Deploy OceanProtocol Provider on Kubernetes, for example on minikube.
First of all, to enable nginx ingress, run:
minikube addons enable ingress
To run locally, configure in /etc/hosts
the following entry pointing to the IP of the minikube cluster, which can be obtained by running minikube ip
: ipfs.local provider.local
Then, follow the steps below.
kubectl create namespace dataspace
kubectl apply -f ipfs/ipfs-data-pvc.yaml
kubectl apply -f ipfs/ipfs-deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f ipfs/ipfs-service.yaml
kubectl apply -f ipfs/ipfs-ingress.yaml
Replace ipfs.local
in ipfs-ingress.yaml with the hostname you are deploying the service to. Also replace the storage class in ipfs-data-pvc.yaml with the one you are using in your cluster.
kubectl apply -f postgres/postgres-configmap.yaml
kubectl apply -f postgres/postgres-data-pvc.yaml
kubectl apply -f postgres/postgres-deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f postgres/postgres-service.yaml
Replace the storage class in postgres-data-pvc.yaml with the one you are using in your cluster.
kubectl apply -f provider/provider-deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f provider/provider-service.yaml
kubectl apply -f provider/provider-ingress.yaml
Replace provider.local
in provider-ingress.yaml with the hostname you are deploying the service to.
Moreover, don't forget to replace the PROVIDER_PRIVATE_KEY
ENV vars in provider-deployment.yaml with private keys only known to you.
kubectl apply -f operator-engine/operator-engine-service-account.yaml
kubectl apply -f operator-engine/operator-engine-role.yaml
kubectl apply -f operator-engine/operator-engine-role-binding.yaml
kubectl apply -f operator-engine/operator-engine-deployment.yaml
ENV vars in operator-engine-deployment.yaml with the hostname you deployed the IPFS service to. And use a STORAGE_CLASS
that is available in your cluster and, preferable, that is automatically released and deleted after its use.
Moreover, don't forget to replace the OPERATOR_PRIVATE_KEY
ENV var in operator-engine-deployment.yaml with a private key only known to you.
kubectl apply -f operator-api/operator-api-deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f operator-api/operator-api-service.yaml
ENV vars in operator-api-deployment.yaml with the public keys of the Provider and Operator Engine you previously deployed.
Finally, initialize the Postgres database through the Operator API from the Provider pod. Note that the Operator API is not visible externally. To do so, first open a shell in the Provider pod:
kubectl exec $(kubectl get pods -n dataspace -l=app=provider -o name) -n dataspace -it -- bash
From the shell in the Provider pod, first, install the curl command:
apt-get update && apt-get install curl -y
Then, call pgsqlinit
in the Operator API using the Admin
header to authenticate with one of the ALLOWED_ADMINS defined in the corresponding Operator API ENV var in operator-api-deployment.yaml):
curl -X POST "http://operator-api.dataspace:8050/api/v1/operator/pgsqlinit" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Admin: postgresadmin"
To check that the Provider is available, visit the Provider URL in your browser, for instance: http://provider.local
You should see the Provider API documentation:
"chainIds": [
"providerAddresses": {
"100": "0x7E5F4552091A69125d5DfCb7b8C2659029395Bdf"
"serviceEndpoints": {
"computeDelete": [
"computeEnvironments": [
"computeResult": [
"computeStart": [
"computeStatus": [
"computeStop": [
"create_auth_token": [
"decrypt": [
"delete_auth_token": [
"download": [
"encrypt": [
"fileinfo": [
"initialize": [
"initializeCompute": [
"nonce": [
"validateContainer": [
"software": "Provider",
"version": "2.1.6"
Which can be used to list the available compute environments: http://provider.local/api/services/computeEnvironments
Providing something like:
"100": [
"consumerAddress": "0x7E5F4552091A69125d5DfCb7b8C2659029395Bdf",
"cpuNumber": "2",
"cpuType": "",
"currentJobs": 0,
"desc": "",
"diskGB": "1",
"feeToken": "0x0995527d3473b3a98c471f1ed8787acd77fbf009",
"gpuNumber": "0",
"gpuType": "",
"id": "dataspace",
"lastSeen": "1701725217.16205",
"maxJobDuration": "900",
"maxJobs": "1",
"priceMin": "0.01",
"ramGB": "4",
"storageExpiry": 0