 electron 的音乐软件 |
Rocket.Chat | 25,972 | JavaScript | 5,683 | The ultimate Free Open Source Solution for team communications. |
jitsi-meet | 7,473 | JavaScript | 2,071 | Jitsi Meet - Secure, Simple and Scalable Video Conferences that you use as a standalone app or embed in your web application. |
joplin | 14,635 | JavaScript | 1,475 | Joplin - an open source note taking and to-do application with synchronization capabilities for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS. Forum: https://discourse.joplinapp.org/ |
nodebestpractices | 42,313 | JavaScript | 3,773 | ✅ The Node.js best practices list (March 2020) |
NeteaseCloudMusicApi | 14,520 | JavaScript | 2,885 | 网易云音乐 Node.js API service |
Historical-ranking-data-visualization-based-on-d3.js | 3,956 | JavaScript | 938 | 这是一个数据可视化项目,能够将历史数据排名转化为动态柱状图图表 |
vant-weapp | 12,213 | JavaScript | 2,509 | 轻量、可靠的小程序 UI 组件库 |
bypass-paywalls-chrome | 3,707 | JavaScript | 270 | Bypass Paywalls for Chrome |
react-query | 5,401 | JavaScript | 169 | ⚛️ Hooks for fetching, caching and updating asynchronous data in React |
samples | 8,116 | JavaScript | 3,665 | WebRTC Web demos and samples |
Administrative-divisions-of-China | 7,591 | JavaScript | 3,661 | 中华人民共和国行政区划:省级(省份直辖市自治区)、 地级(城市)、 县级(区县)、 乡级(乡镇街道)、 村级(村委会居委会) ,中国省市区镇村二级三级四级五级联动地址数据。 |
vue-admin-template | 10,016 | JavaScript | 3,832 | a vue2.0 minimal admin template |
Viewers | 1,066 | JavaScript | 712 | OHIF zero-footprint DICOM viewer and oncology specific Lesion Tracker, plus shared extension packages |
the-super-tiny-compiler | 16,516 | JavaScript | 1,578 | ⛄️ Possibly the smallest compiler ever |
vuex | 23,250 | JavaScript | 7,732 | 🗃️ Centralized State Management for Vue.js. |
wangEditor | 9,418 | JavaScript | 2,142 | wangEditor —— 轻量级web富文本框 |
bootstrap | 139,602 | JavaScript | 68,536 | The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web. |
UnblockNeteaseMusic | 8,767 | JavaScript | 1,267 | Revive unavailable songs for Netease Cloud Music |
nideshop-mini-program | 6,103 | JavaScript | 1,882 | NideShop:基于Node.js+MySQL开发的开源微信小程序商城(微信小程序) |
apprtc | 2,788 | JavaScript | 1,012 | The video chat demo app based on WebRTC. This project is currently on HOLD with minimal maintenance. |
Motrix | 19,577 | JavaScript | 2,372 | A full-featured download manager. |
etherpad-lite | 8,645 | JavaScript | 1,803 | Etherpad: real-time collaborative document editor |
vue-router | 15,943 | JavaScript | 4,327 | 🚦 The official router for Vue.js. |
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kube-prometheus | 1,381 | Jsonnet | 415 | Use Prometheus to monitor Kubernetes and applications running on Kubernetes |
kubernetes-mixin | 721 | Jsonnet | 218 | A set of Grafana dashboards and Prometheus alerts for Kubernetes. |
kubeflow | 8,700 | Jsonnet | 1,369 | Machine Learning Toolkit for Kubernetes |
kfserving | 366 | Jsonnet | 132 | Serverless Inferencing on Kubernetes |
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Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
julia | 26,067 | Julia | 3,816 | The Julia Language: A fresh approach to technical computing. |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
PRML | 8,175 | Jupyter Notebook | 2,471 | PRML algorithms implemented in Python |
google-research | 8,979 | Jupyter Notebook | 1,607 | Google Research |
Complete-Python-3-Bootcamp | 8,812 | Jupyter Notebook | 31,422 | Course Files for Complete Python 3 Bootcamp Course on Udemy |
fastbook | 4,162 | Jupyter Notebook | 696 | Draft of the fastai book |
pytorch-handbook | 10,864 | Jupyter Notebook | 3,338 | pytorch handbook是一本开源的书籍,目标是帮助那些希望和使用PyTorch进行深度学习开发和研究的朋友快速入门,其中包含的Pytorch教程全部通过测试保证可以成功运行 |
Python-100-Days | 81,417 | Jupyter Notebook | 32,676 | Python - 100天从新手到大师 |
simple-faster-rcnn-pytorch | 2,290 | Jupyter Notebook | 726 | A simplified implemention of Faster R-CNN that replicate performance from origin paper |
code_snippets | 4,186 | Jupyter Notebook | 7,949 | |
fastpages | 770 | Jupyter Notebook | 128 | An easy to use blogging platform, with enhanced support for Jupyter Notebooks. |
nlp-tutorial | 5,753 | Jupyter Notebook | 1,558 | Natural Language Processing Tutorial for Deep Learning Researchers |
ML-NLP | 4,266 | Jupyter Notebook | 1,313 | 此项目是机器学习(Machine Learning)、深度学习(Deep Learning)、NLP面试中常考到的知识点和代码实现,也是作为一个算法工程师必会的理论基础知识。 |
dlaicourse | 2,572 | Jupyter Notebook | 2,351 | Notebooks for learning deep learning |
yolov3 | 3,939 | Jupyter Notebook | 1,309 | YOLOv3 in PyTorch > ONNX > CoreML > iOS |
ATPBetting | 146 | Jupyter Notebook | 74 | A strategy for tennis matches betting |
learnopencv | 9,845 | Jupyter Notebook | 6,495 | Learn OpenCV : C++ and Python Examples |
nlp-in-python-tutorial | 396 | Jupyter Notebook | 381 | comparing stand up comedians using natural language processing |
MachineLearningNotebooks | 1,508 | Jupyter Notebook | 981 | Python notebooks with ML and deep learning examples with Azure Machine Learning |
DeepLearningExamples | 3,443 | Jupyter Notebook | 919 | Deep Learning Examples |
deep-learning-coursera | 5,005 | Jupyter Notebook | 3,896 | Deep Learning Specialization by Andrew Ng on Coursera. |
PythonDataScienceHandbook | 22,655 | Jupyter Notebook | 9,710 | Python Data Science Handbook: full text in Jupyter Notebooks |
machinelearning | 3,860 | Jupyter Notebook | 2,139 | My blogs and code for machine learning. http://cnblogs.com/pinard |
t81_558_deep_learning | 1,773 | Jupyter Notebook | 993 | Washington University (in St. Louis) Course T81-558: Applications of Deep Neural Networks |
tensorflow2_tutorials_chinese | 5,101 | Jupyter Notebook | 1,323 | tensorflow2中文教程,持续更新(当前版本:tensorflow2.0),tag: tensorflow 2.0 tutorials |
materials | 1,469 | Jupyter Notebook | 1,641 | Bonus materials, exercises, and example projects for our Python tutorials |
DeepLearning | 2,604 | Jupyter Notebook | 999 | 深度学习入门教程&&优秀文章&&Deep Learning Tutorial |
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p3c | 20,828 | Kotlin | 5,215 | Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines pmd implements and IDE plugin |
legado | 438 | Kotlin | 90 | 阅读3.0, 阅读是一款可以自定义来源阅读网络内容的工具,为广大网络文学爱好者提供一种方便、快捷舒适的试读体验。 |
material-components-android-examples | 1,073 | Kotlin | 136 | Companion example apps and code for MDC-Android. |
