Python Flask Web Application where user can Reg/Login and Post and Update his profile and logout.
1: is the main file and connection.db is the database which you can import into MYSQL Workbench and it's configuration is like as app.config['MYSQL_HOST'] = "localhost" app.config['MYSQL_USER'] = "root" app.config['MYSQL_PASSWORD'] = "root" app.config['MYSQL_DB'] = "connection"
localhost name is localhost , username and paswword is root and datbasename is connection make sure your schema name should be connection
2: Create folder templates and put all files in it like this
3: run this app after installation using this command .venv\Scripts\flask run
#pythonflaskproject #postwebthroughflask #mysqldatabaseconnectioninflask #mysqlandpythonflaskproject #quickchatflaskproject