- Developed a Full-Stack Personal Blogging application using Express.js, React.js, and MongoDB.
- Developed an Admin panel using EJS, CSS, and JavaScript to enable editing of hero sections, including image uploading and writing brief intros.
- Integrated Cloudinary cloud storage to create a fast, reliable, and scalable image-uploading system.
- Created an advanced blog editor with options to edit blog details and the main blog body using either. an advanced editor or Markdown, which is parsed and sanitized into HTML and saved in the database.
- Developed a REST API for seamless data retrieval from the database
- Utilized React, React Router, JSX, and CSS to create an aesthetically pleasing front-end for the website
- Leveraged Axios to interact with the backend API
First Make sure you are inside the client directory and run the following command:
git clone https://github.com/HamzaHassanain/Personal-Blogging-Application.git
cd Personal-Blogging-Application
Now you have two folders one for the server and the other for the client.
cd Server
Then follow the instructions in the README.md file. (You can find it in the Server directory)
cd Client
Then follow the instructions in the README.md file. (You can find it in the Client directory)