kotlin | 31,211 | Kotlin | 3,791 | The Kotlin Programming Language |
v2rayNG | 4,506 | Kotlin | 933 | |
ClashForAndroid | 1,748 | Kotlin | 224 | A rule-based tunnel for Android. |
coil | 2,914 | Kotlin | 137 | Image loading for Android backed by Kotlin Coroutines. |
tachiyomi-extensions | 649 | Kotlin | 248 | |
CalendarView | 1,500 | Kotlin | 138 | A highly customizable calendar library for Android, powered by RecyclerView. |
android-showcase | 2,548 | Kotlin | 307 | 💎 Android application following best practices: Kotlin, coroutines, Clean Architecture, feature modules, tests, MVVM, static analysis... |
architecture-samples | 35,875 | Kotlin | 10,006 | A collection of samples to discuss and showcase different architectural tools and patterns for Android apps. |
sunflower | 10,410 | Kotlin | 2,281 | A gardening app illustrating Android development best practices with Android Jetpack. |
camera-samples | 1,389 | Kotlin | 737 | Multiple samples showing the best practices in camera APIs on Android. |
rabbit-client | 614 | Kotlin | 78 | 🐰 a simple and easy to use android apm framework (tools) |
mirai | 760 | Kotlin | 108 | 全开源多平台 QQ机器人/Android QQ协议支持库 Protocol library for Tencent QQ/TIM |
fenix | 3,318 | Kotlin | 442 | Firefox Preview |
RxTool | 10,651 | Kotlin | 2,634 | Android开发人员不得不收集的工具类集合 |
detekt | 2,788 | Kotlin | 340 | Static code analysis for Kotlin |
android-kotlin-fundamentals-apps | 317 | Kotlin | 479 | android-kotlin-fundamentals-apps |
compose-samples | 1,102 | Kotlin | 182 | |
transmittable-thread-local | 2,653 | Kotlin | 809 | 📌 The missing Java™ std lib(simple & 0-dependency) for framework/middleware, provide an enhanced InheritableThreadLocal that transmits ThreadLocal values between threads even using thread pooling com... |
andfun-kotlin-android-trivia | 84 | Kotlin | 154 | |
kotlinx.coroutines | 7,114 | Kotlin | 959 | Library support for Kotlin coroutines |
architecture-components-samples | 16,493 | Kotlin | 5,537 | Samples for Android Architecture Components. |
flexbox-layout | 15,328 | Kotlin | 1,612 | Flexbox for Android |
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dash-sample-apps | 585 | Lasso | 918 | Apps hosted in the Dash Gallery |
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docker-jitsi-meet | 799 | Lua | 269 | Jitsi Meet on Docker |
PathOfBuilding | 1,927 | Lua | 927 | Offline build planner for Path of Exile. |
pix2pix | 7,566 | Lua | 1,326 | Image-to-image translation with conditional adversarial nets |
incubator-apisix | 2,082 | Lua | 387 | Cloud-Native Microservices API Gateway |
garrysmod | 611 | Lua | 646 | Sandbox mod for the Source Engine |
awesome | 3,036 | Lua | 379 | awesome window manager |
FS19_AutoDrive | 151 | Lua | 153 | FS19 version of AutoDrive - Developer Version |
FiveM-Scripts | 73 | Lua | 279 | All my FiveM Scripts in one Project. |
z.lua | 1,518 | Lua | 66 | ⚡️ A new cd command that helps you navigate faster by learning your habits |
es_extended | 111 | Lua | 277 | An FiveM RPG framework |
Jeva | 44 | Lua | 217 | All scripts and code used through videos/tutorials on Jeva |
CycleGAN | 9,557 | Lua | 1,605 | Software that can generate photos from paintings, turn horses into zebras, perform style transfer, and more. |
ngx_lua_waf | 2,911 | Lua | 1,203 | ngx_lua_waf是一个基于lua-nginx-module(openresty)的web应用防火墙 |
esx_policejob | 41 | Lua | 182 | FXServer ESX Police Job |
Codes-for-Lane-Detection | 601 | Lua | 217 | Learning Lightweight Lane Detection CNNs by Self Attention Distillation (ICCV 2019) |
kong | 25,278 | Lua | 3,235 | 🦍 The Cloud-Native API Gateway |
the-glorious-dotfiles | 525 | Lua | 53 | A glorified dot files |
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Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
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frida | 5,053 | Makefile | 565 | Clone this repo to build Frida |
awesome-python-cn | 18,568 | Makefile | 6,216 | Python资源大全中文版,包括:Web框架、网络爬虫、模板引擎、数据库、数据可视化、图片处理等,由伯乐在线持续更新。 |
theos | 2,860 | Makefile | 829 | A cross-platform suite of tools for building and deploying software for iOS and other platforms. |
kubernetes-handbook | 3,519 | Makefile | 987 | Kubernetes Handbook (Kubernetes指南) https://kubernetes.feisky.xyz |
openwrt-v2ray | 708 | Makefile | 200 | V2Ray for OpenWrt |
python_data_structures_and_algorithms | 1,355 | Makefile | 503 | Python 中文数据结构和算法教程 |
packages | 2,310 | Makefile | 2,026 | Community maintained packages for OpenWrt. Documentation for submitting pull requests is in CONTRIBUTING.md |
nvidia-docker | 10,540 | Makefile | 1,399 | Build and run Docker containers leveraging NVIDIA GPUs |
project-layout | 13,985 | Makefile | 1,423 | Standard Go Project Layout |
CentWSL | 263 | Makefile | 30 | CentOS as a WSL Instance. Supports multiple install. |
zh-google-styleguide | 6,211 | Makefile | 2,021 | Google 开源项目风格指南 (中文版) |
awesome-kubernetes | 8,408 | Makefile | 1,359 | A curated list for awesome kubernetes sources 🚢🎉 |
buildroot | 1,003 | Makefile | 1,042 | Buildroot, making embedded Linux easy. Note that this is not the official repository, but only a mirror. The official Git repository is at http://git.buildroot.net/buildroot/. Do not open issues or fi... |
istio-handbook | 883 | Makefile | 187 | Istio Service Mesh Advanced Practical - Istio服务网格进阶实战 https://www.servicemesher.com/istio-handbook/ |
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Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
swift-evolution | 10,907 | Markdown | 1,766 | This maintains proposals for changes and user-visible enhancements to the Swift Programming Language. |
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glTF-Sample-Models | 822 | Mathematica | 430 | glTF Sample Models |
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PRMLT | 4,574 | MATLAB | 1,894 | Matlab code for machine learning algorithms in book PRML |
OpenFace | 4,342 | MATLAB | 1,425 | OpenFace – a state-of-the art tool intended for facial landmark detection, head pose estimation, facial action unit recognition, and eye-gaze estimation. |
machine-learning-programming-assignments-coursera-andrew-ng | 269 | MATLAB | 278 | Solutions to Andrew NG's machine learning course on Coursera |
