A little more dynamic Compound Interest Calculator in CLI
Python 3.11.1
MSC v.1934 64 bit (AMD64)
Python 3.10.6
GCC 11.3.0
git clone https://github.com/3ngchun/Compound_Interest_Calculator
cd Compound_Interest_Calculator
py -3 main.py
python3 main.py
| Welcome to Engch interest calculator! |
| Only accept numerical numbers input. |
| Rounds off to nearest 2 significant value. |
| Interest/dividend kicks in on year 1! |
| Gains kicks in after interest/dividend! |
Select your option!
1: Simple Compound Dividend Calculator (no reinvest)
2: Simple Compound Gain Calculator (reinvest)
3: Dynamic Compound Dividend Calculator (no reinvest)
4: Dynamic Compound Gain Calculator (reinvest)
5: Quick Present Value Calculator
6: Quick Future Value Calculator
0: Exit
| User to input |
| --> Yearly Addition |
| --> Holding gain in percentage |
| --> Interest in percentage |
| --> Interest in inflation |
Years of holding: 888
Yearly Addition: $888.88
Interest in percentage: 888.88
Interest in inflation: 888.88
########## Year 8/88 result! ##########
Total Contribution: $888.88!
Future Value: $888.88!
Present Value: $888.88!
Inflated Value: $888.88!
Total Interest: $888.88!
Total Gain: $888.88!
Future (w|wo Interest) vs Total Contribution: 888.88%
Future (w|wo Interest) vs Inflation: 888.88%
Present (w|wo Interest) vs Total Contribution: 888.88%
############# END OF YEAR #############
| Thank you for using this CLI service :-) |