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CLI application to manage and work with Atlassian Jira. Work with your Jira projects and issues (amonth to many other options) from Command lines.


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CLI application to manage and work with Atlassian Jira Server. The benefits of a CLI applications are both, able to the users to handle Jira Issues outside Jira, and more important, can automate Tasks against Jira like autoresolve issues for example. This tool are designed to be really easy to learn and use because group topics and commands with a semantic names.

Jira Server CLI allow to any user to work with Jira outside Jira from a command line. Admin Jira with the Administration commands or updated your user details easy from the command line. You can Create or Update issues with a simple command. Add comments to a issue. Grant or Revoke permissions in a few steps and every what you want with Jira.

Automate every task from the command line easy to make many things automatically. There are many posibilities.

To learn more or read a full documentation of the Jira Server CLI Application, go to the Official Documentation Site.

This CLI Application use the Jira Server Connector library to connect and work with Jira.

Supported Operative Systems:

  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Mac OS X

Now Stil in BETA Version because is not fully tested and continue in development.

Installation with NPM manager is, at the moment, the unique way to install Jira Server CLI on Linux and MacOs systems.

Install Node JS on your computer:

To install NodeJS on Windows systems go to Node JS Webpage and download the latest version for Windows.

To install NodeJS on Linux systems go to "Installing Node.js via package manager" and choose the correct option according your linux system.

With NodeJS installed on your system, now open a terminal (CMD, Bash, Power Shell...) and run the next command:

npm install -g jira-server-cli

If you don't want to install NPM on your windows system to install Jira Server CLI, can download the installer and install it without node on windows systemas.

$ jiraserver COMMAND [args] [flags]
running command...

$ jiraserver --help [COMMAND]

All commands except Core CLI Commands return the same response JSON Object for a better reponse handling and standarization. The JSON response definition is the next:

	status: 0 | -1 = 0;		    // Returned status. 0 OK, -1 KO
	message?: string;		      // General execution status message
	result?: T;				        // Response data when status is 0. (Not all Ok responses return data)
	error?: JiraCLIError;	    // Error data when status is -1.

The JiraCLIResponse result property has Generic type (T), that means the result can be of any type defined in JSON Objects Schemes or primitive types likes string or string[] among others.

The JiraCLIResponse object contains the JiraCLIError on error property to return the errors data. This object has the next definition:

	  statusCode?: number;			    // The status code of execution
    status?: string;				      // The error status
    statusText?: string;			    // The error status text
    errors?: JiraCLIErrorData[];	// Error details

The error object JiraCLIError has a collection of errors with detailed error data, the JSON object is the next:

    errorMessages: string[],            // Error messages list
    errors: { [key: string]: string },  // Error messages map
    status: number,                     // Error status

The Jira API Rest work with paginated results, this means that the most of list commands return a Page<T> whith a collection of values of the requested data types. For example, when retrieve projects, get a Page<Project> with the paginated values.

The Page<T> object has the page data, size, limit and next page start among other data to use the paginated API.

class Page<T> {
    startAt: number;        // The first record page
    maxResults: number;     // Max page results
    total: number;          // Total results
    isLast: boolean;        // true if is the last page
    values: T[];            // Collection values
    self?: string;          // Self link
    nextPage?: string;      // Next page link
    previousPage?: string;  // Previous page link
    nextPageStart?: number; // First record of the next page

IMPORTANT: The response contains a "total" field which denotes the total number of entities contained in all pages. This number may change as the client requests the subsequent pages. A client should always assume that the requested page can be empty. REST API consumers should also consider the field to be optional. In cases, when calculating this value is too expensive we may not include this in response.