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nixpkgs | 4,823 | Nix | 4,642 | Nix Packages collection |
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WeChatExtension-ForMac | 5,609 | Objective-C | 881 | Mac版微信的功能拓展 |
QMUI_iOS | 5,413 | Objective-C | 993 | QMUI iOS——致力于提高项目 UI 开发效率的解决方案 |
AFNetworking | 32,662 | Objective-C | 10,030 | A delightful networking framework for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS. |
flutter-webrtc | 1,149 | Objective-C | 251 | WebRTC plugin for Flutter Mobile/Desktop/Web |
MLVBSDK | 382 | Objective-C | 474 | 移动直播 SDK,国内下载镜像: |
Bob | 1,290 | Objective-C | 95 | Bob 是一款 Mac 端翻译软件,翻译方式支持划词翻译和截图翻译,翻译引擎支持有道翻译、百度翻译和谷歌翻译~ |
FLEX | 11,245 | Objective-C | 1,301 | An in-app debugging and exploration tool for iOS |
react-native-webrtc | 2,550 | Objective-C | 625 | The WebRTC module for React Native |
WebViewJavascriptBridge | 13,094 | Objective-C | 2,736 | An iOS/OSX bridge for sending messages between Obj-C and JavaScript in UIWebViews/WebViews |
CocoaAsyncSocket | 11,460 | Objective-C | 2,795 | Asynchronous socket networking library for Mac and iOS |
GCDWebServer | 5,306 | Objective-C | 881 | The #1 HTTP server for iOS, macOS & tvOS (also includes web based uploader & WebDAV server) |
SDWebImage | 22,538 | Objective-C | 5,546 | Asynchronous image downloader with cache support as a UIImageView category |
SVProgressHUD | 12,038 | Objective-C | 2,401 | A clean and lightweight progress HUD for your iOS and tvOS app. |
YYKit | 13,439 | Objective-C | 3,583 | A collection of iOS components. |
realm-cocoa | 13,772 | Objective-C | 1,812 | Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for Core Data & SQLite |
Sparkle | 4,819 | Objective-C | 847 | A software update framework for macOS |
WeChatPlugin-MacOS | 13,408 | Objective-C | 2,444 | |
TZImagePickerController | 7,021 | Objective-C | 1,572 | 一个支持多选、选原图和视频的图片选择器,同时有预览、裁剪功能,支持iOS6+。 A clone of UIImagePickerController, support picking multiple photos、original photo、video, also allow preview photo and video, support iOS6+ |
iOSInterviewQuestions | 8,302 | Objective-C | 2,549 | iOS interview questions;iOS面试题集锦(附答案)--学习qq群或 Telegram 群交流 ChenYilong/iOSBlog#21 |
Hackintool | 301 | Objective-C | 36 | The Swiss army knife of vanilla Hackintoshing |
MonkeyDev | 4,450 | Objective-C | 775 | CaptainHook Tweak、Logos Tweak and Command-line Tool、Patch iOS Apps, Without Jailbreak. |
facebook-ios-sdk | 6,256 | Objective-C | 2,588 | Used to integrate the Facebook Platform with your iOS & tvOS apps. |
react-native-apple-authentication | 340 | Objective-C | 39 | A React Native library providing support for Apple Authentication on iOS. |
IQKeyboardManager | 14,091 | Objective-C | 2,169 | Codeless drop-in universal library allows to prevent issues of keyboard sliding up and cover UITextField/UITextView. Neither need to write any code nor any setup required and much more. |
react-native-notifications | 2,067 | Objective-C | 512 | React Native Notifications |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Texture | 6,268 | Objective-C++ | 932 | Smooth asynchronous user interfaces for iOS apps. |
objc-runtime | 1,205 | Objective-C++ | 404 | A debuggable objc runtime |
RDM | 2,019 | Objective-C++ | 166 | Easily set Mac Retina display to higher unsupported resolutions |
MoltenVK | 2,345 | Objective-C++ | 191 | MoltenVK is a Vulkan Portability implementation. It layers a subset of the high-performance, industry-standard Vulkan graphics and compute API over Apple's Metal graphics framework, enabling Vulkan ap... |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
flow | 20,515 | OCaml | 1,744 | Adds static typing to JavaScript to improve developer productivity and code quality. |
infer | 10,783 | OCaml | 1,469 | A static analyzer for Java, C, C++, and Objective-C |
coq | 2,710 | OCaml | 412 | Coq is a formal proof management system. It provides a formal language to write mathematical definitions, executable algorithms and theorems together with an environment for semi-interactive developme... |
turker-demographics | 4 | OCaml | 10 |
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fosscad-repo | 792 | OpenSCAD | 658 | Official FOSSCAD Library Repository |
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rdpwrap | 6,724 | Pascal | 1,347 | RDP Wrapper Library |
cheat-engine | 4,112 | Pascal | 809 | Cheat Engine. A development environment focused on modding |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
openfortivpn | 822 | Perl | 145 | Client for PPP+SSL VPN tunnel services |
MySQLTuner-perl | 5,903 | Perl | 950 | MySQLTuner is a script written in Perl that will assist you with your MySQL configuration and make recommendations for increased performance and stability. |
sanoid | 1,312 | Perl | 137 | Policy-driven snapshot management and replication tools. Using ZFS for underlying next-gen storage. (Btrfs support plans are shelved unless and until btrfs becomes reliable.) Primarily intended for Li... |
owasp-modsecurity-crs | 2,090 | Perl | 631 | OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set (CRS) Project (Official Repository) |
diff-so-fancy | 13,022 | Perl | 282 | Good-lookin' diffs. Actually… nah… The best-lookin' diffs. 🎉 |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
laravel | 58,390 | PHP | 18,215 | A PHP framework for web artisans |
framework | 20,673 | PHP | 7,228 | |
ui | 591 | PHP | 105 | |
moodle | 2,898 | PHP | 4,165 | Moodle - the world's open source learning platform |
countries | 4,785 | PHP | 1,060 | World countries in JSON, CSV, XML and Yaml. Any help is welcome! |
laravel-admin | 8,232 | PHP | 2,134 | Build a full-featured administrative interface in ten minutes |
composer | 22,671 | PHP | 5,788 | Dependency Manager for PHP |
yii2_fecshop | 3,939 | PHP | 1,158 | yii2 ( PHP ) fecmall(fecshop) core code used for ecommerce shop 多语言多货币多入口的开源电商 B2C 商城,支持移动端vue, app, html5,微信小程序微店,微信小程序商城等 |
directus | 6,420 | PHP | 604 | Directus 8 Suite — Future-Proof Headless CMS & API for Custom Databases |
CodeIgniter4 | 2,492 | PHP | 935 | Open Source PHP Framework (originally from EllisLab) |
