- This design is a registration form for a website. The page consists of two sections, one informative, and the other with the form that can be completed. If the client presses the Submit button and the fields are not filled in, he will receive an error.
If you want to access this project, you need to clone it using the next command in your Git Bash
Next, you need to open the folder with your IDE, open a new terminal and type the following command to download all the modules you need.
npm install
If you do not have gulp installed, run the following command
npm install --global gulp-cli
Now, go back to the termninal, type 'gulp' and you can see all the project.
- This design is taken from frontendmentor.io. This website offers numerous projects to be completed and then sent to the community for evaluation. A very good idea because you can improve your web developer skills with each completed application.