All commands that support paginations (the most of list commands) has the same flags to support and user the paginated api, this flags are listed below:

Name flag Type Description
All --all Boolean Return all records on the same page (instead paginate results)
Limit --limit Integer Indicates how many results to return per page
Start --start Integer Indicates which item should be used as the first item in the page of results
order --start string Some resources support ordering by a specific field. Ordering can be ascending or descending. To specify the ordering use "-" or "+" sign. Examples: --order "+name"; --order "name"; --order "-name"
expand --expand string Some resources support support to expand the returned informacion

The Jira Server CLI support to return the output in different formats, CSV, JSON and Table. All commands support the JSON Output. All commands that return data into the result property support Table and CSV outputs. All commands that support tables, support also CSV output.

Is the standard output if not select any other type, this is the best human readable response. All commands that support CSV output, support tables output too. To many commands has the --extended flag. This flag is for show more columns on the tables (By default, not show all columns in many commands).

Is the most complete response and the best to work with the command, but is not human readable like a table. The flag to return a JSON output is --json

To many commands support to format the output as JSON (the same with output as table). This response contains the same information of an extended table but in different format. The flag to format as csv is --csv.

jiraserver help [COMMAND]

Display help for Jira Server CLI.

  $ jiraserver help [COMMAND] [-n]

  COMMAND  Command to show help for.

  -n, --nested-commands  Include all nested commands in the output.

  Display help for Jira Server CLI.

jiraserver update

Update the Jira Server CLI.

  $ jiraserver update [CHANNEL] [-a] [-v <value> | -i] [--force]

  -a, --available        Install a specific version.
  -i, --interactive      Interactively select version to install. This is ignored if a channel is provided.
  -v, --version=<value>  Install a specific version.
  --force                Force a re-download of the requested version.

  Update the Jira Server CLI

  Update to the stable channel:

    $ jiraserver update stable

  Update to a specific version:

    $ jiraserver update --version 1.0.0

  Interactively select version:

    $ jiraserver update --interactive

  See available versions:

    $ jiraserver update --available

jiraserver commands

List all the commands

  $ jiraserver commands [--json] [-h] [--hidden] [--tree] [--columns <value> | -x] [--sort <value>] [--filter <value>] [--output csv|json|yaml |  | [--csv | --no-truncate]] [--no-header | ]

  -h, --help         Show CLI help.
  -x, --extended     show extra columns
  --columns=<value>  only show provided columns (comma-separated)
  --csv              output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
  --filter=<value>   filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
  --hidden           show hidden commands
  --no-header        hide table header from output
  --no-truncate      do not truncate output to fit screen
  --output=<option>  output in a more machine friendly format
                     <options: csv|json|yaml>
  --sort=<value>     property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
  --tree             show tree of commands

  --json  Format output as json.

  List all the commands

jiraserver plugins

List installed plugins.

  $ jiraserver plugins [--core]

  --core  Show core plugins.

  List installed plugins.

  $ jiraserver plugins

jiraserver plugins:install PLUGIN...

Installs a plugin into the CLI.

  $ jiraserver plugins:install PLUGIN...

  PLUGIN  Plugin to install.

  -f, --force    Run yarn install with force flag.
  -h, --help     Show CLI help.
  -v, --verbose

  Installs a plugin into the CLI.

  Can be installed from npm or a git url.

  Installation of a user-installed plugin will override a core plugin.

  e.g. If you have a core plugin that has a "hello" command, installing a user-installed plugin with a "hello" command
  will override the core plugin implementation. This is useful if a user needs to update core plugin functionality in
  the CLI without the need to patch and update the whole CLI.

  $ jiraserver plugins add

  $ jiraserver plugins:install myplugin 

  $ jiraserver plugins:install

  $ jiraserver plugins:install someuser/someplugin

jiraserver plugins:inspect PLUGIN...

Displays installation properties of a plugin.

  $ jiraserver plugins:inspect PLUGIN...

  PLUGIN  [default: .] Plugin to inspect.

  -h, --help     Show CLI help.
  -v, --verbose

  Displays installation properties of a plugin.

  $ jiraserver plugins:inspect myplugin

jiraserver plugins:link PLUGIN

Links a plugin into the CLI for development.

  $ jiraserver plugins:link PLUGIN

  PATH  [default: .] path to plugin

  -h, --help     Show CLI help.
  -v, --verbose

  Links a plugin into the CLI for development.