aimeos-laravel | 2,317 | PHP | 648 | Laravel e-commerce package for professional, ultra fast online shops, complex B2B applications and #gigacommerce |
typecho | 6,714 | PHP | 1,448 | A PHP Blogging Platform. Simple and Powerful. |
livewire | 2,742 | PHP | 190 | A full-stack framework for Laravel that takes the pain out of building dynamic UIs. |
prestissimo | 5,728 | PHP | 155 | composer parallel install plugin |
oneindex | 4,100 | PHP | 1,750 | Onedrive Directory Index |
WordPress | 13,643 | PHP | 8,396 | WordPress, Git-ified. Synced via SVN every 15 minutes, including branches and tags! This repository is just a mirror of the WordPress subversion repository. Please do not send pull requests. Submit pa... |
laravel-medialibrary | 3,656 | PHP | 588 | Associate files with Eloquent models |
8,815 | PHP | 2,121 | 📦 It is probably the best SDK in the world for developing WeChat App. | |
PocketMine-MP | 1,778 | PHP | 1,099 | A server software for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition in PHP |
Cachet | 10,924 | PHP | 1,279 | 📛 An open source status page system for everyone. |
Sylius | 5,711 | PHP | 1,670 | Open Source eCommerce Platform on Symfony |
symfony | 23,000 | PHP | 7,544 | The Symfony PHP framework |
koel | 11,281 | PHP | 1,389 | 🐦 A personal music streaming server that works. |
opencart | 5,343 | PHP | 3,995 | A free shopping cart system. OpenCart is an open source PHP-based online e-commerce solution. |
laravel-cors | 4,967 | PHP | 451 | Adds CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) headers support in your Laravel application |
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Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
blog | 4,777 | PLpgSQL | 1,136 | Everything about database,bussiness.(Most for PostgreSQL). |
test_db | 1,857 | PLpgSQL | 1,254 | A sample MySQL database with an integrated test suite, used to test your applications and database servers |
node-sqlite3 | 4,195 | PLpgSQL | 571 | Asynchronous, non-blocking SQLite3 bindings for Node.js |
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Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
virtual-environments | 417 | PowerShell | 201 | GitHub Actions virtual environments |
azure-quickstart-templates | 6,841 | PowerShell | 9,826 | Azure Quickstart Templates |
k8s-for-docker-desktop | 1,546 | PowerShell | 381 | 为Docker Desktop for Mac/Windows开启Kubernetes和Istio - Enable Kubernetes/Istio on Docker Desktop in China |
RDS-Templates | 151 | PowerShell | 234 | ARM Templates for Remote Desktop Services deployments |
xencrypt | 314 | PowerShell | 66 | A PowerShell script anti-virus evasion tool |
OfficeDocs-SkypeForBusiness | 118 | PowerShell | 499 | Skype for Business and Microsoft Teams documentation |
oh-my-posh | 2,423 | PowerShell | 163 | A prompt theming engine for Powershell |
PowerShell-Docs | 767 | PowerShell | 939 | The official PowerShell documentation sources |
azure-docs-powershell-azuread | 56 | PowerShell | 161 | Cmdlets reference help docs for Powershell Azure AD |
Windows10Debloater | 4,031 | PowerShell | 529 | Script to remove Windows 10 bloatware. |
nishang | 3,757 | PowerShell | 1,397 | Nishang - Offensive PowerShell for red team, penetration testing and offensive security. |
K8tools | 2,626 | PowerShell | 1,233 | K8工具合集(内网渗透/提权工具/远程溢出/漏洞利用/扫描工具/密码破解/免杀工具/Exploit/APT/0day/Shellcode/Payload/priviledge/BypassUAC/OverFlow/WebShell/PenTest) Web GetShell Exploit(Struts2/Zimbra/Weblogic/Tomcat/Apache/Jboss/DotNetNuke... |
scoop | 10,073 | PowerShell | 860 | A command-line installer for Windows. |
microsoft-graph-docs | 543 | PowerShell | 847 | Documentation for the Microsoft Graph REST API |
azure-docs | 3,683 | PowerShell | 9,509 | Open source documentation of Microsoft Azure |
EntityFramework.Docs | 679 | PowerShell | 1,099 | Documentation for Entity Framework Core and Entity Framework 6 |
PowerSploit | 6,652 | PowerShell | 2,510 | PowerSploit - A PowerShell Post-Exploitation Framework |
PowerTools | 1,205 | PowerShell | 579 | PowerTools is a collection of PowerShell projects with a focus on offensive operations. |
OfficeDocs-Exchange | 58 | PowerShell | 312 | Contains documentation for Exchange Server and Exchange Online |
posh-git | 4,246 | PowerShell | 644 | A PowerShell environment for Git |
Main | 372 | PowerShell | 184 | 📦 The next-generation default bucket for Scoop. |
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x-deeplearning | 3,264 | PureBasic | 841 | An industrial deep learning framework for high-dimension sparse data |
onnx | 8,101 | PureBasic | 1,354 | Open Neural Network Exchange |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
manim | 19,401 | Python | 2,338 | Animation engine for explanatory math videos |
HanLP | 18,663 | Python | 5,167 | Natural Language Processing for the next decade. Tokenization, Part-of-Speech Tagging, Named Entity Recognition, Syntactic & Semantic Dependency Parsing, Document Classification |
GitHub-Chinese-Top-Charts | 17,093 | Python | 2,225 | 🇨🇳 GitHub中文排行榜,帮助你发现高分优秀中文项目、更高效地吸收国人的优秀经验成果;榜单每周更新一次,敬请关注!(武汉加油!中国加油!世界加油!) |
stanza | 3,741 | Python | 477 | Official Stanford NLP Python Library for Many Human Languages |
funNLP | 18,459 | Python | 5,520 | 中英文敏感词、语言检测、中外手机/电话归属地/运营商查询、名字推断性别、手机号抽取、身份证抽取、邮箱抽取、中日文人名库、中文缩写库、拆字词典、词汇情感值、停用词、反动词表、暴恐词表、繁简体转换、英文模拟中文发音、汪峰歌词生成器、职业名称词库、同义词库、反义词库、否定词库、汽车品牌词库、汽车零件词库、连续英文切割、各种中文词向量、公司名字大全、古诗词库、IT词库、财经词库、成语词库、地名词库、历史名... |
python-cheatsheet | 12,227 | Python | 2,446 | Comprehensive Python Cheatsheet |
dispatch | 1,907 | Python | 117 | All of the ad-hoc things you're doing to manage incidents today, done for you, and much more! |
interview_internal_reference | 24,904 | Python | 6,895 | 2019年最新总结,阿里,腾讯,百度,美团,头条等技术面试题目,以及答案,专家出题人分析汇总。 |
detectron2 | 8,946 | Python | 1,791 | Detectron2 is FAIR's next-generation platform for object detection and segmentation. |
AiLearning | 23,976 | Python | 8,310 | AiLearning: 机器学习 - MachineLearning - ML、深度学习 - DeepLearning - DL、自然语言处理 NLP |
public-apis | 73,109 | Python | 8,384 | A collective list of free APIs for use in software and web development. |
yfinance | 1,299 | Python | 323 | Yahoo! Finance market data downloader (+faster Pandas Datareader) |
synapse | 5,703 | Python | 985 | Synapse: Matrix reference homeserver |
