FizzBuzz code challenge
-From /
Create a function that takes a number as an argument and returns "Fizz", "Buzz" or "FizzBuzz".
- If the number is a multiple of 3 the output should be "Fizz".
- If the number given is a multiple of 5, the output should be "Buzz".
- If the number given is a multiple of both 3 and 5, the output should be "FizzBuzz".
- If the number is not a multiple of either 3 or 5, the number should be output on its own as shown in the examples below.
- The output should always be a string even if it is not a multiple of 3 or 5.
FizzBuzz(3) ➞ "Fizz"
FizzBuzz(5) ➞ "Buzz"
FizzBuzz(15) ➞ "FizzBuzz"
FizzBuzz(4) ➞ "4"