Cryptobot is here to help you with getting info about the cryptocurrencies 💰
clone the repository and get into cryptobot-slack directory and .
git clone
create a .env file and put essential API keys
step1 : create a bot app in slack and add bot to your workspace.
step2 : copy paste needed API_KEYS in .env file.
step3 : install required libs and run python script.
pip install -r requirements.txt
- step4 : create a ngrok server
ngrok http [PORT]
step5 : copy https:// link generated by ngrok.
step6 : Paste it in event_subscriptions and slash_command.
step7 : head towards installAPP and reinstall the app.
/getprice [coin_name or coin_symbol] - returns the current price of the coin default : USD
/getprice [coin_name or coin_symbol] [fiat_name] - returns the current price of the coin in fiat.
/showdetail [coin_name or coin_symbol] - returns the complete detail about the selected cryptocurrency.
/showdetail [coin_name or coin_symbol] - returns the complete detail about the current cryptocurrency with specific fiat price.
/showcandle [coin_name or coin_symbol] - returns the candle graph snapshot of the particular coin.
/showcandle [coin_name or coin_symbol] [1m,3m,5m,15m,30m,1h,2h,4h,6h,8h,12h,1d,3d,1w,1M] - return the candle graph snapshot of the particular coin like 1day candle_graph , 7days candle_graph etc.,
/getprice bitcoin
/getprice bitcoin inr
/getprice btc
/showdetail bitcoin
/showdetail btc inr
/showcandle bitcoin
/showcandle btc 1y