ansible-for-devops | 2,639 | Python | 1,035 | Ansible examples from Ansible for DevOps. |
transformers | 24,373 | Python | 5,668 | 🤗 Transformers: State-of-the-art Natural Language Processing for TensorFlow 2.0 and PyTorch. |
fastapi | 11,861 | Python | 733 | FastAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production |
EfficientDet | 613 | Python | 155 | EfficientDet (Scalable and Efficient Object Detection) implementation in Keras and Tensorflow |
PyTorch-YOLOv3 | 4,025 | Python | 1,539 | Minimal PyTorch implementation of YOLOv3 |
demucs | 1,393 | Python | 187 | Code for the paper Music Source Separation in the Waveform Domain |
zulip | 11,419 | Python | 3,681 | Zulip server - powerful open source team chat |
DjangoBlog | 2,654 | Python | 1,339 | 🍺基于Django的博客系统 |
PayloadsAllTheThings | 13,532 | Python | 4,238 | A list of useful payloads and bypass for Web Application Security and Pentest/CTF |
Games | 1,489 | Python | 899 | Some games created by python code. |
pytorch-lightning | 4,583 | Python | 492 | The lightweight PyTorch wrapper for ML researchers. Scale your models. Write less boilerplate |
DeepCTR | 3,047 | Python | 945 | Easy-to-use,Modular and Extendible package of deep-learning based CTR models. |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
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nCoV2019 | 389 | R | 117 | Location for summaries and analysis of data related to n-CoV 2019, first reported in Wuhan, China |
coronavirus | 244 | R | 56 | 🦠 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Tracker |
nCov2019 | 333 | R | 124 | query stats of infected coronavirus cases |
coronavirus | 214 | R | 87 | The coronavirus dataset |
ESL-CN | 1,170 | R | 329 | The Elements of Statistical Learning (ESL)的中文翻译、代码实现及其习题解答。 |
labs | 1,175 | R | 1,549 | Rmd source files for the HarvardX series PH525x |
dplyr | 3,258 | R | 1,209 | dplyr: A grammar of data manipulation |
awesome-R | 3,931 | R | 1,293 | A curated list of awesome R packages, frameworks and software. |
seurat | 739 | R | 409 | R toolkit for single cell genomics |
ggplot2 | 4,308 | R | 1,592 | An implementation of the Grammar of Graphics in R |
ProgrammingAssignment2 | 620 | R | 120,368 | Repository for Programming Assignment 2 for R Programming on Coursera |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Courses- | 133 | Racket | 221 | Quiz & Assignment of Coursera |
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Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
hosts | 17,006 | Rascal | 8,115 | 🗽最新可用的google hosts文件。国内镜像: |
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fanqiang | 15,920 | Rich Text Format | 3,776 | 翻墙-科学上网 |
clover-efi | 480 | Rich Text Format | 1,482 | 分享整理一些黑苹果Clover驱动配置文件 |
clover | 902 | Rich Text Format | 428 | Share some hackintosh Clover files 分享一些黑苹果clover配置文件 |
mqtt | 3,031 | Rich Text Format | 763 | MQTT协议3.1.1中文翻译版,IoT,物联网 |
WPF-Samples | 2,388 | Rich Text Format | 1,720 | Repository for WPF related samples |
github | 5,697 | Rich Text Format | 1,340 | GitHub 漫游指南- a Chinese ebook on how to build a good project on Github. Explore the users' behavior. Find some thing interest. |
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Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
help | 1,005 | Roff | 133 | 【史上最详细的SS/SSR节点使用教程】 |
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Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
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homebrew-cask | 16,771 | Ruby | 8,127 | 🍻 A CLI workflow for the administration of macOS applications distributed as binaries |
spree | 10,230 | Ruby | 4,394 | Spree is an open source E-commerce platform for Rails 6 with a modern UX, optional PWA frontend, REST API, GraphQL, several official extensions and 3rd party integrations. Over 1 million downloads and... |
metasploit-framework | 20,009 | Ruby | 9,694 | Metasploit Framework |
ISO-3166-Countries-with-Regional-Codes | 1,151 | Ruby | 1,904 | ISO 3166-1 country lists merged with their UN Geoscheme regional codes in ready-to-use JSON, XML, CSV data sets |
rubygems | 2,335 | Ruby | 1,146 | Library packaging and distribution for Ruby. |
webpacker | 4,689 | Ruby | 1,179 | Use Webpack to manage app-like JavaScript modules in Rails |
puma | 6,121 | Ruby | 1,087 | A Ruby/Rack web server built for concurrency |
canvas-lms | 3,187 | Ruby | 1,358 | The open LMS by Instructure, Inc. |
greenlight | 170 | Ruby | 741 | A really simple end-user interface for your BigBlueButton server. |
CocoaPods | 12,345 | Ruby | 2,227 | The Cocoa Dependency Manager. |
postal | 9,584 | Ruby | 595 | 📨 A fully featured open source mail delivery platform for incoming & outgoing e-mail |
factory_bot | 6,801 | Ruby | 2,056 | A library for setting up Ruby objects as test data. |
remote-working | 6,335 | Ruby | 643 | 收集整理远程工作相关的资料 |
vcr | 4,729 | Ruby | 449 | Record your test suite's HTTP interactions and replay them during future test runs for fast, deterministic, accurate tests. |
fastlane | 28,385 | Ruby | 4,463 | 🚀 The easiest way to automate building and releasing your iOS and Android apps |
charting-library-examples | 457 | Ruby | 276 | Examples of Charting Library integrations with other libraries, frameworks and data transports |
linguist | 7,567 | Ruby | 2,756 | Language Savant. If your repository's language is being reported incorrectly, send us a pull request! |
ruby-exercises | 126 | Ruby | 380 | A collection of exercises to practice various aspects of Ruby |
explore | 1,608 | Ruby | 6,612 | Community-curated topic and collection pages on GitHub |
fq-book | 1,767 | Ruby | 691 | 📖 《这本书能让你连接互联网》科学上网Freestyle,了解网络基础知识与实践蹭网操作 |
homebrew-openjdk | 951 | Ruby | 76 | AdoptOpenJDK HomeBrew Tap |
discourse | 30,323 | Ruby | 6,758 | A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple. |
rails-i18n | 3,572 | Ruby | 2,649 | Repository for collecting Locale data for Ruby on Rails I18n as well as other interesting, Rails related I18n stuff |
styles | 1,898 | Ruby | 2,604 | Official repository for Citation Style Language (CSL) citation styles. |
devise | 20,682 | Ruby | 4,980 | Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden. |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
