Dynamic looping of Angular animations. Define an animaton with keyframes, specify a number of iterations, and the animation will repeat for that many iterations. You can change the number of iterations programmatically.
- Next page: Setup
- Complete example: Ionic demo
npm install angular-animation-looper --save
In your template:
<div [@sampleTrigger]="animationState"
In app.module.ts
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';
import { LoopAnimationModule } from 'angular-animations-looper';
declarations: [],
imports: [
BrowserAnimationsModule, // IMPORTANT: You must import these modules in this order
bootstrap: [],
entryComponents: [],
providers: []
export class AppModule {}
In the ts file for your template:
import { LoopAnimationService, loopableAnimation } from 'angular-animations-looper';
import ANIMATION_TO_LOOP from './animation-definition'; // this looks like : animate(starting state, keyframes)
animations: [ LOOPABLE_ANIMATION ]; // declare the loopable animation in the component
export class SampleClass {
constructor(public loop: LoopAnimationService) { // <-- inject this service
this.loop.registerAnimation('sampleTrigger', LOOPABLE_ANIMATION, 7); // this animation will loop 7 times once it is started
this.loop.currentState('sampleTrigger').subscribe(state => this.animationState = state); // required so the service can talk to the trigger in the template
this.loop.startAnimation('sampleTrigger'); // starts the looping animation
- Next page: Setup
- Complete example: Ionic demo