Welcome to Obstacle Detector, your new C++ library for detecting obstacles in space with only one camera!
- Logs from working provided by easyloging++
- Tested via Google Test framework
This obstacle detector has been used only on Linux, but it probably can works on any other platform as well.
Tested on Raspberry Pi 3B+.
The only thing what you have to do is build and link this library! If you want to know something more please look at tests or write mail to me:)
git clone https://github.com/BartekkPL/obstacle-detector.git
cd obstacle-detector/
mkdir build
cd build/
cmake ..
And after these steps you have builded library ready to use it in new projects!
You found it at obstacle-detector/build/libObstacleDetector.so.
I use it in my master thesis.
OBSTACLE-DETECTOR is released under Apache License.