druid | 1,501 | Rust | 120 | A data-first Rust-native UI design toolkit. |
ytop | 846 | Rust | 28 | A TUI system monitor written in Rust |
bat | 18,736 | Rust | 376 | A cat(1) clone with wings. |
firecracker | 11,677 | Rust | 760 | Secure and fast microVMs for serverless computing. |
bitwarden_rs | 3,323 | Rust | 232 | Unofficial Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust |
996.ICU | 249,196 | Rust | 21,144 | Repo for counting stars and contributing. Press F to pay respect to glorious developers. |
vector | 3,646 | Rust | 194 | A lightweight and ultra-fast tool for building observability pipelines |
nushell | 6,698 | Rust | 272 | A modern shell written in Rust |
exa | 9,076 | Rust | 280 | A modern version of ‘ls’. |
wasmtime | 2,703 | Rust | 237 | Standalone JIT-style runtime for WebAssembly, using Cranelift |
MeiliSearch | 3,473 | Rust | 92 | Ultra relevant, instant, and typo-tolerant full-text search API |
navi | 6,896 | Rust | 312 | An interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line |
tui-rs | 2,563 | Rust | 128 | Build terminal user interfaces and dashboards using Rust |
diesel | 5,222 | Rust | 503 | A safe, extensible ORM and Query Builder for Rust |
tokei | 3,084 | Rust | 196 | Count your code, quickly. |
awesome-rust | 14,681 | Rust | 985 | A curated list of Rust code and resources. |
yyx | 258 | Rust | 62 | Game data snapshot manager. |
ripgrep | 18,982 | Rust | 843 | ripgrep recursively searches directories for a regex pattern |
talent-plan | 3,944 | Rust | 561 | PingCAP training courses |
juniper | 2,453 | Rust | 208 | GraphQL server library for Rust |
rust-libp2p | 1,154 | Rust | 220 | The Rust Implementation of libp2p networking stack. |
shadowsocks-rust | 1,660 | Rust | 385 | A Rust port of shadowsocks |
regex | 1,431 | Rust | 222 | An implementation of regular expressions for Rust. This implementation uses finite automata and guarantees linear time matching on all inputs. |
clap | 3,958 | Rust | 377 | A full featured, fast Command Line Argument Parser for Rust |
dashmap | 663 | Rust | 26 | Blazing fast concurrent HashMap for Rust. |
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shadowsocksr-v2ray-android | 342 | Scala | 56 | A ShadowsocksR and V2Ray client for Android |
source-han-serif | 4,748 | Scala | 501 | Source Han Serif |
spark | 25,574 | Scala | 21,402 | Apache Spark |
deequ | 746 | Scala | 130 | Deequ is a library built on top of Apache Spark for defining "unit tests for data", which measure data quality in large datasets. |
akka | 10,758 | Scala | 3,229 | Build highly concurrent, distributed, and resilient message-driven applications on the JVM |
node2vec | 1,610 | Scala | 691 | |
lila | 6,489 | Scala | 959 | ♞ lichess.org: the forever free, adless and open source chess server ♞ |
rocket-chip | 1,405 | Scala | 584 | Rocket Chip Generator |
Linkis | 923 | Scala | 332 | Linkis helps easily connect to various back-end computation/storage engines(Spark, Python, TiDB...), exposes various interfaces(REST, JDBC, Java ...), with multi-tenancy, high performance, and resourc... |
chisel3 | 1,257 | Scala | 261 | Chisel 3: A Modern Hardware Design Language |
zio | 2,108 | Scala | 559 | ZIO — A type-safe, composable library for async and concurrent programming in Scala |
scala | 12,590 | Scala | 2,884 | The Scala programming language |
bfg-repo-cleaner | 6,256 | Scala | 348 | Removes large or troublesome blobs like git-filter-branch does, but faster. And written in Scala |
snowflake | 5,852 | Scala | 964 | Snowflake is a network service for generating unique ID numbers at high scale with some simple guarantees. |
openwhisk | 4,649 | Scala | 909 | Apache OpenWhisk is an open source serverless cloud platform |
waterdrop | 849 | Scala | 284 | 生产环境的海量数据计算产品,文档地址: |
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leaf | 0 | Scheme | 0 | a lazy experiment |
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corpus | 5 | sed | 12 | Malayalam Corpus by Swathanthra Malayalam Computing |
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Unity_Shaders_Book | 2,215 | ShaderLab | 874 | 📖 书籍《Unity Shader入门精要》源代码 |
Addressables-Sample | 378 | ShaderLab | 84 | Demo project using Addressables package |
Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
papers-we-love | 39,413 | Shell | 3,569 | Papers from the computer science community to read and discuss. |
Hackintosh | 4,333 | Shell | 572 | Hackintosh long-term maintenance model EFI and installation tutorial |
voidrice | 2,355 | Shell | 766 | My dotfiles (deployed by LARBS) |
easy-rsa | 2,282 | Shell | 779 | easy-rsa - Simple shell based CA utility |
WoeUSB | 2,693 | Shell | 261 | WoeUSB is a simple tool that enable you to create your own usb stick windows installer from an iso image or a real DVD. It is a fork of Congelli501's WinUSB. |
ohmyzsh | 105,858 | Shell | 19,130 | 🙃 A delightful community-driven (with 1500+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 200+ optional plugins (rails, git, OSX, hub, capistrano, brew, ant, php, python, etc)... |
macos-guest-virtualbox | 1,145 | Shell | 166 | Push-button installer of macOS Catalina, Mojave, and High Sierra guests in Virtualbox for Windows, Linux, and macOS |
docker-minecraft-server | 1,018 | Shell | 363 | Docker image that provides a Minecraft Server that will automatically download selected version at startup |
oh-my-wechat | 1,550 | Shell | 240 | 微信小助手的安装 / 更新工具。 |
interview_python | 12,171 | Shell | 4,888 | 关于Python的面试题 |
docker-transmission-openvpn | 1,662 | Shell | 643 | Docker container running Transmission torrent client with WebUI over an OpenVPN tunnel |
Trojan | 197 | Shell | 122 | Trojan 一键安装脚本 |
docker-openvpn | 5,441 | Shell | 1,456 | 🔒 OpenVPN server in a Docker container complete with an EasyRSA PKI CA |
espnet | 1,987 | Shell | 616 | End-to-End Speech Processing Toolkit |
Actions-OpenWrt | 1,098 | Shell | 1,992 | Build OpenWrt using GitHub Actions |
kubeasz | 4,971 | Shell | 1,999 | 使用Ansible脚本安装K8S集群,介绍组件交互原理,方便直接,不受国内网络环境影响 |
github-markdown-toc | 1,920 | Shell | 1,552 | Easy TOC creation for GitHub README.md |
openvpn-install | 4,489 | Shell | 1,136 | Set up your own OpenVPN server on Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, CentOS or Arch Linux. |
