Implement the following user story using Outside-In TDD starting from an acceptance test.
Portfolio User Story
As a customer of our stock exchange broker
I would like to see my current portfolio
So I can better plan my financial strategy
Portfolio scenario
We need to provide a class able to record the buy and sell operations of a customer and display the information as per the acceptance criteria. For simplicity, you can assume it should work for just one user at a time.
Print portfolio criteria
Given I bought 1000 shares of "Old School Waterfall Software LTD" on 14/02/1990
And I bought 400 shares of "Crafter Masters Limited" on 09/06/2016
And I bought 700 shares of "XP Practitioners Incorporated" on 10/12/2018
And I sold 500 shares of "Old School Waterfall Software LTD" on 11/12/2018
And the current share value of "Old School Waterfall Software LTD" is $5.75
And the current share value of "Crafter Masters Limited" is $17.25
And the current share value of "XP Practitioners Incorporated" is $25.55
When I print my current portfolio
Then the outcome displayed should be:
company | shares | current price | current value | last operation
Old School Waterfall Software LTD | 500 | $5.75 | $2,875.00 | sold 500 on 11/12/2018
Crafter Masters Limited | 400 | $17.25 | $6,900.00 | bought 400 on 09/06/2016
XP Practitioners Incorporated | 700 | $25.55 | $17,885.00 | bought 700 on 10/12/2018
Sorted by first operation date ascending.
The API for this kata is:
public class PortfolioService {
public Buy(string shareName, int amount);
public Sell(string shareName, int amount);
public Print();