A place to find blueprints for the Builder in Buildcraft 6.x
The Builder is back in Buildcraft 6.x. This machine let you copy and save structures and buildings as blueprint.
The most cool feature is that you can share blueprints with the world. I will use this Github to put all my blueprint. This way, you can use blueprint to build your base in the beginning of the game.
Go to www.planetminecraft.com and download any interesting building. Load the world save with Buildcraft 6.x. Use architect table to save the blueprint of the structure and share it on this github.
Note : Please careful with big structures. The Architect Table need lot of time to copy all the blocks in the blueprint.
Each blueprint folder will have the blueprint file (.bpt), a screenshot of the structure and the credits if you are not the author of the build. You must give a link to the author and the project as well. While downloading the blueprint, click on Raw because the Save as link option don't work.
Also, prefer vanilla blocks for your building. And if you use mods, please provide the informations about the mod, his version and the version of Minecraft.