  Installation of a linked plugin will override a user-installed or core plugin.

  e.g. If you have a user-installed or core plugin that has a "hello" command, installing a linked plugin with a "hello"
  command will override the user-installed or core plugin implementation. This is useful for development work.

  $ jiraserver plugins:link myplugin

jiraserver plugins:uninstall PLUGIN...

Removes a plugin from the CLI.

  $ jiraserver plugins:uninstall PLUGIN...

  PLUGIN  plugin to uninstall

  -h, --help     Show CLI help.
  -v, --verbose

  Removes a plugin from the CLI.

  $ jiraserver plugins unlink
  $ jiraserver plugins remove

Removes a plugin from the CLI.

  $ jiraserver plugins:uninstall PLUGIN...

  PLUGIN  plugin to uninstall

  -h, --help     Show CLI help.
  -v, --verbose

  Removes a plugin from the CLI.

  $ jiraserver plugins unlink
  $ jiraserver plugins remove

The Jira Server CLI Application has to many commands to handle to many Jira Server features. All commands are grouped in topics, any many topics has subtopics to better organization of commands (and better to learn and understand).

The main topics are listed below.

All JSON Schemes used by the Jira Server CLI application as response or data input are listed bellow.

Schema definition:

  "FieldName": "FieldType", // Required field
  "FieldName?": "FieldType", // Optional field

    "type": "string",
    "name": "string",

    "id": "string",
    "key": "string",
    "value": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "desc": "string",
    "type": "string",
    "defaultValue": "string",
    "example?": "string",
    "allowedValues?": "string[]",

    "key": "string",
    "groups": "string[]",
    "name": "string",
    "defaultGroups": "string[]",
    "selectedByDefault": "boolean",
    "defined": "boolean",
    "numberOfSeats": "number",
    "remainingSeats": "number",
    "userCount": "number",
    "userCountDescription": "string",
    "hasUnlimitedSeats": "boolean",
    "platform": "boolean",

    "key": "string",
    "group?s": "string[]",
    "defaultGroups?": "string[]",

    "id": "string",
    "filename": "string",
    "author": "User",
    "created": "string",
    "size": "number",
    "mimeType": "string",
    "properties": "any",
    "content": "string",
    "thumbnail": "string",
  • See User Definition.
    "id": "string",
    "owner": "string",
    "isSystemAvatar": "boolean",
    "isSelected": "boolean",
    "isDeletable": "boolean",
    "urls": "{ [key: string]: string }",
    "selected": "boolean",

    "enabled": "boolean",
    "uploadLimit?": "number",

    "id": "string",
    "author": "User",
    "created": "string",
    "items": "ChangeItem[]",
    "historyMetadata": "HistoryMetadata",

    "field": "string",
    "fieldtype": "string",
    "from": "string",
    "fromString": "string",
    "to": "string",
    "toString": "string",

    "startAt": "number",
    "maxResults": "number",
    "total": "number",
    "histories": "ChangeHistory[]",

    "label": "string",
    "value": "string",

    "id": "string",
    "author": "User",
    "body": "string",
    "renderedBody": "string",
    "updateAuthor": "User",
    "created": "string",
    "updated": "string",
    "visibility": "Visibility",
    "properties": "EntityProperty[]",

    "body": "string",
    "visibility": "Visibility",

    "id?": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "lead?": "User",
    "leadUserName": "string",
    "assignee?": "User",
    "realAssignee?": "User",
    "isAssigneeTypeValid": "boolean",
    "project": "string",
    "projectId": "number",
    "archived?": "boolean",
    "deleted?": "boolean",
  • See User Definition.

