Time And Profit Calculator
The TAP-C(or Tapsie) is a calculator that allows you to type in your work stats, a financial goal, and it will show you how long it will take to reach that goal. I made this program because there was no program or website readily available for this kind of thing.
Hours : In this section you type how many hours you work in an average shift
Example: How many hours do you work per day? > [Whole Number]
Wage : When prompted, type your hourly wage so Tapsie can use it to determine how long it'll take.
Example: How much do you make per hour? > $[Whole Number]
Goal : When prompted, type how much money you want to save up in total.
Example: How much do you want to save up to? > $[Whole-dadada-you-get-the-idea]
Saved : Type how much money you already have saved towards the cost so Tapsie can give the most accurate response for your situation.
Example: How much have you saved up? > $[...]
Note: Tapsie won't always be 100% accurate when it comes to months because the number of days varies.