banana time!!!!
Clone this repo and install the dependencies:
- nodejs
- bower
- karma
- grunt-cli
- Compass Core
- Install node dependencies --
npm install
- Install project dependencies --
bower install
grunt server
Starts development environment:
- Watch changes in coffee, sass, jade -> compile
- live reload browser
Builds the project
- Unifies js & css
grunt banana
Builds the project and uploads it to gh-pages
Configuration of available bananas
- version: {String} version of the file
- config: {Object}
- bananas {Array}
- day: {number} day of the banana
- author: {String} name of the author of the banana
- index: {String} name of the html, located under the folder 'bananas' and subfolder '{DAY}' where DAY is the previous parameter
- tags: {Array of String} (optional) tags of the banana
- bananas {Array}
"version": "0.0.1",
"bananas": [
"day": 20131211,
"author": "borja",
"index": "banana.html",
"day": 20131207,
"author": "raul",
"index": "banana.html",
"tag2 tag3"