    "name": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "leadUserName": "string",
    "isAssigneeTypeValid": "boolean",
    "project": "string",
    "projectId": "number",
  • See User Definition.
    "issueCount": "number",
    "self?": "string",

    "votingEnabled": "boolean",
    "watchingEnabled": "boolean",
    "unassignedIssuesAllowed": "boolean",
    "subTasksEnabled": "boolean",
    "issueLinkingEnabled": "boolean",
    "timeTrackingEnabled": "boolean",
    "attachmentsEnabled": "boolean",
    "timeTrackingConfiguration?": "ConfigurationTimeTracking",

    "workingHoursPerDay": 8,
    "workingDaysPerWeek": 5,
    "timeFormat?": "'pretty' | 'days' | 'hours'",
    "defaultUnit?": "'minute' | 'hour' | 'day' | 'week'",

    "id": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "iconUrl": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "subtask": "boolean",
    "avatarId": "number",
    "expand": "string",
    "fields": "{ [key: string]: FieldMeta }",
    "self?": "string",

    "id": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "type": "string",
    "searchKey": "string",
    "projectIds": "number[]",
    "issueTypeIds": "string[]",
    "numericId": "number",
    "isLocked": "boolean",
    "isManaged": "boolean",
    "isAllProjects": "boolean",
    "isTrusted": "boolean",
    "projectsCount": "number",
    "screensCount": "number",
    "lastValueUpdate": "string",
    "issuesWithValue": "number",

    "id": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "type": "string",
    "searchKey": "string",
    "projectIds": "number[]",
    "issueTypeIds": "string[]",

    "message": "string",
    "deletedCustomFields": "string[]",
    "notDeletedCustomFields": "string[]",

    "id": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "view": "string",
    "self?": "string",

    "value": "string",
    "disabled": "boolean",
    "self?": "string",

     "fields": "{ [key: string]: FieldMeta }",

    "key": "string",
    "value": "any",

    "key": "string",
    "self?": "string",

    "keys": "EntityPropertyKey[]",

    "id": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "custom": "boolean",
    "orderable": "boolean",
    "navigable": "boolean",
    "searchable": "boolean",
    "clauseNames": "string[]",
    "schema": "FieldSchema",

    "type": "string",
    "items": "string",
    "system": "string",
    "custom": "string",
    "customId": "number",

    "id": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "owner": "User",
    "jql": "string",
    "viewUrl": "string",
    "searchUrl": "string",
    "favourite": "boolean",
    "sharePermissions": "FilterPermission[]",
    "sharedUsers": "ListWrapper<User>",
    "subscriptions": "ListWrapper<FilterSubscription>",
    "editable": "boolean",

    "name": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "jql": "string",
    "favourite": "boolean",
    "editable": "boolean",

    "required": "boolean",
    "schema": "JsonType",
    "name": "string",
    "fieldId": "string",
    "autoCompleteUrl": "string",
    "hasDefaultValue": "boolean",
    "operations": "string[]",
    "allowedValues": "any[]",
    "defaultValue": "any",

    "id": "string",
    "type": "string",
    "project": "Project",
    "role": "ProjectRole",
    "group": "Group",
    "user": "User",
    "view": "boolean",
    "edit": "boolean",

    "groupname?": "string",
    "userKey?": "string",
    "type": "string",
    "view": "boolean",
    "edit": "boolean",

    "id": "number",
    "user?": "User",
    "group?": "Group",

    "user?": "User",
    "group?": "Group",

    "name": "string",
    "users": "ListWrapper<User>",
    "expand": "string",
    "self?": "string",

    "header": "string",
    "total": "number",
    "groups": "GroupSuggestion[]",

    "name": "string",
    "html": "string",
    "labels?": "GroupSuggestionLabel[]",

    "text": "string",
    "title": "string",
    "type": "'ADMIN' | 'SINGLE' | 'MULTIPLE'",

    "type": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "descriptionKey": "string",
    "activityDescription": "string",
    "activityDescriptionKey": "string",
    "emailDescription": "string",
    "emailDescriptionKey": "string",
    "actor": "Participant",
    "generator": "Participant",
    "cause": "Participant",
    "extraData": "{ [key: string]: string }",

