This repository contains examples and demos for PSoC 6 MCU family of devices, a single chip solution for the emerging IoT devices. PSoC 6 MCU bridges the gap between expensive, power hungry application processors and low‑performance microcontrollers (MCUs). The ultra‑low‑power, dual-core architecture of PSoC 6 MCU offers the processing performance needed by IoT devices, eliminating the tradeoffs between power and performance.
Cypress provides a wealth of data at to help you select the right PSoC device and effectively integrate it into your design. Visit our PSoC 6 MCU webpage to explore more about PSoC 6 MCU family of device. Feel free to explore through the code example source files and let us innovate together!
Cypress provides PSoC 6 MCU based development kits for various family of PSoC 6 devices. These development kit helps you validate your prototype design before starting the actual design development. Refer to the Hardware section for the list of PSoC 6 development kits.
Each Development Kit is packaged with set of code examples which can get you started with PSoC 6 MCU as well as develop the hardware for your application by using the Kit hardware configuration as a reference. This repository contains all the kit related examples and the kit user guide. Refer to the respective kit user guide for the project implementation details.
If you are new to developing projects with PSoC 6 MCU, we recommend you to refer the PSoC 6 Getting Started GitHub page which can help you familiarize with device features and guides you to create a simple PSoC 6 design with PSoC Creator IDE. For other block specific design please visit the following GitHub Pages:
You can use these block level examples to guide you through the development of a system-level design using PSoC 6 MCU. All the code examples in this repository comes with well documented design guidelines to help you understand the design and how to develop it. The code examples and their associated documentation are in the Code Example folder in the repository.
To use the code examples in this repository, please download and install PSoC Creator
Note Please refer to the code example documentation for selecting the appropriate kit for testing the project
This code example shows how to create a user-interface solution using an E-INK display and CapSense.
This code example demonstrates connectivity between the PSoC 6 MCU with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and CySmart BLE host emulation tool or mobile device running the CySmart mobile application, to transfer CapSense proximity sensing information.
This code example demonstrates interfacing PSoC 6 MCU with BLE Connectivity (PSoC 6 MCU) with user interface functions such as an E-INK display, RGB LED, and touch sensors based on self and mutual capacitance (CapSense CSD and CSX). These functions provide bi-directional BLE connectivity between the PSoC 6 MCU and a PC running the CySmart™ BLE Host Emulation tool or a mobile device running the CySmart mobile application.
This code example demonstrates accurate time keeping with PSoC 6 MCU’s real-time clock (RTC), which is synchronized with a current time server such as an iPhone using the BLE current time service (CTS).
This code example demonstrates Direct Test Mode (DTM) over the Host Controller Interface (HCI) using PSoC 6 MCU with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Connectivity.
This code example demonstrates a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacon that broadcasts the core frame types (UID, URL, and TLM) of Google’s Eddystone beacon profile.
This code example demonstrates how to interface a PSoC 6 MCU with a BMI160 motion sensor. This example reads steps counted by the sensor to emulate a pedometer. Raw motion data is also read and used to estimate the orientation of the board.
This code example demonstrates how to maximize the BLE throughput on PSoC 6 MCU with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Connectivity device.
This code example demonstrates interfacing PSoC 6 MCU with a thermistor circuit to read temperature information and sending the data over Bluetooth Low Energy Health Thermometer Service (HTS) to a mobile device running CySmart mobile application.
PSoC 6 bridges the gap between expensive, power hungry application processors and low‑performance microcontrollers (MCUs). The ultra‑low‑power PSoC 6 MCU architecture offers the processing performance needed by IoT devices, eliminating the tradeoffs between power and performance. The PSoC 6 MCU contains a dual‑core architecture, with both cores on a single chip. It has an Arm® Cortex®‑M4 for high‑performance tasks, and an Arm® Cortex®‑M0+ for low-power tasks, and with security built-in, your IoT system is protected. To learn more on the device, please visit our PSoC 6 MCU webpage.
Device datasheets list the features and electrical specifications of PSoC 6 families of devices: PSoC 6 MCU Datasheets
Application notes are available on the Cypress website to assist you with designing your PSoC application: A list of PSoC 6 MCU ANs
PSoC Creator utilizes "components" as interfaces to functional Hardware (HW). Each component in PSoC Creator has an associated datasheet that describes the functionality, APIs, and electrical specifications for the HW. You can access component datasheets in PSoC Creator by right-clicking a component on the schematic page or by going through the component library listing. You can also access component datasheets from the Cypress website: PSoC 6 Component Datasheets
The TRM provides detailed descriptions of the internal architecture of PSoC 6 devices:PSoC 6 MCU TRMs
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