(Might be buggy still)
npm i ahnidev
const { AhniClient } = require('ahnidev');
const Ahni = new AhniClient({ KEY: "Your-API-Key-Here", url:"https://kyra.tk" }) // URL Required if main domain changed.
// NSFW Endpoints
api.nsfw("thighs").then(result => {
// Chat Endpoint
api.chat("MESSAGE%20CONTENT", "USERID").then(result => {
const { AhniLists } = require('ahnidev');
const api = new AhniLists({})
// Post server count
// "topgg", "disforge", "boats", "bfd", "discords";
api.postCount("botId", {serverCount: 2, botList: "topgg", botListKey: "The-Api.Key"}).then(result => {
// Auto-Post server count
// Most lists have a waiting period (ratelimit); So please make sure you know to not bypass them with interval. (ie: Disforge has a 1/1h ratelimit)
api.autopostCount("botId", { serverCount: 2, botList: "disforge", botListKey: "The-Api.Key", interval: 60 }).then(result => {
Mutes and unmutes.
// index.js
const { Client } = require('discord.js');
const client = new Client({ intents: ["GUILDS", "GUILD_MEMBERS"]});// Not sure about guild_members..?
const { AhniClient } = require('ahnidev');
const Ahni = new AhniClient({ KEY: "Your-API-Key-Here", url:"https://kyra.tk" }) // URL Required if main domain changed.
client.Ahni = Ahni;
client.Ahni.timed(client)// auto unmutes
// event when someones unmuted
client.on("timedUnmute", (user, guild)=>{
console.log(`${user.name} (${user.id}) was unmuted in ${guild.name} (${guild.id})`)
// mute.js
/** member { Discord.User }
* time { Number }
* reason { String }
client.Ahni.mute(member, time, reason)
// unmute.js
* client { Discord.Client }
* user { Discord.User }
client.Ahni.forced(client, user)
Quotes a message via a messageID from message channel or Message URL.
... ... ...
// QuoteCommand.js
client.Ahni.quoteId(client, args[0], msg.channel).then(res => {
// msg.channel (OR message.channel) is needed just the way it is unless you call the current channel differently.
const embed = new MessageEmbed()
.setColor(res.author.accentColor || "WHITE")
.setAuthor(res.author.username, res.author.avatarURL({ type: "png", dynamic: true, size: 4096 }), res.author.avatarURL({ type: "png", dynamic: true, size: 4096 }))
if (res.attachments && res.attachments.size > 0) {
msg.reply({ embeds: [embed] });
... ... ...
// Captcha system / event
const { AhniCaptcha } = require("ahnidev");
client.on("guildMemberAdd", (member) => {
// =============================================================================
// for captcha setup / sending.
// channelID can be either a category OR a GUILD_TEXT/text-channel ;)
const role = member.guild.roles.cache.get("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");
const channel = member.guild.channels.fetch("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");
new AhniCaptcha(client, {channelID: channel.id, attempts: 3, caseSensitive: false}).present(member, role, channel);
// =============================================================================
// For antiJoin raid checking: (WIP)
new AhniCaptcha(client).check(member, days, roleId, joinCount);
// member = user
// days = amount of days user has been registered for
// roleId = mute/unverified roleId
// joinCount = max amount of new joins before kicking this amount of users that joined recently. (the time frame is 6500ms [6~ seconds])
// =============================================================================
- Just read Docs please...
- chat
For an up to date list on endpoints visit kyra.tk | kyra.tk
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