    "url16x16": "string",
    "title": "string",
    "link": "string",

    "alias": "string",
    "host": "string",
    "token": "string",

    "expand": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "key": "string",
    "fields": "{ [key: string]: any }",
    "renderedFields": "{ [key: string]: any }",
    "properties": {
        "properties": "{ [key: string]: string }",
    "names": "{ [key: string]: string }",
    "schema": "{ [key: string]: JsonType }",
    "transitions": "IssueTransition[]",
    "operations": "LinkGroup[]",
    "editmeta": "EditMeta",
    "changelog": "ChangeLog",
    "versionedRepresentations": "any",
    "fieldsToInclude": "any",

    "transition?": "IssueTransition",
    "fields?": "{ [key: string]: any }",
    "update?": "{ [key: string]: any[] }",
    "historyMetadata?": "HistoryMetadata",
    "properties?": "EntityProperty[]",

    "id": "string",
    "key": "string",
    "self?": "string",

    "issues": "IssueLink[]",
    "errors?": "string[]",

    "id": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "inward": "string",
    "outward": "string",
    "self?": "string",

    "issueLinkTypes": "IssueLinkType[]",

    "key": "string",
    "keyHtml": "string",
    "img": "string",
    "summary": "string",
    "summaryText": "string",

    "sections": "IssuePickerSection[]",

    "label": "string",
    "sub": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "msg": "string",
    "issues": "IssuePicker[]",

    "subject": "string",
    "textBody": "string",
    "htmlBody?": "string",
    "to": "IssueNotificationTo",
    "restrict": "IssueNotificationRetrict",

    "reporter?": "boolean",
    "assignee?": "boolean",
    "watchers?": "boolean",
    "voters?": "boolean",
    "users?": "User[]",
    "groups?": "Group[]",

    "id": "string",
    "key": "string",

    "groups?": "Group[]",
    "permissions?": "IssueNotificationPermission[]",

    "id": "string",
    "key": "string",
    "fields": "IssueReferenceFields",
    "user": "User",

    "summary": "string",
    "status": "Status",
    "issuetype": "IssueType",
    "priority": "Priority",

    "id": "number",
    "globalId": "string",
    "application": "Application",
    "relationship": "string",
    "object": "RemoteObject",

    "issueSecuritySchemes": "SecurityScheme[]",

    "id": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "opsbarSequence": "number",
    "to": "Status",
    "fields": "{ [key: string]: FieldMeta }",
    "expand": "string",

    "expand": "string",
    "transitions": "IssueTransition[]",

    "transition": {
        "id": "string",
    "fields?": "{ [key: string]: any }",
    "update?": "{ [key: string]: any[] }",
    "historyMetadata?": "HistoryMetadata",
    "properties?": "EntityProperty[]",

    "id": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "iconUrl?": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "subtask": "boolean",
    "avatarId?": "number",

    "id": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "defaultIssueType": "IssueType",
    "issueTypes": "IssueType[]",
    "expand": "string",

    "schemes": "IssueTypeScheme[]",
    "self?": "string",

    "votes": "number",
    "hasVoted": "boolean",
    "voters": "User[]",
    "self?": "string",
  • See User Definition.

    "isWatching": "boolean",
    "watchCount": "number",
    "watchers": "User[]",
    "self?": "string",
  • See User Definition.

    "type": "string",
    "items?": "string",
    "system": "string",
    "custom": "string",
    "customId": "number",

    "id": "string",
    "styleClass": "string",
    "header": "SimpleLink",
    "weight": "number",
    "links": "SimpleLink[]",
    "groups": "LinkGroup[]",

    "type": "IssueLinkType",
    "inwardIssue": "IssueReference",
    "outwardIssue": "IssueReference",
    "comment?": "Comment",

    "type": {
        "name": "string",
    "inwardIssue": {
        "key": "string",
    "outwardIssue": {
        "key": "string",
    "comment?": "CommentInput",

This type support Generic Types (T). That means can be of many types (The specified between <> symbols on parent definition)

