mvn clean install
java -jar ./build/dependency/warp-service-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -Dlogging.configurationFile=./src/main/resources/log4j2.xml
- Build the project
- Run the project
- Acess the swagger documentation at: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
- - Clients for consuming dependant services (e.g. Hyperdrive & FleetNet)
- - Components like AppRunner which starts the background task which monitors Missions
- - All configs (e.g. Thread Pool Config, DB Config, Swagger Doc Config, Jackson Config)
- - MessageDTO json object returned by service for errors
- - Models for persistant storage
- - POJO used in Request Body
- - All services used in the Warp REST Service
- - Util classes & constants
- - All Rest Controllers
- Used Spring Boot for the REST server.
- Used Project Lombok to generate boiler-plate code.
- Used Swagger & SpringFox for REST Documentation.
- Used flapdoodle for embedded Mongo DB for persistent storage.
- Used WireMock to mock dependent services like Hyperdrive & FleetNet.
- Used javax.validation to validate REST Requests.
- Used CacheLoader to refresh URIs periodically to simulate HA environment.
- Used guava-retrying to make communication with dependent service more resilient.
- Used Dropwizard for metrics.
- WarpServiceApplication is the entry point for the application.
- The rest requests are handled by WarpController Rest Controller.
- The WarpController calls the DefaultWarpService which schedules HyperDrive for the fleet.
- The persistent data is of two types. 1) Read only Mission Event Log 2) Fleet info with current Mission Details
- Access to Mission Event Log is controlled by MissionEventLogService.
- Access to Fleet data is controlled by FleetService.
- MissionService performs tasks like Schedule New Mission, Abort Mission, Complete Mission, Get All Existing Missions etc. Internally it uses MissionEventLogService & FleetService.
- MissionMonitoringService does the work of periodically monitoring all open missions and moving them to either complete or abort state.