core | 13,268 | Shell | 3,146 | Home repository for .NET Core |
follow-me-install-kubernetes-cluster | 5,317 | Shell | 2,295 | 和我一步步部署 kubernetes 集群 |
mattermost-docker | 784 | Shell | 478 | Dockerfile for mattermost in production |
XiaoMi-Pro-Hackintosh | 1,760 | Shell | 358 | macOS Catalina & Mojave & High Sierra on XiaoMi NoteBook Pro 2017 & 2018 |
setup-ipsec-vpn | 13,167 | Shell | 3,610 | Scripts to build your own IPsec VPN server, with IPsec/L2TP and Cisco IPsec on Ubuntu, Debian and CentOS |
DocumentServer | 1,506 | Shell | 472 | ONLYOFFICE Document Server is an online office suite comprising viewers and editors for texts, spreadsheets and presentations, fully compatible with Office Open XML formats: .docx, .xlsx, .pptx and en... |
balena-sound | 488 | Shell | 80 | Build a single or multi-room streamer for an existing audio device using a Raspberry Pi! Supports Bluetooth, Airplay and Spotify Connect |
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Repo | star | language | fork | intro |
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charts | 1,011 | Smarty | 762 | Helm Charts |
charts | 102 | Smarty | 172 | JFrog official Helm Charts |
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sql-server-samples | 4,602 | SQLPL | 4,571 | Official Microsoft GitHub Repository containing code samples for SQL Server |
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NetNewsWire | 3,143 | Swift | 248 | RSS reader for macOS and iOS. |
RxSwift | 18,155 | Swift | 3,243 | Reactive Programming in Swift |
Alamofire | 33,182 | Swift | 6,085 | Elegant HTTP Networking in Swift |
Charts | 22,484 | Swift | 4,452 | Beautiful charts for iOS/tvOS/OSX! The Apple side of the crossplatform MPAndroidChart. |
swift-argument-parser | 1,182 | Swift | 51 | Straightforward, type-safe argument parsing for Swift |
SnapKit | 16,239 | Swift | 1,591 | A Swift Autolayout DSL for iOS & OS X |
clashX | 5,840 | Swift | 833 | |
lottie-ios | 19,223 | Swift | 2,737 | An iOS library to natively render After Effects vector animations |
open-source-ios-apps | 22,746 | Swift | 3,763 | 📱 Collaborative List of Open-Source iOS Apps |
Moya | 11,925 | Swift | 1,468 | Network abstraction layer written in Swift. |
ShadowsocksX-NG-R8 | 405 | Swift | 81 | ShadowsocksX-NG-R for MacOS |
SideMenu | 4,455 | Swift | 584 | Simple side/slide menu control for iOS, no code necessary! Lots of customization. Add it to your project in 5 minutes or less. |
PhoneNumberKit | 3,561 | Swift | 452 | A Swift framework for parsing, formatting and validating international phone numbers. Inspired by Google's libphonenumber. |
SQLite.swift | 6,771 | Swift | 1,162 | A type-safe, Swift-language layer over SQLite3. |
V2rayU | 7,764 | Swift | 1,122 | V2rayU,基于v2ray核心的mac版客户端,用于科学上网,使用swift编写,支持vmess,shadowsocks,socks5等服务协议,支持订阅, 支持二维码,剪贴板导入,手动配置,二维码分享等 |
Eureka | 10,578 | Swift | 1,217 | Elegant iOS form builder in Swift |
Mos | 3,826 | Swift | 173 | 一个用于在 MacOS 上平滑你的鼠标滚动效果或单独设置滚动方向的小工具, 让你的滚轮爽如触控板 |
PanModal | 2,309 | Swift | 195 | An elegant and highly customizable presentation API for constructing bottom sheet modals on iOS. |
time | 1,788 | Swift | 54 | Building a better date/time library for Swift |
Kingfisher | 15,868 | Swift | 1,794 | A lightweight, pure-Swift library for downloading and caching images from the web. |
XcodeGen | 3,301 | Swift | 330 | A Swift command line tool for generating your Xcode project |
firefox-ios | 9,257 | Swift | 2,185 | Firefox for iOS |
SwifterSwift | 8,232 | Swift | 1,031 | A handy collection of more than 500 native Swift extensions to boost your productivity. |
swift-snapshot-testing | 1,296 | Swift | 121 | 📸 Delightful Swift snapshot testing. |
Macaw | 5,082 | Swift | 421 | Powerful and easy-to-use vector graphics Swift library with SVG support |
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COVID-19 | 510 | TeX | 156 | 2019 novel coronavirus repository |
resume | 3,388 | TeX | 1,365 | An elegant \LaTeX\ résumé template. 大陆镜像 https://gods.coding.net/p/resume/git |
thuthesis | 2,138 | TeX | 721 | LaTeX Thesis Template for Tsinghua University |
deeplearningbook-chinese | 28,221 | TeX | 8,224 | Deep Learning Book Chinese Translation |
owasp-masvs | 676 | TeX | 196 | The Mobile Application Security Verification Standard (MASVS) is a standard for mobile app security. |
Data-Science--Cheat-Sheet | 17,777 | TeX | 7,861 | Cheat Sheets |
dsbook | 333 | TeX | 349 | Repository for data science book |
pandoc-latex-template | 2,206 | TeX | 371 | A pandoc LaTeX template to convert markdown files to PDF or LaTeX. |
latexcv | 596 | TeX | 170 | 👔 A collection of cv and resume templates written in LaTeX. Leave an issue if your language is not supported! |
vimtex | 2,437 | TeX | 227 | A modern vim plugin for editing LaTeX files. |
PlotNeuralNet | 7,867 | TeX | 1,108 | Latex code for making neural networks diagrams |
leetcode | 8,392 | TeX | 3,017 | LeetCode题解,151道题完整版 |
conv_arithmetic | 8,491 | TeX | 1,646 | A technical report on convolution arithmetic in the context of deep learning |
ncov | 28 | TeX | 13 | analyses related to nCoV-2020 outbreak |
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ncov-report | 113 | TSQL | 124 | 疫情防控-每日健康上报管理平台 |
CBoard | 2,379 | TSQL | 1,029 | An easy to use, self-service open BI reporting and BI dashboard platform. |
APIJSON | 7,607 | TSQL | 989 | 🏆码云最有价值开源项目 🚀后端接口和文档自动化,前端(客户端) 定制返回 JSON 的数据和结构!🏆Gitee Most Valuable Project 🚀A JSON Transmission Protocol and an ORM Library for automatically providing APIs and Docs. |
dockerfiles | 1,786 | TSQL | 470 | 🐳 A collection of delicious docker recipes |
mysql-country-list | 403 | TSQL | 616 | mysql insert country list into database |
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desktop | 8,960 | TypeScript | 4,588 | Simple collaboration from your desktop |
umi | 7,536 | TypeScript | 1,008 | 🌋 Pluggable enterprise-level react application framework. |
ant-design | 58,183 | TypeScript | 21,132 | 🌈 A UI Design Language and React UI library |
qiankun | 3,688 | TypeScript | 323 | 📦🚀Blazing fast, simple and completed solution for micro frontends. |
ant-design-pro | 24,384 | TypeScript | 5,613 | 👨🏻💻👩🏻💻 Use Ant Design like a Pro! |
