Tool to compile data about products and insert them on a MongoDB database. Built for gundam plastic models.
- Name
- Grade
- Manufacturer
- Scale
- Original Series
- Release Date
For all images:[product_code][A-Z]/[10-90]/[1-10]
For box covers: /[product_code]p/10/1
For completed model photos: /[product_code]a/20/1 (>> /[product_code]a[2-99]/20/[2-99])
You may want to use Python 2.7 instead of 3.X.
- datetime
- HTMLParser
- pymongo
- pytz
- re
- requests
Use pip install
- Install MongoDB (Mongo Shell > 3.X).
- Create an index on the database:
- $ mongo
- > use mobilesuit_db
- > db.mobilesuit.createIndex({'item_id' : 1}, {'unique' : 1})