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A(nother) Chrome Extension packager in ESM and TypeScript.

Use of the file system is opt-in, so you can use only Uint8Arrays if you want/need to.

Fun fact: If you create two extensions from the same private key, they will have the same ID. Do not do this. Chrome will (probably) treat them as the same extension - one as an update to another.

Credit to thom4parisot/crx for some parts of the code.


import pack, { generateUpdateXML } from "pack-crx";
import { serve, type ServeOptions } from "bun";
import { constants, writeFile } from "node:fs/promises";

const {
    id: crxId,
} = await pack({
    contents: "./extension", // path to extension root
    privateKey: "./key.pem", // path to key (if it doesn't exist, that's fine)
    crx: null,
    id: null

// Write the CRX
await writeFile("./extension.crx", crx);

// Write the private key unless it already exists
try {
await writeFile("./key.pem", rsa.exportKey("pkcs8-private-pem"), {flag: constants.O_CREAT | constants.O_EXCL | constants.O_WRONLY});
} catch (e) {}

let updateXML: string;

// Serve the extension (optional)
const server = serve({
    fetch(request, server) {
        const url = new URL(request.url);
        if (url.pathname.startsWith("/updates.xml")) {
            updateXML ??= generateUpdateXML(crxId, server.url.toString() + "extension.crx", manifest.version);
            return new Response(updateXML, {headers: {"Content-Type": "application/xml"}});
        } else if (url.pathname.startsWith("/extension.crx")) {
            return new Response(crx, {headers: {"Content-Type": "application/x-chrome-extension"}});
        return new Response(undefined, {status: 404, statusText: "Not Found"});
    port: 3000,
    hostname: "localhost"
} as ServeOptions);

console.log(`Server opened at ${server.url}`);


IMPORTANT: All keys passed to this package should be in pkcs8-der format. This is also the format in which they will be returned.


The easiest way to use this package is through the default export, pack.

pack takes an object of input parameters, all of which are optional:

Name Type (also can be undefined) Description Auto-generation notes
contents Uint8Array or string The ZIP archive of the contents of the extension, or a path to the folder containing the extension. Cannot be auto-generated
privateKey Uint8Array, string or null The private key for the extension, or a path to it. If loading from a string, the contents should be in pkcs8-pem if the path ends in .pem.
keySize number The size of key to generate, if needed. No dependencies, defaults to 4096
publicKey Uint8Array, string or null The public key for the extension, or a path to it. Requires privateKey. If loading from a string, the contents should be in pkcs8-pem if the path ends in .pem.
rsa NodeRSA The instance of NodeRSA to use. Automatically created along with privateKey.
id string or null The extension's ID. Requires publicKey.
crx Uint8Array or null The outputted CRX file. Requires contents, privateKey, and publicKey.
crxVersion number The CRX format version to use. Defaults to 3. Defaults to 3.
crxUrl string The URL to where the CRX file (not the updates XML) will be hosted. Cannot be auto-generated.
updateXML string or null The updates XML file. Requires id, extVersion, and minChromeVersion.
extVersion string or null The extension's version. Requires manifest.
minChromeVersion string or null The minimum Chrome version the extension requires. Requires manifest. (but can also be derived from crxVersion)
manifest ChromeManifest or null The extension's manifest. Requires contents to be a path string.

If null is given for a property, then the function will generate a value for it based on the other properties.

If a property requires another but that property is not requested (with null), then it is generated and given anyways.

If privateKey or publicKey are strings, pack will load the file at each path as a key. If the extension is .pem, they are loaded as pkcs8-pem and converted to pkcs8-der.

pack always returns a Promise, even if all of the operations inside are synchronous.

However, the return result is the same object as the input - just with the properties modified - so if you really want synchronous operations, you can keep a reference to the input object, call the function, and access the synchronous results from that object. Just make sure you don't set privateKey or manifest to null or contents to a string, otherwise some of your values might not arrive synchronously.


function packCrx3(privateKey: Uint8Array, publicKey: Uint8Array, contents: Uint8Array): Uint8Array

Pack a CRX3 extension.

(param) privateKey (Uint8Array) - The extension's private key.
(param) publicKey (Uint8Array) - The extension's public key.
(param) contents (Uint8Array) - The zipped contents of the extension. This should contain a manifest.json file directly inside it, but we don't validate that in this function.

(returns) Uint8Array - The contents of the packaged extension.

packCrx2 (deprecated)

function packCrx2(privateKey: Uint8Array, publicKey: Uint8Array, contents: Uint8Array): Uint8Array

Pack a CRX2 extension. Chrome stopped supporting these entirely in version 73.0.3683, which released in October of 2017.

(param) privateKey (Uint8Array) - The extension's private key.
(param) publicKey (Uint8Array) - The extension's public key.
(param) contents (Uint8Array) - The zipped contents of the extension. This should contain a manifest.json file directly inside it, but we don't validate that in this function.

(returns) Uint8Array - The contents of the packaged extension.


function generateCrxId(publicKey: Uint8Array): string

Generate an extension's ID (32 characters, a-p) from its public key.

(param) publicKey (Uint8Array) - The public key of the extension.

(returns) string - The generated extension ID.


function packContents(where: string): Promise<{contents: Uint8Array, manifest: ChromeManifest}>

Load a directory from the filesystem into a ZIP archive, using the node:fs API.

(param) where (string) - The path to the directory.

(returns) object

  • contents (Uint8Array) - The ZIP-encoded data.
  • manifest (ChromeManifest) - The manifest for the extension, parsed as JSON.


function generateUpdateXML(crxId: string, url: string, version: string, minChromeVersion?: string): string

Generate the updates XML file for serving an extension yourself.

(param) crxId (string) - The extension's ID.
(param) url (string) - The URL where the extension's CRX file will be hosted.
(param) version (string) - The extension's version.
(param) minChromeVersion (string, optional) - The minimum Chrome version that the extension can be installed on.

(returns) string - The updates XML text


function unpack(crx: Uint8Array): Uint8Array

Unpack a CRX file and extract its contents as ZIP data.

(param) crx (Uint8Array) - The CRX to be unpacked.

(returns) object

  • archive (Uint8Array) - The ZIP data.
  • crxVersion (3) - The CRX format version.
  • header (CrxFileHeader) - The header for the CRX file, for signatures and things. OR
  • archive (Uint8Array) - The ZIP data.
  • crxVersion (2) - The CRX format version.
  • key (Uint8Array) - The extension's public key.
  • sign (Uint8Array) - The signature over the contents of the extension.

Key utilities

The following functions are self-explanatory:

function generatePrivateKey(bits?: number): Uint8Array
function generatePublicKey(privateKey: Uint8Array): Uint8Array
function convertToPem(key: Uint8Array, type: "private" | "public"): string
function convertFromPem(key: string, type: "private" | "public"): Uint8Array

However, they all create new NodeRSA instances which are immediately discarded, so it is recommended to make your own RSA instance (or use the one from pack) and its methods to export/import keys.


A(nother) Chrome Extension packager in ESM and TypeScript.








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