This project creates a movie database that allows users to search for a movie, give the user options based on their search and trending options, then displays the poster, cast, and storyline of their selection along with similar movies. This is an important tool for movie enthusiasts who are looking to get information on their favorite movies and find new movie options based on their tastes and the tastes of others. Building this project helped tighten up our teams HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and JQuery skills along with introducing us to the usage of Bulma and the TMBD API.
When the search page is loaded the user sees a text box with a search button along with posters for eight trending movies. When the user enters a movie into the text box and clicks search, they are then presented with eight movie posters based on their entry. When the cursor is in the text box the five most recent searches are displayed below the textbox. When the user clicks on one of the most recent searches it is then displayed in the textbox. When the user clicks on any of the movie posters displayed, they are taken to a results page which displays the movie poster, names and pictures for the five most prominent actors in the movie, a summary of the storyline, and posters for eight similar movies to their selection. If the user clicks on one of the similar movie posters the page is refreshed with all features of the clicked movie, listed above. A home button is present in the navbar on both pages that when clicked takes the user to the initial state of the search page.
Website URL:
GitHub Repository:
Kris Kurzawa:
Andrew Bostick:
Lauren Lavelle:
Cameron Morin:
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2023 Kris Kurzawa