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🏃 For run the app just clone the repository and execute the app on Android Studio.
- Having an internet connection
- Using phones with Android Api 23+
- Jetpack compose
- Coroutines
- Clean architecture (Domain, Data, UI)
- Repository pattern
- StateFlow
- Navigation component by compose
- Dagger Hilt (Dependency injection)
- Unit testing (Truth by google)
- UI testing by compose
- Mock web server
- Moshi
- Retrofit
- Dagger hilt ui testing
- App center
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The application is built using Clean Architeture pattern based on Architecture Components on Android. The application is divided into three layers:
- Domain: This layer contains the business logic of the application, here we define the data models and the use cases.
- Data: This layer contains the data layer of the application. It contains the database, network and the repository implementation.
- UI: This layer contains the presentation layer of the application like fragment, activity, viewmodel etc.