The BENV repo contains a set of programs for calculating the nuclear binding energies from the Semi-Emperical Mass Formula (SEMF) as well as programs to compute nuclei parameters such as the neutron and proton r.m.s radii, symmetry energy coefficient, neutron skin, and charge radius for a given isotope (A,Z).
Central to the methedology of the BENV program, is the nuclear EoS (equation of state) which is expressed through the energy-per-density of infinite nuclear matter. Using the parabolic approximation below:
The total energy can be expressed as a function of density,
where is a quantity known as the symmetry energy and
The program accepts EoS input of descrete values in the form:
The Fortran source code was compiled with the Absoft 64-bit Pro Fortran 15.0.0 compiler and the compile commands found in the shell scripts reflect this.
The IMSL(R) Fortran Numerical Math Library (FNML) is referenced in the Fortran source code and must be installed. No affiliation is asserted nor implied. ISML link
The OS used when testing this program is Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.6 (Santiago)
The program uses the PMOD python module PMOD link
The program uses the "" module link
The "" module must be placed in the PMOD folder (named "pmod") and placed in the same directory as the "src" folder and script)
Place all files and folders in a directory from which the dependencies are accessible
Run the "" script to generate the binaries and move them into the appropriate folders
Place the EoS files into the 'eos' folder
Run the script to compute the density function parameters and nuclei parameters
A successful compilation should produce the following:
EoS files should be placed inside the 'eos' folder. Using the EoS loop function ("benv_eos_loop") the script will attempt to find valid EoS matches from files with properly formatted names:
e0 : Symmetric nuclear matter EoS e1 : Neutron nuclear matter EoS
Nameing convensions:
e0 and e1 in the same file
Files formatted with 'n' number of line. Each line should contain three floats formatted as follows:
kf e0 e1
Files of this format must be named according to the following rules:
- contain the string 'ex' exactly once, in the name the characters may be either case
- must NOT contain the string 'e0' or 'e1' in either case
Here kf is the fermi momentum corrosponding to a given density in symmetric matter for both e0 and e1
e0 and e1 in seperate files:
One of the files should have 'n0' number of lines and contain the e0 values
Each line should contain two floats formatted as follows:
kf0 e0
Files of this first type must be named according to the following rules:
- contain the string 'e0' exactly once in the file's name, the characters may be of either case
- must NOT contain the strings 'e1' or 'ex', in either case
here kf is the fermi momentum corrosponding to the e0 value
The other file should have 'n1' number of lines and contain the e1 values
Each line should contain two floats formatted as follows:
kf1 e1
Files of this first type must be named according to the following rules:
- contain the string 'e1' exactly once in the file's name, the characters may be of either case
- must NOT contain the strings 'e0' or 'ex' in either case
here kf is the fermi momentum corrosponding to the e1 value unlike in the 'ex' format it is not adjusted to symmetric matter density
n0 does not have to equal n1
There is an additional rule:
- the to match an e0 and e1 file, the files must have the same name execpt for the '1' and '0'
these work:
example_e0.don & example_e1.don
e0_1.don & e1_1.donthese do not:
e0_ex.don & e1_ex.don
e0_new.don & e1_new_2.don
n, n_den, n_read, n_0, n_1, mic, isnm, isym_emp, k0, rho0, fff
6 2 0 9 9 1 1 0 220 0.16 65
n nden nread n0 n1 mic isnm iemp k0 rho0 fff
11 2 0 19 19 0 1 0 220 0.16 65
The file 'skval.don' is intended to be formatted for the 'benv.skval_loop' function.
There are currently two modes in which the file can be parsed. Whichh is chosen is determined by the True or False value found after the appropriate text under the loop heading. The relevent section appears as follows:
Each boolean must be specified with 'True' for true or 'False' for false. Any other characters will not be properly understood.
If INCloop is True, then the incloop looping will be attempted, else if AZpairs is True, then the program will search for nuclei denoted by two integers A and Z formatted as 'A,Z'
The INCloop: Documentation to be added
The AZpairs:
The azpairs should be placed after the 'loop' section header. Each A,Z pair should consist of two integers seperated by a comma The first A, corrosponds to the mass number, the second Z, corrosponds to the atomic number.
For example:
Importing BENV from repl:
from lib import benv