This repository contains the frontend for the Finitequiz minigame.
- User documentation for the minigame can be found here.
- For the backend, see the Gamify-IT/finitequiz-backend repository.
- The installation manual and setup instructions can be found here.
Beginning of additions (that work)
Clone the repository
git clone
Install the dependencies
npm install
To run the project locally with your IDE feature and have all necessary dependencies running, start the dependencies via docker:
docker compose -f docker-compose-dev.yaml up
Then start the frontend with:
npm run serve
You can now access the game at localhost.
To build and run your local changes as a docker container use:
docker compose up --build
You can remove the container with:
docker compose down
To monitor, stop and remove the container you can use the following commands:
docker ps -a -f name=finitequiz-dev
docker stop finitequiz-dev
docker rm finitequiz-dev
Background music
Click sound
Correct answer (mixkit-correct-answer-tone-2870)
End screen sound (mixkit-melodic-bonus-collect-1938)
Wrong answer
End of additions