This repository provides the basic infrastructure to practice with Consumer Driven Contract testing, especially with the realestate-com-au/pact's ecosystem. There are three different components available in this repository:
- a simple Ruby consumer
- a simple Ruby provider
- a Dockerized version of the Pact Broker service (v. 1.16)
Through these components it is possible to practice with Pact's concepts, starting with the examples described in the realestate-com-au/pact's repo.
To setup the components simply run:
./bin/simon_says setup
from the project's root. The script will:
- install the dependencies for the consumer,
- install the dependencies for the provider, and
- create the Docker image with the Pact Broker
After the setup, execute:
./bin/simon_says start_broker
The broker should be now available at http://localhost:8080/.
To create the consumer's pact, run:
./bin/simon_says verify_consumer
which produces an output similar to:
./bin/simon_says:35: warning: Insecure world writable dir /usr/local in PATH, mode 040777
Finished in 0.0275 seconds (files took 0.52251 seconds to load)
1 example, 0 failures
>> Publishing spec/pacts/library_app-books_service.json to pact broker at http://localhost:8080
The latest version of this pact can be accessed at the following URL (use this to configure the provider verification):
The pact is now available in the Pact Broker at http://localhost:8080/pacts/provider/Books%20Service/consumer/Library%20App/latest.
To verify the pact on the provider's side, run:
./bin/simon_says verify_provider
which will produce an output similar to:
Reading pact at http://localhost:8080/pacts/provider/Books%2520Service/consumer/Library%2520App/latest
Verifying a pact between Library App and Books Service
Given a book exists
a request for a book
with GET /books/1
returns a response which
has status code 200
has a matching body
includes headers
"Content-Type" with value "application/json"
1 interaction, 0 failures
To stop the running Docker instance, simply run:
./bin/simon_says stop_broker