    "size": "number",
    "max-results?": "number",
    "start-index?": "number",
    "end-index?": "number",
    "items": "T[]",

    "id": "string",
    "displayName": "string",
    "displayNameKey": "string",
    "type": "string",
    "avatarUrl": "string",
    "url": "string",

    "key": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "type": "'GLOBAL' | 'PROJECT'",
    "description": "string",

    "id": "number",
    "holder": "PermissionHolder",
    "permission": "string",
    "self?": "string",

    "type": "string",
    "parameter": "string",
    "user": "User",
    "group": "Group",
    "field": "Field",
    "projecRtole": "ProjectRole",
    "expand": "string",

    "permisions": "{ [key: string]: Permission }",

    "id": "number",
    "name": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "permissions": "PermissionGrant[]",
    "expand": "string",
    "self?": "string",

    "permissionSchemes": "{ [key: string]: PermissionScheme }",

    "id": "string",
    "statusColor": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "iconUrl": "string",
    "name": "string",

    "id": "string",
    "key": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "lead?": "User",
    "components?": "Component[]",
    "issueTypes?": "IssueType[]",
    "url": "string",
    "email": "string",
    "assigneeType": "'PROJECT_LEAD' | 'UNASSIGNED'",
    "versions": "Version[]",
    "name": "string",
    "roles": "{ [key: string]: string }",
    "avatarUrls": "{ [key: string]: string }",
    "projectKeys": "string[]",
    "projectCategory": "ProjectCategory",
    "projectTypeKey": "string",
    "archived": "boolean",

    "id": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "description": "string",

    "id": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "actors": "RoleActor[]",

    "name": "string",
    "link": "any",

    "url": "string",
    "title": "string",
    "summary": "string",
    "icon": "Icon",
    "status": "RemoteObjectStatus",

    "resolved": "boolean",
    "icon": "Icon",
  • See Icon Definition.

    "id": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "displayName": "string",
    "type": "string",
    "avatarUrl": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "defaultSecurityLevelId": "number",
    "levels": "SecuritySchemeLevel[]",
    "id": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "description": "string",

    "scope": "'GLOBAL' | 'AUTHENTICATED' | 'PRIVATE'",

    "id": "string",
    "styleClass": "string",
    "iconClass": "string",
    "label": "string",
    "title": "string",
    "href": "string",
    "weight": "number",
    "id": "string",
    "statusColor": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "iconUrl": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "statusCategory": "StatusCategory",
    "self?": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "key": "string",
    "colorName": "string",
    "name": "string",

    "system": "Avatar[]"

    "key": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "emailAddress": "string",
    "avatarUrls": "{ [key: string]: string }",
    "displayName": "string",
    "active": "boolean",
    "deleted": "boolean",
    "timeZone": "string",
    "locale": "string",
    "groups": "ListWrapper<Group>",
    "applicationRoles": "ListWrapper<ApplicationRole>",
    "expand": "string",
    "self?": "string",

    "id": "string",
    "key": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "type": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "havePermission": "boolean",

    "permisions": "{ [key: string]: UserPermission }",

    "id": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "archived": "boolean",
    "released": "boolean",
    "overdue": "boolean",
    "userStartDate": "string",
    "userReleaseDate": "string",
    "project": "string",
    "projectId": "number",
    "moveUnfixedIssuesTo": "string",
    "operations": "SimpleLink[]",
    "remotelinks": "RemoteEntityLink[]",

    "type": "'group' | 'role'",
    "value": "string",

    "id": "string",
    "author": "User",
    "updateAuthor": "User",
    "comment": "string",
    "created": "string",
    "updated": "string",
    "visibility": "Visibility",
    "started": "string",
    "timeSpent": "string",
    "timeSpentSeconds": "number",
    "issueId": "string",
    "self?": "string",

    "comment": "string",
    "visibility": "Visibility",
    "started": "string",
    "timeSpentSeconds": "number",


CLI application to manage and work with Atlassian Jira. Work with your Jira projects and issues (amonth to many other options) from Command lines.








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