weui-miniprogram | 510 | TypeScript | 108 | 小程序WeUI组件库 |
excalidraw | 4,525 | TypeScript | 290 | Virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams |
streamlabs-obs | 1,358 | TypeScript | 268 | Free and open source streaming software built on OBS and Electron. |
code-server | 29,228 | TypeScript | 2,087 | Run VS Code on a remote server. |
vue-next | 9,994 | TypeScript | 1,808 | The next major version of Vue (WIP) |
vscode | 93,722 | TypeScript | 14,464 | Visual Studio Code |
lens | 2,189 | TypeScript | 114 | Lens - The Kubernetes IDE |
Mailspring | 8,144 | TypeScript | 553 | 💌 A beautiful, fast and maintained fork of @nylas Mail by one of the original authors. |
PoE-Overlay | 451 | TypeScript | 56 | An Overlay for Path of Exile. Built with Electron and Angular. |
hospitalrun-frontend | 5,134 | TypeScript | 1,592 | Frontend for HospitalRun |
G2 | 9,356 | TypeScript | 825 | 📊 A highly interactive data-driven visualization grammar for statistical charts. |
tfjs-models | 5,456 | TypeScript | 1,586 | Pretrained models for TensorFlow.js |
rap2-delos | 5,609 | TypeScript | 981 | 阿里妈妈前端团队出品的开源接口管理工具RAP第二代 |
CopyTranslator | 6,827 | TypeScript | 957 | Foreign language reading and translation assistant based on copy and translate. |
ext-saladict | 4,429 | TypeScript | 299 | Feature-rich inline translator. |
flipper | 6,531 | TypeScript | 395 | A desktop debugging platform for mobile developers. |
frontend | 774 | TypeScript | 784 | 🍭 Frontend for Home Assistant |
typeorm | 18,243 | TypeScript | 2,848 | ORM for TypeScript and JavaScript (ES7, ES6, ES5). Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MS SQL Server, Oracle, SAP Hana, WebSQL databases. Works in NodeJS, Browser, Ionic, Cordova and Electron... |
vuetify | 24,483 | TypeScript | 3,941 | 🐉 Material Component Framework for Vue |
ant-design-mobile | 8,093 | TypeScript | 1,295 | A configurable Mobile UI |
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peek | 5,786 | Vala | 216 | Simple animated GIF screen recorder with an easy to use interface |
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vimplus | 2,145 | Vim script | 773 | 🚀An automatic configuration program for vim |
nerdtree | 13,192 | Vim script | 1,220 | A tree explorer plugin for vim. |
macvim | 5,768 | Vim script | 589 | Vim - the text editor - for Mac OS X |
vim-plug | 18,229 | Vim script | 957 | 🌺 Minimalist Vim Plugin Manager |
spf13-vim | 14,314 | Vim script | 3,702 | The ultimate vim distribution |
use_vim_as_ide | 8,465 | Vim script | 2,343 | use vim as IDE |
awesome-vim-colorschemes | 1,034 | Vim script | 82 | Collection of awesome color schemes for Neo/vim, merged for quick use. |
solarized | 14,236 | Vim script | 3,438 | precision color scheme for multiple applications (terminal, vim, etc.) with both dark/light modes |
ayu-vim | 755 | Vim script | 85 | Modern theme for modern VIMs |
vimrc | 21,030 | Vim script | 5,798 | The ultimate Vim configuration: vimrc |
iceberg.vim | 933 | Vim script | 63 | 🇦🇶 Dark blue color scheme for Vim and Neovim |
molokai | 3,071 | Vim script | 1,513 | Molokai color scheme for Vim |
gruvbox | 6,917 | Vim script | 688 | Retro groove color scheme for Vim |
vim-startify | 3,131 | Vim script | 134 | 🔗 The fancy start screen for Vim. |
vim-tmux-navigator | 2,893 | Vim script | 178 | Seamless navigation between tmux panes and vim splits |
any-jump.vim | 266 | Vim script | 10 | Jump to any definition and references 👁 IDE madness without overhead 🚀 |
vim-easy-align | 2,879 | Vim script | 80 | 🌻 A Vim alignment plugin |
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vue-element-admin | 51,613 | Vue | 17,771 | 🎉 A magical vue admin https://panjiachen.github.io/vue-element-admin |
element | 44,455 | Vue | 10,148 | A Vue.js 2.0 UI Toolkit for Web |
mall-admin-web | 5,428 | Vue | 3,332 | mall-admin-web是一个电商后台管理系统的前端项目,基于Vue+Element实现。 主要包括商品管理、订单管理、会员管理、促销管理、运营管理、内容管理、统计报表、财务管理、权限管理、设置等功能。 |
ant-design-vue | 9,783 | Vue | 1,403 | An enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Vue. 🐜 |
vue2-elm | 32,590 | Vue | 10,835 | 基于 vue2 + vuex 构建一个具有 45 个页面的大型单页面应用 |
vue-manage-system | 9,637 | Vue | 3,359 | 基于vue + element的后台管理系统解决方案 |
vue2-manage | 8,995 | Vue | 3,224 | 基于 vue + element-ui 的后台管理系统 |
PicGo | 8,550 | Vue | 790 | 🚀A simple & beautiful tool for pictures uploading built by vue-cli-electron-builder |
ant-design-pro-vue | 4,710 | Vue | 1,388 | 👨🏻💻👩🏻💻 Use Ant Design Vue like a Pro! |
eladmin-web | 1,478 | Vue | 981 | eladmin前端源码,项目基于 Spring Boot 2.1.0 、 Spring Boot Jpa、 Spring Security、Redis、Vue的前后端分离后台管理系统, 权限控制采用 RBAC,菜单动态路由 |
mint-ui | 15,606 | Vue | 3,468 | Mobile UI elements for Vue.js |
h-player-v2 | 2,656 | Vue | 582 | 资源采集站在线播放 |
ColorUI | 8,153 | Vue | 1,455 | 鲜亮的高饱和色彩,专注视觉的小程序组件库 |
baidupcs-web | 5,630 | Vue | 1,090 | |
vue-typescript-admin-template | 2,019 | Vue | 681 | 🖖 A vue-cli 3.0 + typescript minimal admin template |
DataV | 1,832 | Vue | 359 | Vue数据可视化组件库(类似阿里DataV,大屏数据展示),提供SVG的边框及装饰、图表、水位图、飞线图等组件,简单易用,长期更新(React版已发布) |
iview | 23,134 | Vue | 4,142 | A high quality UI Toolkit built on Vue.js 2.0 |
hello-uniapp | 871 | Vue | 513 | uni-app框架演示示例 |
iview-admin | 14,373 | Vue | 4,453 | Vue 2.0 admin management system template based on iView |
ViewUI | 1,321 | Vue | 290 | A high quality UI Toolkit built on Vue.js 2.0 |
uni-ui | 548 | Vue | 214 | 基于uni-app的ui框架 |
ZY-Player | 187 | Vue | 38 | 🎞 Video player made by electron and Vue |
mavonEditor | 3,629 | Vue | 597 | mavonEditor - A markdown editor based on Vue that supports a variety of personalized features |
vue2-element-touzi-admin | 2,663 | Vue | 1,142 | 基于vue2.0 +vuex+ element-ui后台管理系统 |
vux | 16,874 | Vue | 3,822 | Mobile UI Components based on Vue & WeUI |
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nltk_data | 428 | XSLT | 437 | NLTK Data |
pentest_compilation | 795 | XSLT | 304 | Compilation of commands, tips and scripts that helped me throughout Vulnhub, Hackthebox, OSCP and real scenarios |
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zig | 5,322 | Zig | 414 | General-purpose programming language and toolchain for maintaining robust, optimal, and reusable software. |
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