Sample Swift app that takes a picture, sends it to Microsoft's Face API to detect emotion and draws emoji to match.
Get Cognitive Services API key from Microsoft
Clone repo
Open workspace, replace
constant value in AnnotatedPictureViewController.swift with your API key -
Open project file and set Team under Signing
That's it! Run the app, snap away and start detecting emotions!
- PromiseKit ~> 4.4
- Alamofire = 4.8
Uses Microsoft's Face API to detect emotions.
- This app previously used Emotion API, which is now being deprecated. Emotion API features have been integrated into Face API.
Takes picture and detects immediately - no need to access user's Photo Library.
Supports multiple faces.
Once picture is analyzed, it is annotated with rectangle and emoji.
Quickly dismiss annotated picture by swiping down.
- AVFoundation
- AVCaptureSession
- AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer
- AVCapturePhotoOutput
- UIKit
- UITapGestureRecognizer
- UIVisualEffectView
- UIPresentationController / UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate