WARNING: This is the "Classic" verson of Gregg E. Berman's DCC++ code for the Arduino UNO and MEGA.
The DCC-EX Team has made a few minor fixes and retained it here for those who need it. If you are looking for the latestDCC-Extended version of DCC++, you can find it at: https://github.com/DCC-EX/CommandStation-EX.
You can find Gregg Berman's original DCCplusplus code at: https://github.com/DccPlusPlus.
What’s DCC++
DCC++ is an open-source hardware and software system for the operation of DCC-equipped model railroads.
The system consists of two parts, the DCC++ Base Station and the DCC++ Controller.
The DCC++ Base Station consists of an Arduino micro controller fitted with an Arduino Motor Shield that can be connected directly to the tracks of a model railroad.
The DCC++ Controller provides operators with a customizable GUI to control their model railroad. It is written in Java using the Processing graphics library and IDE and communicates with the DCC++ Base Station via a standard serial connection over a USB cable or wireless over BlueTooth.